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Conference with Legal Counsel � Anticipated Litigation (Redevelopment Agency as possible plaintiff): Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(c) Number of potential case(s): 1
When the Agency reconvenes in open session, the Agency may make any required disclosures regarding actions taken in Closed Session or adopt any appropriate resolutions concerning this matter.
6:30 P.M.
INVOCATION: Reverend Tania Kleiman, Olive Branch Ministries. The Courts have concluded that sectarian prayer as part of City Council meetings is not permitted under the Constitution.
The purpose of this report is to seek input and approval from the Council to proceed with negotiations on an agreement with the Burbank Community Foundation (BCF) for the City to be a lead partner in the Foundation.
The BCF was incorporated as a non-profit corporation on May 11, 2000 with the mission of supporting and advancing the educational, cultural and economic interests of the Burbank community. Over the past five years, the Foundation has provided scholarships to high school seniors and sponsored a few non-profit programs such as the Young Men�s Christian Association�s (YMCA) Healthy Kids Day and Shakespeare at Play for grammar school children. The original intent of the BCF was to be a small community-run organization managed by the Board of Directors without the position of Executive Director. Since that time, the Board has considered expanding the operations but has not had sufficient funds to hire an Executive Director nor expand due to high overhead costs of operating an organization. The BCF funds have been acquired through the contributions of Board members and donations from the occasional solicitations of individual donors. Moreover, due to the current limitations of the existing structure, the BCF has not conducted public fundraising nor implemented any formal donation programs.
Currently, non-profit organizations in Burbank seem to access a small percentage of potential donors. Additionally, there appears to be a feeling amongst the non-profit organizations that they need to compete with each other to access donations. The BCF has the potential to raise funds through unexplored charitable donation programs and to provide capacity building and technical assistance for the non-profit organizations, in addition to expanding services and programs for the benefit of the Burbank community.
Over the past year, City staff and the BCF have had discussions on ways of making a bigger impact in Burbank. The result of this dialogue is for the City to take a more active and formal role in the Foundation. This is to be accomplished through the proposed Agreement. The Agreement will delineate the City�s and the Board of Director�s role in the BCF. The Board of Directors will remain an independent body and will continue to provide oversight of policy, fundraising and allocation of funds to programs and services. The Executive Director shall be a City employee designated by the City Manager. The City may provide additional support staff on an as-needed basis and will incur the costs of carrying out the responsibilities, administration and operation of the Foundation. Additionally, the Agreement will list two new positions on the Board of Directors: 1) General Manager of Burbank Water and Power; and, 2) Community Development Director. As mentioned earlier, other municipalities have used similar models successfully. The City of Anaheim found that the biggest benefit to this approach was that all donations are returned directly to the community by absorbing the operating costs through the City.
The proposed process by which the City and the BCF plan on expanding opportunities is to develop an Employee Payroll Deduction Program. City employees will have an opportunity to give to the Foundation through payroll deductions. The employee/donor will have an opportunity to specify the amount deducted from his/her paycheck and will also have an opportunity to designate a recipient charitable organization. Once the Employee Payroll Deduction Program is developed and successful within the City, the Foundation will introduce it to other private and public businesses located in Burbank.
There is no direct impact on the City�s General Fund. The Agreement would require staff time for the Executive Director to administer the programs. This would be a part-time duty of an existing staff member. Administrative overhead such as office space, equipment and supplies for the Executive Director would be absorbed by the City via the Redevelopment Agency budget.
Staff seeks input and authority from the Council to negotiate a final agreement with the Burbank Community Foundation.
RECESS to conclude the City Council meeting.
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