Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain

Standard drawings Reference sheet



For all sanitary sewer and storm drain construction, please refer to the most recent edition of Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (APWA).



Standard Plan Reference Numbers:



Section 3


transition structures

340-1              transition structure pipe to pipe

341-1              transition structure single rcp to single rcb

342-1              transition structure rcp to pipe

343-1              transition structure single rcb to double rcb

344-1              transition structure double rcb to double rcb

345-1              transition structure double rcb to triple rcb

346-1              transition structure triple rcb to triple rcb inlets

350-1              yard inlet

351-1              csp flared inlet

360-1              sloped protection barrier

361-1              trash rack (inclined)

380-3              concrete collar for rcp 300 mm (12”) through 1800 mm (72”)

381-1             abandonment seals for manholes and inlets

382-1              window details for multiple rcb structures

383-1              velocity control ring precast rcp section

384-2              energy dissipater – impact basin with vertical baffle wall