BURBANK REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYTuesday, May 2, 2006Agenda Item - 3 |
To request Redevelopment Agency Board approval for appropriation of funds in the amount of $4,545,114 and approval of a Professional Service Agreement, and City Council approval of contract documents, and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1207 � South San Fernando Boulevard Street Improvement Project.
The South San Fernando Boulevard Street Improvement Project includes roughly a �-mile portion of the boulevard between Verdugo Avenue and Spazier Avenue (at the Glendale border) as shown on Exhibit A. The Project is located in the South San Fernando Redevelopment Project Area and is an important component of the redevelopment of the area. This corridor is one of the primary gateways to the city and serves as a direct link into Downtown Burbank. This street improvement project is intended to stimulate revitalization of the area. The project complements the City�s and Agency�s investments in the area, including the recently completed Burbank Senior Artists Colony project and Burbank Accessible Apartments (sponsored by United Cerebral Palsy), as well as the San Fernando Walk residential project currently under construction and the proposed Robert R. Ovrom Park project. The street improvement project is intended to help encourage property upgrades and future quality development throughout the corridor.
On July 30, 2002, the proposed schematic design was presented to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board, when staff was directed to proceed with the Design Development Phase. As part of the Schematic Design and Design Development Phases, staff held seven community meetings and several �one-on-one� meetings to gather input from residents, property and business owners in the area. On January 13, 2004, the City Council and Agency Board approved the Design Development Plans (Exhibit B) for the street improvement project and directed staff to prepare construction documents. The following summarizes the major components of the final design.
� Median Improvements The most notable component to the street improvement project will be the installation of landscaped street medians along the South San Fernando Boulevard corridor. The medians will include low and medium height flowering shrubs and ground covers, an automatic irrigation system, 36-inch and 48-inch box trees, landscape accent lighting, and place holders for future public art pieces. The medians have been engineered to allow left-hand turn movements at all intersections.
� Parkway Improvements The existing sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, catch basins and curb and gutter will be completely removed and replaced. The sidewalk improvements will consist of natural concrete paving with a diagonal scoring pattern. While this will create a similar effect to stamped concrete, it will be easier to match in the future when projects require removal and replacement of certain sections of the sidewalk. Over 100, 36-inch box street trees, decorative tree grates and trash receptacles are included in the parkway improvements. This will have an immediate positive visual impact since there are very few street trees at the present time. The proposed improvements also include two bus shelters, 22 trash receptacles, ten decorative chairs, eleven 72-inch benches and various custom raised planters with an embedded cobalt blue glass design. The street asphalt concrete pavement will be removed and replaced with 2-inch rubberized asphalt throughout the length of the project.
� Pedestrian Lighting The proposed lighting (Exhibit C) consists of decorative, pedestrian-scale fixtures that are both contemporary and classic in style. These fixtures will replace the existing cobra standards that create unattractive vertical �soldiers� not conducive to creating a pedestrian friendly environment. The new fixtures will be approximately 16 feet in height and will light both pedestrian and vehicular corridors with bright white light instead of the orange/pink hue created by the current lights. These fixtures will provide ample lighting for safety while creating an ambient light that enhances the overall nighttime experience, further improving the pedestrian experience.
The proposed decorative light standards will be placed approximately 80 feet on center and will meet all requirements for roadway and pedestrian lighting in accordance with ANSI RP8 � luminance method, thus ensuring the appropriate level of light and brightness. Landscape lighting will also be provided within the median to enhance the visual experience. Up-lighting of trees will also be provided, in addition to possible seasonal lighting for holiday events.
� Traffic Signal Modification The existing traffic signal system at the intersection of South San Fernando Boulevard and Providencia Avenue will be modified. The existing controller cabinet will be replaced, new traffic signal poles, pull boxes, loop detector and interconnect wires will be installed.
� Plant Palette The proposed plant palette for the San Fernando Boulevard Street Improvement Project offers varied texture, color and floral qualities. The softscape has been designed to provide maximum visual quality and interest.
