BURBANK REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYTuesday, May 9, 2006Agenda Item - 1 |
The purpose of this report is to provide information to the City Council for the consideration of a lease of City property located at 401 N. Buena Vista Street to the Burbank Housing Corporation for the operation and management of the Buena Vista Family Center.
On August 23, 2005, the City Council and Agency Board approved the re-use of the former Buena Vista Library as a childcare and family resource center. Included in that approval was a Cooperation Agreement between the City of Burbank and Burbank Redevelopment Agency that authorized the Redevelopment Agency to fund and complete the rehabilitation of the former Buena Vista Library site as a childcare and family resource center. The authorization also included the approval of contract documents and bid award to TLD Construction, Inc. for Bid Schedule No. R-1190, and the approval of Alley Vacation V-370 (Exhibit A.)
Prior to the final approval, staff completed several major components of the project: 1.) conducted a childcare needs assessment to confirm the current and future need of childcare in the community (which tracked simultaneously with the community outreach phase); 2.) held community meetings to invite community participation and input on the development of the final use and plans (a 12-month phase); 3.) received Planning Board land use approvals for the Center.
CHILDCARE NEEDS ASSESSMENTStaff contracted with the Knowledge Learning Corporation (Knowledge Learning) to not only confirm the current need for childcare, but to assess the trends for projecting the future need as well. Knowledge Learning�s scope of work included: an assessment of the need for structured (i.e. center-based) childcare in Burbank; an analysis of the current childcare market; an assessment of unmet childcare needs relevant to the Buena Vista Family Center; and recommendations for the conversion and configuration of the proposed facility. In addition, the report included a summary of the childcare facilities within three-miles of the proposed center with facility information such as ages served, accreditation and waiting list if any (Exhibit - B).
Knowledge Learning determined there is an unmet childcare need for both Burbank residents and non-residents who work in the city. In 2004, a total of 2,756 children needed access to structured childcare within Burbank. This included 2,148 children who were Burbank residents, and 608 children of employees who commute from outside Burbank and work within the city. Based on demographic trends, Knowledge Learning concluded that in 2008, a projected total of 2,839 children will need access to structured childcare within Burbank. This is expected to include 2,213 children who are Burbank residents, and 625 children of employees who commute from outside Burbank to work in the city.
Currently, there are 29 structured childcare centers in the City of Burbank within a three-mile radius of the Buena Vista Family Center site. Several of those facilities have waiting lists for their respective facilities. The highest demand is for infant and toddler spaces. The Burbank Housing Corporation Children�s Center (�Children�s Center�) that the Knowledge Learning Corporation operates has a waiting list of more than 100 children. The Horace Mann Children�s Center, one of the Burbank Unified School District�s childcare centers, has a waiting list of more than 250 children.
Knowledge Learning utilized two methodologies to determine the number of children currently served by these centers: 1) estimated enrollment capacity based on the number of employees at each center; and 2) conducted a phone survey of the childcare centers to gather more specific information about the nature of the childcare available.
Knowledge Learning determined there is substantial unmet need for structured childcare. In 2004, the 29 existing Burbank facilities within a three-mile radius of the site were at 90% - 100% average utilization and provided care for 61% or 1,674 of the total children who needed access to structured childcare (2,756). As such, 39% or 1,082 of the total children who needed structured childcare were not being served by existing childcare centers. Furthermore, the number of children ages 0-5 is expected to increase 3.0% by the year 2008. Despite an assumed yearly increase of childcare services, by 2008 the projected need will be 31%, or 880 children, who may not be served by existing childcare centers. The table below summarizes the 2004 total and projected childcare statistics; comparing total demand, supply, and current and projected unmet need.
Based on these findings, Knowledge Learning determined that there is currently and will be a considerable demand for additional structured childcare facilities within a three-mile radius of the Buena Vista Family Center. In addition, based on an assessment of the proposed plans, Knowledge Learning stated that up to 88 children could be accommodated at the proposed center. Therefore, even with the proposed Buena Vista childcare and family resource center, Knowledge Learning confirmed there would still be a need for additional structured childcare.
As a separate measure of the Burbank Workforce (non-resident) childcare need, there were several questions asked regarding the need for childcare in a Workforce Housing Survey conducted by staff during fall 2004. There were 323 non-resident, Burbank employees that responded to the childcare portion of the survey (45% of total respondents). Of the respondents with children between the ages of 0 � 5 years:
As noted above, 89% of the respondents to the childcare portion of the survey with children stated they would be interested in a childcare facility in the City of Burbank, indicating that in addition to the need for childcare, interest for childcare in proximity to a person�s workplace also exists; further validating the conclusions reached in Knowledge Learning Corporation�s assessment.
COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION After extensive community participation and input to determine the final land use of the site, staff presented the land use to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board on July 2003. The final land use was approved as a childcare facility. In addition, the City Council and Agency Board requested that staff meet with the community to develop plans to add a family resource center, and address concerns of the community that included: the impact to Frederic Street with additional traffic; the need for a buffer along the perimeter of the site; and the security of the playground areas.
PLANNING BOARD ACTION As directed, staff along with a collaborative inter-departmental effort with the Parks, Recreation, & Community Services department, Burbank Water and Power, Police, Fire and Public Works Departments sought Planning Board approval of project entitlements. On January 10, 2005, the Planning Board approved the land use entitlements for the reuse of the former Buena Vista library as a childcare facility and family resource center. The Planning Board approved the following (Exhibit - C):
The following is a summary of some of the project specific conditions of approval:
The primary concern of the Planning Board was to minimize traffic, circulation and parking (along Buena Vista Street) impacts to the neighborhood. Therefore, the Planning Board asked staff to continuously monitor the facility and to mitigate any impacts that may arise. Staff will monitor the facility and coordinate as necessary with the appropriate departments to minimize impacts to the neighborhood. In addition, due to state licensing requirements related to the safety of the children, the family resource center will be self-contained and will not have access to the childcare facility and will have its own entrance and restroom facilities.
PROPOSED OPERATIONS As background, the approved project includes the rehabilitation of the existing 7,900 square foot former library building to be utilized as a childcare center for 84-88 children. An additional 640 square feet has been added to the building along Buena Vista Street to be the family resource center. The project includes the undergrounding and rerouting of overhead electrical lines (in the alley, parallel to Buena Vista Street; adjacent to the building). In addition, a portion of the north/south alley with access from Verdugo Avenue has been vacated to create a contiguous site and a safe play yard area.
Childcare Facility Childcare services will be provided for Burbank residents and the Burbank workforce. The childcare facility will provide infant and pre-kindergarten classes for 84-88 children. The Center will open with an enrollment of 88 children. Based on the current teacher/child ratio established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, there is a possibility that the center may have to reduce the enrollment to 84 children. The accreditation process is based on a point factor, therefore, with a new facility built specifically for the use of children there is a possibility that the 88 spaces may remain. If the center is required to reduce the number of spaces to 84, two spaces will be eliminated from the older preschoolers (age 3) and two spaces from pre-kindergarten (age 4). As the children graduate from these class levels the vacant spaces will not be filled in order to meet the teacher/child ratio requirements.
The breakdown of the 88 children to be served is outlined as follows:
In accordance with State licensing requirements for play yard space, two play yards will be provided. The main play yard for the preschool children will be located at the rear of the building adjacent to the parking lot. This play yard is approximately 5,415 ��������square feet and will be used by the preschool and pre-kindergarten children; with a small portion sectioned off for infants. The second play yard will be located at the front of the building and will be approximately 1,185 square feet, to be used by toddlers and young preschoolers. The play yard equipment for both play yards will be selected in collaboration with the childcare operator, but will generally include play structures, different surface materials, benches, etc. For safety and security reasons, the play yards will have block walls that are six to eight feet in height.
Hours of operation for the proposed childcare facility will be from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Family Resource Center The family resource center will have no access to the childcare center and will include its own restroom facilities in order to secure the childcare facility that must adhere to strict state licensing requirements on the use of the childcare space. However, there may be opportunities to use the classrooms for �babysitting� for attendees of the evening family resource center programs.
During weekdays when the childcare center is open, the family resource center will be open to the public as an information center only. During the evenings and weekends when the childcare center is closed, programs, classes and other possible activities will be held.
Daytime hours of operation for the family resource center will be from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday. During these hours of operation, approximately 250 square feet of the facility will be utilized. Volunteers may staff the family resource center, however, it is anticipated that the center will mostly be �self serve.� The following are possible (but not limited to) resources that may be available to the community:
Through partnerships with community organizations, the family resource center will provide evening and weekend programs, classes and events geared towards building healthy families, and will fully utilize the entire 640 square feet. The following is the proposed schedule for evenings and weekends:[2]
This expanded program component will only be held when the childcare center is closed in order to share the on-site parking provided. A discussion on the proposed partners and programs for the center is included later in the report.
