Burbank Parking AuthorityTuesday, October 10, 2006Agenda Item - 1 |
Staff requests authorization to enter into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Walker Parking Consultants for a cost of $90,000 to assess the safety and structural integrity of three public parking structures in the downtown area.
Staff presented a report to Council on September 12, 2006 that discussed the necessity of a structural evaluation for three City owned and operated parking structures in the downtown area. Council authorized an appropriation of $25,000 from the General Liability Fund to augment existing monies for a thorough garage assessment by Walker Parking Consultants. The $90,000 contract will provide necessary and important information on the costs of long-term maintenance for the old AMC structure (Structure A), the Courthouse structure (Structure M), and the Orange Grove structure (Structure G), as shown in Attachment 1. The assessment is needed to evaluate the condition of the structures and will be used to develop a preventative maintenance program.
The proposed project work scope is attached as Attachment 2. Walker Parking Consultants initially proposed a comprehensive work scope that cost $120,000 to complete. Staff postponed several work items that can be included in the Parking Authority budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08 without compromising the integrity of the structure assessment program. The resulting reduced scope has a price of $90,000.
The Walker Parking Consultants work scope includes the following items:
Task 1: Capital Improvement Assessment of Structures A, G, and M � This task includes a thorough evaluation of the three City owned structures, with assessments of structural elements, exterior facades, mechanical systems, electrical systems, architectural elements, and other infrastructure. Concrete structural members will be materials tested, including delamination testing, chloride testing, and core testing. The type and extent of needed repairs will be defined.
Task 2: Due Diligence Survey � A survey of structures H and N will be completed to identify the City contractual obligations for these private structures. The survey will focus on life safety and durability issues.
Additional Services: Comprehensive Elevator Survey � A detailed survey of structures A and M elevator control systems, mechanical systems, pedestrian access ways, the elevator car, and fire / safety equipment.
A total of $90,000 is included in Parking Authority Fund account number 310.PW22F.62170 for the structural assessment of City owned parking structures in the downtown area. No additional funding is needed for the assessment.
Staff recommends contracting with Walker Parking Consultants for $90,000 to undertake a structural and safety assessment of three parking structures in the downtown area and a due diligence survey of two parking structures.
Attachment 1 � Downtown Burbank Public Parking Attachment 2 � Scope of Services