Mr. Bates, Redevelopment
Project Analyst, reported on July 11, 2000, the Redevelopment Agency
directed staff to implement a Village Public Improvement and Program
package which included analyzing a Downtown Wayfinding and Signage Program
to reinforce the visual identity of downtown Burbank through directional
signage, improve awareness of regional destinations and improve vehicular
circulation within the area. He added once established, this system would
direct visitors to free public parking areas within downtown, as well as
direct pedestrians to shops, restaurants, movie theaters, government and
civic offices. He stated the three districts and major destinations
located within downtown have been identified as the Civic District,
Village District, and Mall District, noting their civic, economic and/or
regional significance.
He presented the five sign
types that included: the freeway off-ramp directional signage; the
primary directional signage for major streets; the secondary directional
signs for smaller streets; the parking identification signs; and the
district identification sign.
He noted staff contacted
various civic groups and committees for public input including the Burbank
Stakeholders Association, the Downtown Parking Management Committee, and
the Steering Committee for the Property Based Improvement District (PBID)
and received support for the Wayfinding Signage Program. He added the
program comprised of 120 signs with a total estimated cost of $300,000 and
noted staff�s current efforts of working with a consultant in formulating
a PBID for the downtown area which will include mechanisms for raising
funds to pay for the actual cost of improvement and services within the
downtown area, and that portions of the initial cost could be reimbursed
by the PBID.
Ms. Murphy inquired
if the signs would be illuminated and Mr. Bates informed the Council the
signs would be designed with translucent ink which is highly reflective
with automobile headlights.
Mrs. Ramos requested
clarification on the possibility of reimbursement from the PBID and Mrs.
Georgino stated all the proposed PBID improvements would be brought back
to the Council for approval.
Mr. Vander Borght
expressed concern regarding the color and design, and asked if the signs
could have the traditional California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
color, and an industry standard such as using �P� for parking. Mrs.
Georgino noted the signs were designed with a desire to create a unique
environment in the downtown area and pointed out that parking signs were
already designated with a large �P�.
Mr. Golonski stated
he was in support of the Wayfinding Signage Program but noted the
excessive cost, especially for the smaller identification signs. He
indicated support of a pilot program, including a sample installation to
assess the program�s effectiveness; however, he expressed support of the
Caltrans Downtown Burbank signage on Interstate 5.
Ms. Murphy inquired
as to support by the property owners in the PBID, and Mr. Bates confirmed
property owners were supportive.
Mr. Laurell
indicated support of the program and noted the need for the proposed
Wayfinding Signage Program in the downtown area.