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6:30 P.M.
INVOCATION: The Courts have concluded that sectarian prayer as part of City Council meetings is not permitted under the Constitution.
1. Magnolia Park Business Improvement District Update:
In September 2004, the Council approved an Action Plan for the Magnolia Park area. The Action Plan was prepared after conducting five focus group meetings, analyzing the results of a residential survey and receiving input from the Magnolia Park Citizen Advisory Committee. The Action Plan calls for many improvements, including: parking improvements; marketing; promotions and events; and, additional street maintenance. Many of these improvements were proposed to be funded by establishing a Property-Based Business Improvement District (District).
Over 30 property owner meetings were conducted to develop a draft Management Plan (Plan) for the proposed District, including three large group meetings, as well as small group and one-on-one meetings. Similar to the Downtown Burbank Business Improvement District strategy, a networking committee of property owners was also established to facilitate meeting other property owners, which was particularly helpful considering there are over 270 properties within the proposed District.
The Plan outlines the proposed District boundary, which includes the commercial properties along Magnolia Boulevard and Hollywood Way bounded by Chandler Boulevard to the north, Clark Avenue to the south, the City limits to the west, and Buena Vista Street to the east. The Plan proposes a budget of $250,000 per year with a maximum three percent increase per year; an assessment of $0.12 per lot square footage plus $0.05 per building square footage in Zone 1; and, an assessment of $0.06 per lot square footage and $0.025 per building square footage in Zone 2, which is located along Magnolia Boulevard between Pass Avenue and the North Hollywood border, due to less services and reduced benefits to this area. The Plan is proposed for a five-year period, which cumulatively will generate $1,250,000 over the life of the plan.
Parking improvements was the greatest concern cited by property owners. The District proposes to assess $67,500 per year for parking to aid in entering leases and shared parking agreements to create and better manage parking. Staff plans to return with a parking plan for the area.
One parking solution that staff is exploring is the construction of a new public parking lot on the north side of Magnolia Boulevard between Maple Street and Kenwood Street, which is owned by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, at an estimated construction cost of $775,000. Like the Downtown Business Improvement District where the City and Agency agreed to pay assessments and provide matching funding for certain improvements, it is also proposed that the City and Agency provide the matching funding to construct this parking lot.
The first requirement for the formation of the District is that at least 50 percent of the property owners, based on assessment, sign a petition supporting the creation of the District. This is followed by a vote of the property owners, and then approval of the District by the Council. The petition process is scheduled to begin by the end of the month and last approximately two months, which will then be followed by a ballot process before final Council consideration in July 2006.
It is recommended that the Council direct staff to proceed with the Property-Based Business Improvement District formation process and to proceed with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power parking lease as a proposed matching fund investment for the Magnolia Park area.
RECESS to continue the Parking Authority and the City Council meetings.
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