PARKWAY TREES - The parkway landscaping includes Arbutus �Marina� (Exhibit D) street trees which will be placed approximately 20 feet on center along the corridor on both sides of the street. The Arbutus has a non-invasive root system and is ideal for planting along pedestrian access areas. It is a medium scale, flowering evergreen tree with dark green foliage and very showy copper-colored bark.
MEDIAN TREES � Five different types of trees are proposed for the center medians (Exhibit D): the Eastern Redbud tree; the Saucer Magnolia tree; the Michelia �Champaca� (no common name); the Maidenhair tree and the Australian Willow. Maidenhair and Australian Willow provide the central upright form while Eastern Redbud trees and/or Michelia Champaca with the Saucer Magnolia trees placed closest to the median apex.
SHRUBS � The proposed palette of shrubs (Exhibit E) offers a variety in height, color, texture and flowering characteristics. Included in the design are the following plants (common names): Ivy Geranium; New Zealand Flax; variegated Society Garlic; dwarf Lily of the Nile; dwarf Bottlebrush; Bird of Paradise; Heavenly Bamboo; India Hawthorne; and a selection of Daylilies. Seven of the nine proposed shrubs are flowering in nature, providing a changing show of colors throughout the year.
� Art Element Staff�s intent is to provide place holders for potential future art installations. These place holders will occur within the larger medians with low level plantings. This will provide adequate visibility for future art pieces to add another visually pleasing element to the corridor. Installation of the art component is not a part of the proposed street improvement project; however, it is prudent at this time to create opportunities for future installation of an art element.
� Sanitary Sewer Improvements The Public Works Department recently completed a Sewer Master Plan. This plan involved an intense monitoring and modeling program designed to evaluate the current state of the City�s sanitary sewer system as well as future system needs. The current and future system needs were prioritized, ranked and compiled into a Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
The CIP identified the sanitary sewer line along South San Fernando Boulevard between Valencia Avenue and Cedar Avenue as a Priority 6, which is the highest priority and requires immediate attention. The plan showed this line to be capacity deficient in both current and future flow conditions.
In order to alleviate the capacity deficiency, a 12-inch-diameter parallel relief sewer was designed. The relief sewer consists of the installation of 300 lineal feet of 12-inch-diameter PVC sewer pipe and the construction of three sanitary sewer maintenance holes near the intersection of Cedar Avenue and South San Fernando Boulevard. This relief sewer will alleviate the current capacity deficiencies as well provide the capacity required for future development in the areas upstream of this sanitary sewer line.
In an effort to avoid the future disturbance of the surface improvements associated with South San Fernando Boulevard Streetscape Project and to avoid potential construction scheduling issues, staff chose to include the construction of the relief sewer as an addendum to this project.
Once the construction documents were completed, Public Works Department solicited construction bids. The initial bid opening occurred on September 13, 2005. Only two (2) bids were received in the amount of $4,438,975.00 and $4,490,303.00, both exceeding the engineer�s estimate by about $1.2 million. This was due to the high cost of asphalt concrete and other building materials driven by recent hurricanes� destruction in the southeastern part of the nation, as well as the increase in oil prices. All bids were rejected and staff decided to delay the second bidding until oil prices and other construction materials stabilized. Also, by renaming the project from a streetscape project to a street improvement project, more contractors were interested in bidding on the project. The competitiveness helped in achieving a construction price closer to the engineer�s original estimate.
The second bid opening for Bid Schedule No. 1207 was held on March 14, 2006, and five (5) contractors submitted bids as follows:
CONTRACTORS BID AMOUNT 1. Sequel Contractor�s Inc. $ 3,924,164.00 2. Sully Miller Contracting Co. $ 4,387,818.50 3. Los Angeles Engineering Inc. $ 4,409,737.00 4. All American Asphalt $ 4,436,002.75 5. Palp Inc. $ 4,543,800.00 DBA Excel Paving Company
Upon review of the bid documents, staff finds Sequel Contractor�s Inc. to be the lowest responsible bidder. Staff has contacted the State of California Contractor�s State License Board and has found the license of Sequel Contractors Inc. is current, active, and in good standing. Additionally, staff contacted several references, which provided confirmation that Sequel Contractors Inc. had satisfactorily completed their projects.