CITY AND BURBANK HOUSING CORPORATION � PROPOSED LEASE TERMS As recommended when the project was approved in August 2005, staff is proposing that the City enter into a long-term, real property lease with the Burbank Housing Corporation to provide exclusive management responsibilities of the childcare and family resource center. The management and operations of the Buena Vista Center are proposed to be structured similar to the management structure of the Children�s Center located on Ontario. In which, BHC owns the center and KLC operates the center. The distinction is the long-term 55 year lease with the BHC to manage the center. The proposed cost of the proposed lease would be $1 per year to the BHC. As a condition of the lease, the BHC will agree to enter into an initial five-year agreement with the Knowledge Learning Corporation for the operations of the childcare center. Lastly, just as with Children�s Center structure, BHC will be required to pay all start-up and pre-opening expenses (furniture, equipment, hiring and associated initial opening expenses) estimated at $305,000. Funding for the first year�s management fee along with the start-up costs (and an initial $10,000 allowance for the family resources component) totals $370,000.
Another of BHC�s responsibilities, as part of the proposed lease is to manage (via Knowledge Learning Corporation) enrollment by establishing a single waiting list, which would apply to both the Children�s and Buena Vista Centers. By treating both centers as a single resource, greater equity would be provided to those 100 or so currently on the Children�s Center waiting list and Buena Vista stabilization would be anticipated to occur sooner than typically expected. Since 20% of the spaces will be designated as affordable and since there is a proposed ramp-up period, which calls for 10% affordability at center opening, then another 10% when the center reaches 50% occupancy, staff forecasts the full 20% affordable spaces to be available in less than one year of opening.
Finally, the proposed lease between the City and BHC will require BHC to oversee the successful operation of the family resource center component. As it does with other BHC centers within our focus neighborhoods, City staff will assist with this task through a collaborative effort among a variety of non-profit service providers.
The Burbank Housing Corporation has been managing the Children�s Center for the last two years. They own the property and have entered into a Management Agreement with the Knowledge Learning Corporation, an experienced childcare operator, who runs the center. Staff is proposing a similar management and operations structure as they have a proven track record for running a highly successful center. In just two years, that center is operating well above projected levels. The enrollment is at full capacity and currently the center has a waiting list of approximately 100 children.
In addition, to BHC�s experience in operating a childcare center, they also have incorporated several successful Activity Centers within their properties. Community education and awareness has long been a part of the City�s/Agency�s affordable housing program. The Agency not only assists with building affordable housing, but also establishes the facilities that house community services that build healthy families. The Elmwood Achievement Center, the Verdugo Activity Center and the two new activity centers in the Peyton Grismer and Golden State Neighborhoods, have and will have a secondary revitalizing effect on the neighborhoods. Therefore, in existing and future Agency-assisted affordable housing projects and programs in the Project Areas, Focus Neighborhoods and throughout the city, the residents will be made aware of the Buena Vista Family Center, and will be given priority notice and registration for classes, events and programs at the facility. This is an important component of the Agency�s efforts in providing service enriched affordable housing.
Summary of terms for the Lease Agreement:
KNOWLEDGE LEARNING CORPORATION- PROPOSED OPERATOR Inasmuch as the proposed lease with BHC calls for an operations agreement with KLC, it may be beneficial to reflect back on how the KLC was originally chosen as the operator for the Children�s Center. About three years ago, staff and the Burbank Housing Corporation went through an extensive Request for Proposals/Request for Qualifications process to select a childcare operator for the Children�s Center. The selection committee included staff from Community Development and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Departments, representatives from the City�s Childcare Committee and the Burbank Housing Corporation. The result of that extensive screening and selection process (that included tours of facilities in other cities) was the hiring of the Knowledge Learning Corporation.
