Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Agenda Item - 4




DATE: April 18, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

Ruth Davidson-Guerra, Assistant CDD for Redevelopment and Housing

By: Gail Stewart, Downtown Manager


Downtown Burbank Partnership Landscape Program




The purpose of this agenda item is to present the proposed Downtown Landscape program and to consider approval of the plan and direction to proceed to obtain bids.  




As part of the Redevelopment Agency�s efforts to improve the Downtown, the Agency initiated the formation of a Property�based, Business Improvement District (P-BID), which is now formally called the Downtown Burbank Partnership, Inc., to fund a variety of improvements in partnership with Downtown Burbank property owners. A Management District Plan was developed, which outlines the major components of the P-BID including: the boundaries; the service plan and budget; the assessment formula; and the governance of the organization. Specific items that are proposed include: capital improvements such as smart parking, wayfinding signage, street/paseo upgrades (landscape program) and holiday decorations. Also included in the Plan are increased maintenance and security, promotions, advertising, special events, and administration.


Each year for the last two years, staff has presented the Annual Report for the Downtown Burbank Partnership. The Annual Report highlights the accomplishments and improvements that have occurred in the last year of the P-BID Management Plan. Under Capital Projects in the Management Plan, street/paseo upgrades is listed. To accomplish this goal, the P-BID Board and staff have worked with Bennitt and Mitchell, a Landscape Architecture firm, to develop a revised streetscape/landscape plan. The plan will upgrade the north and south areas of Downtown known as the Mall and Village Districts. After several design discussions and changes, at the October 17, 2005 P-BID Board meeting, the Board approved the plan and approved $417,000 for project funding.




The goal for the proposed landscape plan is to update the area, add color, and eliminate some of the heavy concrete look that is throughout Downtown. The new landscape proposal (Exhibit A) includes eliminating the concrete seating walls at mid-block crossings adding benches and new landscaping. The concrete seating walls at the street intersections are proposed to be faced with stone veneer. The four large dated concrete entry monuments and the four smaller metal pole monuments identifying the area with a �B� are proposed to be removed.  Instead, plant containers will be added to offer more color and dimension to enhance aesthetics and the pedestrian experience.


The existing blue metal benches will be replaced with black wrought-iron benches, which will match those that are now on the AMC Walkway. The new benches will also coordinate well with the newly painted black street light poles and provide a more uniform hardscape theme. The Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department will reuse some of the blue metal benches in the various parks.  The existing concrete trash and ash urns will be replaced by the black wrought-iron style also similar to the ones on the AMC Walkway. This too will help eliminate some of the heavy concrete feel. Inverted U bike racks will be added as well as a couple of more stylized bike racks on the AMC Walkway and on two paseos. Specifically, the two paseos that are proposed to have the more stylized bike racks installed is the one next to Mud Makeup School and the paseo next to the former Tony Roma�s location.


The current bulky precast concrete plant containers will be replaced with colored precast plant containers that will be replanted twice a year with flowering annuals. The pergolas or archway columns at the paseos will be painted and flowering containers are proposed to have wisteria that will climb the columns and gracefully cascade through the overhead structure. In addition, decorative uplighting will be installed on the four trellis columns. This treatment will provide much needed interest, dimension and color to the paseos.  Planter containers, wall painting, and updated lighting will also be added to the two paseos. If budget allows, three canvas canopies are proposed to be stretched across the AMC Walkway to add shade and color. These would be changed out more than once a year to add color to compliment the holiday d�cor.


Staff has met with all City Departments and CAM Services, (which provides landscape and sidewalk maintenance) to receive feedback and suggestions on the proposed plan. The baseline services provided by the City of Burbank contracted out to CAM Services will continue on maintaining the landscape and upkeep on San Fernando Boulevard.


Since this work will be paid for by the P-BID, but performed on City property, it is proposed that the City manage the bidding process and the actual project. Originally, the Partnership was going to manage the project since they are funding the project; however, the public nature of the improvements has led staff to recommend that the City manage the project. If the design is approved, staff will return to Council for the award of the contract and to consider entering into an agreement with the Downtown Burbank Partnership to fund the project. Since the streetscape program will be on City right-of-way, the payment of prevailing wages will be required to be paid to all contractors and subcontractors for this project. The proposed streetscape plan is Categorically Exempt from CEQA requirements pursuant to Section 15304 of the State Guidelines pertaining to landscaping and other minor improvements. The estimated completion date of this project is fall 2006.




The Downtown Burbank Partnership, Inc. has taken several important steps in improving and revitalizing Downtown Burbank not only with award-winning events, but also capital improvements such as wayfinding and the proposed Smart Parking signage. The proposed landscape program will update and improve the aesthetics of Downtown and help to create a more vibrate and appealing Downtown experience. The proposed Landscape Program has been reviewed, approved and funded by the Property-based, Business Improvement District.




There is no fiscal impact to the City or Redevelopment Agency as the proposed improvements are to be paid by the Property-based, Business Improvement District through the Downtown Burbank Partnership Board.




It is recommended that the City Council approve the proposed Downtown Burbank Streetscape plan and direct staff to proceed to obtain bids.





 A Landscape report