The Agency is funding the street improvement project with 2003 Tax Allocation bond proceeds for the South San Fernando Redevelopment Project Area, which called out this project as the primary component. The bid amount of $3,549,664 plus a 15% contingency ($532,450) is $4,082,114. In addition to the street improvements, staff also requests appropriation of $150,000 for water main upgrades not included in the construction bid. Of that amount, $100,000 is proposed to be the Agency�s contribution to upgrading the domestic water main from an 8-inch main to a 12-inch main and the remaining $50,000 is for conversion of the 8-inch main to a recycled water line to irrigate the proposed and future improvements. Domestic water will be used initially to irrigate the street trees and medians until recycled water is provided to the corridor as part of Burbank Water & Power�s recycled water master plan.
To assist with the project, staff recommends that LAN Engineering be retained to provide construction management and inspection services. Staff solicited proposals and selected LAN Engineering based on their experience and familiarity with Burbank (including the recently completed Burbank Boulevard bridge widening project), qualifications of their team members and their proven track record. Staff then negotiated a contract in an amount not to exceed $263,000. Staff requests appropriation of funds and the authority to execute a Professional Services Agreement with LAN Engineering. Also during construction, staff anticipates the need for additional landscape and architectural services from David Evans and Associates. David Evans and Associates has estimated that the costs for these additional services will be approximately $50,000. Staff also requests the appropriation of funds for these additional services. The combined appropriation request is $4,545,114 for all related costs. This project is considered Categorical Exempt under CEQA Section 15301(c).
Community Outreach
If the construction contract is approved and the streetscape project funded, staff will reach out to the community to inform the public of the upcoming project, the project schedule and the status of other activities in the area. Staff will prepare regularly scheduled newsletters providing updates for area residents and business owners. These newsletters will be sent to residents, business and property owners within a 1000-foot radius of the streetscape project limits. This radius extends to Glenoaks Boulevard to the east, the I-5 Freeway to the west, the Glendale border to the south and Olive Avenue to the north.
The Redevelopment Agency will fund the streetscape project with available 2003 South San Fernando Redevelopment Project Area bond proceeds. The low bid of $3,924,164 includes $374,500 for proposed sewer improvements along the corridor. This sewer work is included in Public Works� Capital Improvement Program and will be paid by the Water Reclamation and Sewer Fund in account No. 494.PW2315042.13650. The total bid amount for the streetscape project is $3,549,664. Adding a fifteen percent (15%) construction contingency ($532,450), the total cost for the proposed streetscape improvements is $4,082,114. In addition to the streetscape improvements, staff requests funding for water main upgrades ($150,000) and funding for two Professional Services Agreements. One is for construction management and inspection with LAN Engineering for $263,000 and the other is for additional architectural and engineering services with David Evans and Associates for an estimated $50,000. The total Agency funding request is $4,545,114. Staff requests authority to appropriate $4,545,114 from 306-ND000-30004-0000-000000�Unappropriated Fund Balance to 370-CP01A-70005-0000-13154-South San Fernando Street Improvement Project. Construction of this project is planned to start in June 2006 and be complete by December 2006.
Staff recommends that the Redevelopment Agency Board adopt the proposed resolution appropriating additional funds in the amount of $4,545,114 and approving a Professional Service Agreement with LAN Engineering, and the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving contract documents and awarding a construction contract to Sequel Contractors Inc. for Bid Schedule No. 1207 � South San Fernando Boulevard Street Improvement Project.
Exhibit A Site map Exhibit B Design plan Exhibit C Pedestrian light standard Exhibit D Trees Exhibit E Shrubs