Redevelopment Agency Minutes

APRIL 22, 2003

A regular meeting of the Burbank Redevelopment Agency was held in the City of Burbank Council Chamber, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date.  The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Mr. Laurell, Chairman.



The invocation was given by Father Rafael Minassian, Armenian Catholic Church.





The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Elizabeth Coleman.





Present- - - - - -

Absent - - - - - -

Also Present - -

Members Golonski, Murphy, Ramos, Vander Borght and Laurell.

Members None.

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; Mrs. Georgino, Assistant Executive Director; and, Mrs. Campos, Secretary.



10:33 P.M.



Following two public hearings, the combined oral communications and several reports, the Council and Agency held a joint meeting.




Jt Mtg w/Council

RA 90

Acceptance of


Prog. for S. San

Fernando Park/


Ctr. Proj., Phase 1

& Requesting

Approval to Move

Forward w/the

Schematic Design

Phase & S. San

Fernando Blvd.

Streetscape Proj.

Design Dev. Phase


Mr. Clifford, Capital Projects Manager, stated the purpose of the staff report was to request Council acceptance of the Architectural Program for the South San Fernando Project (Project) Phase One and to request approval to move forward with the Schematic Design Phase subject to any recommendations by the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board, City Council, and the Burbank Board of Education; and to provide an update to the Redevelopment Agency Board on the Design Development Phase of the South San Fernando Boulevard Streetscape Project (SSF1). He stated on August 30, 2002, the Council directed staff to proceed with the site demolition, design and preconstruction services for the Project including: a 16,000 square foot (sf) joint use facility to address the need for the Burbank Youth Recreation Program and serve as a permanent home for a community school, a children�s play area, a basketball court, open space, picnic area, and on-site surface parking for at least 16 spaces. He added a community stakeholder�s design workshop in three neighborhoods was held to provide guidance and ensure that the Project met the recreational needs of the local neighborhood to the greatest extent possible. He noted the City�s commitment to pursue a minimum silver rating under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Standard (LEEDS) criteria, to represent the first green building within City limits.


Mr. Wolff, Wolff Lang Christopher, gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the planning process and noted the architectural programming that allowed for 41 parking spaces under the building footprint, adding a parking study would be undertaken to ensure that the projections met the parking needs of the facility.  He described the different rooms which included: a 200-person capacity multi-purpose room, a dance/aerobics facility, several flex program spaces for a variety of different functions, a computer laboratory, administrative space for the City, storage and a central lobby on both stories. He also described the landscape architectural design that allowed for the creation of a tot-lot, basketball court, a park, open and picnic area spaces.      


Mr. Clifford outlined the future scheduling milestones of the Project including; completion of the schematic design phase in Late July 2003; design development in October 2003; submitting 90 percent complete plans to the Department of State Architect in March 2004; construction documents to be completed in July 2004; commencement of construction in September 2004; completion construction in July 2005 and building occupancy and park opening in August 2005. With regard to the fiscal impact, Mr. Clifford stated there was no fiscal impact as a result of Council approval, and that sufficient funding was available.


Ms. Davidson-Guerra, stated at the conclusion of the schematic design phase, the Streetscape Project was presented to the Council and that the project had now moved into the design development phase and all information necessary to proceed to the next level of design had been collected. She added at the community meetings held jointly for the park and school projects, three primary issues concerning vehicular traffic, street crossings and safe pedestrian access to the park, were raised and affirmed that all these concerns could be mitigated through the design process. She added the Streetscape Project met the goals and objectives of the South San Fernando Redevelopment Plan in terms of enhancing the aesthetics of the corridor as well as creating an environment conducive to economic growth and development and also provided a transitional character of the corridor, more sensitive to the adjacent residential neighborhoods. She informed the Council the project had been well received by the community and requested the Council approve the architectural program for the South San Fernando Park, School and Community Center and direct staff to proceed with a schematic design phase subject to any recommendations by the Council and School Board and that the Redevelopment Agency would appoint the Park and School Oversight Committee to also serve as the oversight committee for the South San Fernando Streetscape project.




It was moved by Ms. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Golonski that the �Council accept the Architectural Program for the South San Fernando Project Phase 1 and approve to move forward with the Schematic Design Phase subject to any recommendations by the Park, Recreation and Community Services Board, City Council, and the Burbank Board of Education for the Community Park/School Project, and appoint the South San Fernando Community Park/School Oversight Committee to serve as the Oversight Committee for the South San Fernando Boulevard Streetscape Project.�




The motion was adopted by the following vote:


Ayes:      Members Golonski, Murphy, Ramos, Vander Borght and


Noes:      Members None.

Absent:   Members None.



11:03 P.M.


The Agency recessed at this time to permit the City Council to continue its meeting.  The Agency reconvened at 11:21 p.m. for public comment with all members present.



11:39 P.M.


There being no further business to come before the Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 11:39 p.m.




                                                                           s/Margarita Campos                   







        s/Stacey Murphy         



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