This facility is disabled accessible. Auxiliary aids and services are available for individuals with speech, vision or hearing impairments (48 hour notice is required). Please contact the ADA Coordinator at (818) 238-5021 voice or (818) 238-5035 TDD with questions or concerns. 5:30 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION IN THE PARK AND RECREATION CONFERENCE ROOM.
When the Agency reconvenes in open session, the Agency may make any required disclosures regarding actions taken in Executive Session or adopt any appropriate resolutions concerning these matters. 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION: Pastor Lewis Bowers, Toluca Lake Trinity Foursquare. FLAG SALUTE: ROLL CALL: HEARING: 1. RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE 104-112 EAST MAGNOLIA BOULEVARD - BURBANK ENTERTAINMENT VILLAGE (AMC PROJECT):This item was postponed from the October 26, 1999 Redevelopment Agency meeting. On August 3, 1999, the Redevelopment Agency approved an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with Burbank Entertainment Village, LLC for the development of a mixed-use retail and entertainment village project including a 16-screen, AMC Theatre, restaurant, retail and office uses, and two public parking structures. The project is located on a 4.1-acre site and is to be developed in two phases. The Phase One site is bounded by First Street, Magnolia Boulevard, Palm Avenue and the back of businesses along San Fernando Boulevard. The Phase Two site is located on the existing AMC property on the south side of Palm Avenue. Pursuant to the terms of the OPA, the developer and the Agency are jointly responsible for assembling the site. On the Phase One site, the Agency is responsible for acquiring the Elks Lodge property, and selling the property to the developer along with the other City and Agency owned properties on the Phase One site. The developer is responsible for acquiring the remaining properties that are owned by third parties. To the extent that the developer is unable to acquire the third party parcels, the Agency is responsible to consider using the power of eminent domain to acquire the remaining third party parcels, after receiving the necessary funds from the developer to fund the acquisition to these properties. There are five third party parcels located on the Phase One site. The developer has reached agreement with three of the property owners to acquire their properties (Hirsch, Townsend and Rediger Trust). The developer was unsuccessful in acquiring the remaining two properties (Giamela and Wonser). The Agency sent its own offers to purchase the properties to the two owners on June 18, 1999. The property at 101 East Palm Avenue is owned by Daniel and Karen Wonser, Trustees of the Daniel and Karen Wonser Family Trust. The property is a 7,392 square foot parcel with a 4,690 square foot building. The property was appraised for $650,000. At the October 26, 1999 Redevelopment Agency meeting, the Agency adopted a Resolution of Necessity to acquire this property. The second property located at 104-112 East Magnolia is owned by Edward and Lida Giamela. The property is a 7,750 square foot parcel with a 2,340 square foot building. The property was appraised at $405,000. Staff has been in contact with Mr. Giamela, who for months has indicated that he would obtain his own appraisal of his property, but has yet to submit a counter offer to the Agency. Since it has been four months since the Agency first made an offer to acquire Mr. Giamela's property, staff is recommending that the Agency take the next step in the condemnation process by conducting a hearing to consider a Resolution of Necessity to acquire the property. A 15-day notice was sent to the owner on October 8, 1999. The Resolution of Necessity is part of the process to acquire the property through eminent domain. If the Agency approves the Resolution, the case will be filed and the owner and occupants will be provided an additional 90 days to maintain possession of the property while the case is considered by the courts. It is important to note that the Agency will continue to negotiate with the owner throughout the process. RECOMMENDATION:Adoption of proposed resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF BURBANK FINDING, DETERMINING AND RESOLVING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE, AND NECESSITY REQUIRES AND AUTHORIZES THE CONDEMNATION FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED WITHIN THE CITY (104-112 EAST MAGNOLIA BOULEVARD) ACTION:Continued to 11/9/99. 5-0. REPORT TO AGENCY: 2. CHILD CARE DEVELOPER SELECTION:In January 1999, the Redevelopment Agency (Agency) and City Council reviewed a feasibility analysis and development strategy for a Housing and Childcare Center Demonstration Project. The analysis suggested that the Agency consider combining an ownership housing project consisting of townhouses and/or condominiums with a childcare center that could accommodate 100 children. The analysis also identified a site in the Golden State neighborhood for the project. This neighborhood is part of a targeted program to revitalize the area. The Agency authorized staff to issue a developer Request for Proposals (RFP) to determine the level of interest from developers. The focus of the RFP was to determine which developer was most qualified to develop the project based on their experience, financial strength, quality of previous projects, and the cost for this project. The Agency received three responses from qualified developers to the RFP: the Lee Group/Los Angeles Community Design Center; M. David Paul; and, the Olson Company. A selection committee was formed consisting of Redevelopment, Planning and Park and Recreation Department staff as well as two representatives of the Childcare Committee. The selection committee determined that all three developers are well qualified to develop the project. In fact, it has been very difficult to choose between the three developers. Even the economics of each proposal suggests that they are all relatively close to each other when considering the various factors involved in each proposal. After trying to consider all of the elements of each proposal, staff would recommend that the Agency select M. David Paul to enter into negotiations for the development of the site. M. David Paul has a proven record for developing quality projects and has a strong incentive to develop a quality project at this site, because of the major investment they are making across the street at the Media Studios North project. Staff would recommend negotiating the terms of the development of the site for a period of not more than six months. If at anytime during that period staff feels negotiations are not progressing satisfactorily, it is further recommended that negotiations with M. David Paul cease, and that the Agency then initiate negotiations with the next most qualified developer, which staff has identified as the Lee Group/LACDC. RECOMMENDATION:It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency direct staff to initiate negotiations with M. David Paul for the development of the Housing and Childcare Center Demonstration Project. ACTION:As recommended. 5-0. RECESS to conclude the City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT. |