The Knowledge Learning Corporation childcare program has a focus on education. Even after the company merged with Kinder Care earlier this year, staff was assured that the education component of their centers will not change. It is the only national childcare company whose president holds a Ph.D. in Education and has extensive industry experience. In addition, they have demonstrated an ability to operate a nationally accredited program. More than 800 of their centers, with 400+ in process, have received and maintained accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Based on this program, Knowledge Beginnings (one of the operating arms of the company) has successfully operated the Children�s Center since its opening two years ago. Staff recommends the Knowledge Learning Corporation as the operator of the proposed Buena Vista childcare center for several reasons: 1) Knowledge Beginnings has an exemplary reputation in the childcare industry; 2) they have a proven history in the community with the very successful program at the Children�s Center; and 3) they have experience working with the Burbank Housing Corporation
BURBANK HOUSING CORP. AND KNOWLEDGE LEARNING CORP. � PROPOSED OPERATION AGREEMENT TERMS Comparable to the Children�s Center structure, if the proposed lease with BHC is approved, BHC, on an annual basis, would pay Knowledge Learning Corporation a �flat� management fee of $55,000 (with annual increases of 5%) to operate the childcare component of the center. This management fee model would require BHC to maintain financial responsibility for the center while the Knowledge Learning Corporation assumes all operational management and liability. In addition, BHC will maintain control over the tuition rates for both market and subsidized spaces (an important factor in managing the gap between market and affordable rates). As mentioned earlier, BHC is proposed to pay all start-up and pre-opening expenses (furniture, equipment, hiring and associated initial opening expenses) estimated at $305,000. Funding for the first year�s management fee along with the start-up costs (and an initial $10,000 allowance for the family resources component) totals $370,000. As mentioned, all expenses, except for the annual management fee are one-time costs.
It is estimated that after the first year of operation, the profits generated from the Center will offset the management fee. Any profit generated from the center after compensating the management fee will then be reinvested to provide deeper subsidy levels for the affordable spaces. As part of the approved BHC debt restructuring, an annual allowance of $65,000 per year has been incorporated to cover the operating costs of the facility.
In order for the BHC to effectively continue to provide affordable housing staff is recommending a forgivable loan in the amount of $370,000. This forgivable loan will secure BHC�s cash flow for current housing activities. Therefore, staff is proposing a forgivable loan (over ten-years of operating the Center; as outlined in the Loan agreement.) In addition to the proposed forgivable loan in the amount of $370,000, staff proposes to transmit the $75,000 play yard allowance approved in the fiscal year 05-06 project budget to BHC for the purchase and installation of play yard equipment. This will allow BHC to work with KLC in selecting the preferred play yard equipment.
Summary of Terms for the Operation Agreement:
There has been extensive community participation and input during the last two years, including the joint public hearing last summer, on the final plans and operations of the center. Specifically, comments from the community meetings, discussions with City departments, the Childcare Committee, Knowledge Learning Corporation and the State Licensing Board were incorporated into the final plans for the childcare and family resource center.
Based on these comments, a collaborative inter-departmental effort, and discussions with the Burbank Housing Corporation, the following is a summary of the terms for the Management Agreement between the Burbank Housing Corporation and the Knowledge Learning Corporation:
The Management Agreement between the Burbank Housing Corporation and the Knowledge Learning Corporation is an attachment to the Lease and Agreement between the City of Burbank and the Burbank Housing Corporation. Affordability ComponentAlso tailored after the Children�s Center, staff proposes that 20% (18) of the spaces be made affordable to moderate-income households. However, to allow the proposed childcare facility to reach full capacity and become financially stable, staff recommends a �ramp-up� affordability period. The industry standard for new childcare centers to reach full capacity and become financially stable is two to three years. Even the very successful Children�s Center, that is now at 100% capacity in only two years, experienced cash flow challenges during its first year.
Therefore, the recommendation is to make 10% of the spaces affordable at start-up, and when the childcare center reaches 50% capacity, increase the number of affordable spaces to 20%. This proposed affordability ramp-up period should allow the center to better stabilize financially, as enrollment reaches capacity. The subsidized spaces would be made available on a first-come-first-served basis to qualifying households. Residents of Burbank Housing Corporation projects, Agency-assisted projects in the Project Areas, elsewhere in the city, as well as the Focus Neighborhoods, will receive priority notice of the affordable childcare spaces. In addition, staff will be seeking corporate sponsorships that may assist with providing deeper subsidies to eligible households.
Corporate Sponsorship ProgramIt is proposed that the Buena Vista Family Center use a similar corporate sponsorship program adopted in July 2005 for the Burbank Housing Corporation Children�s Center (Exhibit D.) The program allows priority enrollment to a corporate sponsor that purchases a block of 12 childcare spaces at an annual fee of $10,000. Of this amount, $4,000 would be used to offset Knowledge Learning Center�s costs to administer the enrollment and waiting list, with the remaining $6,000 to be used to reduce the tuition rates for the 20% affordable spaces that are proposed to be available to Burbank residents. For each corporate sponsor who purchases a block of 12 spaces, the tuition reduction would increase accordingly. It is proposed that any one corporation could not purchase more than two blocks of 12 spaces, and that the total number of corporate spaces be restricted to 24 spaces, representing 27% of the total spaces in the Buena Vista center.
Therefore, one or two Corporate Sponsors may participate in either: 1) one block of 12 spaces each, or 2) one sponsor for a total of 24 spaces. It is proposed that if the Corporate Sponsorship Program is successful, some of the affordable spaces could be reserved for households, who are at or below moderate-income levels. First priority for these lower rates would be given to households in Burbank Housing Corporation or City/Agency-sponsored affordable housing developments then to city-wide Burbank residents.
Economic Development Support The corporate sponsorship program will be a beneficial part of the center as it will benefit the businesses (and residents) city-wide. More specifically, it will benefit the City�s primary employment base within the Golden State, City Centre, and West Olive Project Areas. In addition to the South San Fernando Project Area, they are all located within the three-mile radius that KLC identified as the key factor in determining the financial success of a new childcare facility. The enrollment of residents and businesses within the Children�s Center reveals that of the parents that currently have a child enrolled, 42% are employed within the City. In addition, of the parents that are currently on the waiting list, 38% are employed within the City.
In many cases, businesses within the City cannot accommodate childcare facilities at their existing sites. Therefore, as a benefit to the businesses located within the Project Areas, the Buena Vista Center will provide a childcare facility in close proximity to the City�s primary employment base. Staff will promote the childcare facility and family resource center to the businesses within the Project Areas (in addition to City-wide) by providing registration notification and information on classes, events and programs. In addition, businesses will be informed of and have the opportunity to become a corporate sponsor for priority childcare enrollment for employees.
As stated before, one key goal of the Agency�s redevelopment efforts within the Project Area�s is economic development through business retention and attraction. The center would be a vital component to the city�s infrastructure and would support the Agency�s efforts in preserving and building a healthy economic climate.
Enrollment ProcessWith the successful Children�s Center operating at full capacity in just two years, the City has an opportunity to look at that center and the Buena Vista Family Center as one childcare resource. This is particularly important as the Children�s Center has over 100 people on the waiting list; with the highest demand being for the infant and toddler spaces. Staff has been informed that there is a two-year wait period for the infant and toddler spaces.
By looking at the two centers as one resource, parents who have been on Children�s Center waiting list will be afforded an opportunity to enroll at the Buena Vista Center instead of having to go through an open enrollment process. Therefore, staff is proposing that the Knowledge Learning Corporation develop one master waiting list for both centers. Parents interested in the Buena Vista center will be asked to apply now for both centers. Their names will be added to the end of the Children�s Center waiting list and will then become the master list. By early Mid-May staff will have a sign erected at the Buena Vista Center site that informs interested parties of the opportunity and contact information.
Again, the following is a summary of the tiered, priority approach to fill the spaces at the childcare center that follows the Children�s Center and Corporate Sponsorship Priority System:
Through the first and second priorities, staff expects to fill the subsidized spaces. Through the third priority, the Corporate Sponsorship program, staff expects to receive the financial means to possibly provide deeper subsidies to the affordable spaces. Finally, to fill the remaining spaces at the Buena Vista center, staff will follow the fourth through sixth priorities using the master waiting list.
Family Resource Center Partners and ProgramsAs part of Knowledge Learning Corporation�s initial assessment for the development of the family resource center, KLC conducted a benchmarking analysis for both local and national community and family resource centers. Based on the research, KLC determined that the services that closely resembled the Buena Vista Family Center�s mission were found in the Middle Country Public Library Enhancement Project in New York. This center provided a comprehensive supply of resource materials via print and Internet, covering such topics as educational enrichment, parenting, child development, and job readiness training. Based on the New York model City staff conducted a regional search within Los Angeles County to identify local programming, facilities, and resources.
Based on on-site tours, as well as, input from the community during community meetings and the City�s Childcare Committee, staff has compiled a list of various programming suggestions to be offered at the facility. Staff presented an initial list of programs to City Council on August 23, 2005 during project consideration. At that time, staff was directed by City Council to return at a later date with a comprehensive list of topics/programming and potential partnerships for further review.
Staff has conducted two phases of outreach to community-based organizations to provide potential programming at the family resource center. First, staff requested a Letter of Interest (LOI) to over 75 community based organizations within Los Angeles County, specifically the Valley Area covering: Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando Valley, and surrounding cities within close proximity to Burbank. The interested organizations were to provide their mission statement, description of organization, types of services provided and contact information for future correspondences. Of the 75 organizations contacted, eight organizations submitted a LOI.
Staff then conducted a second outreach phase and focused on community-based organizations located within Burbank. A total of 15 organizations were identified and received a letter requesting an opportunity to meet and discuss the organization�s goals, programs, and a possible partnership in providing programs and services at the center. To date, staff has met with eight interested organizations and each has submitted a proposal. Staff will once again contact the organizations who did not (for various) reasons submit a proposal in order to ensure cooperation from as many Burbank community based organizations. At minimum, these organizations will have the opportunity to utilize the facility during the daytime �drop in� hours by providing information on their organizations as a resource for the community. Exhibit- E represents the list of interested Burbank community based organizations and their proposed programming. The following is a summary of proposed programming, but not limited to, the family resource center:
In addition to the proposed programming, staff will continuously seek opportunities to fill in programming gaps with local organizations and organizations outside of Burbank. The following list of programs has been identified to achieve a variety of topics that will benefit the community:
Center Logistics � Upon approval of the potential programs, staff will begin working on the program schedule. BHC and City staff will be the lead in organizing the partners and programs at the center. The goal is to schedule programs and activities at a minimum of six months to one year in advance for the center. In addition, staff will begin establishing the procedure on how organizations will use the facility to include: staff support, key arrangement (pick up and return), key deposit, and facility set up and tear down. In order to provide consistency for the community, the Buena Vista Family Center will mirror to the greatest extent possible, the �housekeeping� and user protocol as other City-owned community-use spaces.
The primary concern of the Planning Board was to minimize traffic, circulation and parking (along Buena Vista Street) impacts to the neighborhood. Therefore, the Planning Board asked staff to continuously monitor the facility and to mitigate any impacts that may arise. Staff will monitor the facility and coordinate as necessary with the appropriate departments to minimize impacts to the neighborhood.
At the request of an adjacent resident, staff inquired with the Public Works Department and Police Department on allowing a �permit� to make the right hand turn, changing the text on the sign and modifying the physical diverter. Staff cannot allow an exception for one resident not to make the right turn and in order to enforce the sign, clear hours need to be depicted � not just during center hours. Furthermore, the physical diverter may be modified. However, after further discussions, staff recommends that the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Board not be amended at this time and that staff monitor the facility and explore these options again once the facility is up and running, as recommended by the Planning Board.
There is no fiscal impact to the City�s General Fund with the proposed Lease of the property to the Burbank Housing Corporation. There are sufficient funds in the project account number 306.CD22A.70004.0000.15653 to transmit $75,000 for the play yard equipment to the Burbank Housing Corporation. An appropriation in the amount of $370,000 is required for the forgivable loan to the Burbank Housing Corporation. Sufficient funding is available in the Housing Set Aside un-appropriated fund balance (305.ND000.30004.0000.000000) to be transferred to the Burbank Housing Corporation.
Staff recommends the approval of the proposed City Council and Redevelopment Agency resolutions authorizing the Lease of the property to the Burbank Housing Corporation and a forgivable loan to the Burbank Housing Corporation for the operation and management of the Buena Vista Family Center. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Lease and Agreement with the Burbank Housing Corporation with the terms and parameters outlined in the staff report, and that the Agency Board approve a budget amendment of $370,000 for a forgivable loan to the Burbank Housing Corporation. There are available Redevelopment Agency funds to fund these necessary expenses.
Exhibit A � Childcare and Family Resource Center Project Consideration, Award of Contract, and Alley Vacation � August 23, 2005 Staff Report Exhibit B � Knowledge Learning Corporation Report- Executive Summary Exhibit C � Planning Board Resolution No. 2969 Exhibit D � Priority System and Corporate Sponsorship Program � July 12, 2005 Staff Report Exhibit E � Family Resource Center Partners and Programs Matrix Exhibit F � Landscape Plan Exhibit G � Site Plan
[1] The staff to include 10 teachers, 1 director and 1 assistant director. [2] This schedule closely follows the schedule of the Buena Vista Library. The only difference is that the Buena Vista Library closes at 6:00 p.m. on Friday evenings. [3] As NAEYC Accreditation is based on a point system, staff has no way of telling for sure if the center capacity will be altered.