Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Agenda Item - 9




DATE: July 17, 2001

Robert R. Ovrom, City Manager


Susan Georgino, Community Development Director

Art Bashmakian, Asst. CDD/City Planner

by John Bowler, Asst. Planner

SUBJECT: Resolution Granting Appeal of Planning Board Approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 2000-41 with Development Review (DR) No. 2000-24 (Temple Emanu-El).

In November 2000, the Burbank Temple Emanu-El applied for a CUP and DR for a 4,275 square-foot church school building on property at 407 E. Bethany Road adjacent to their temple.  At their regularly scheduled meeting on March 26, 2001, the Burbank City Planning Board approved the project.  The Planning Board action was publicly noticed on April 10, 2001.  On April 24, 2001, William Rudell filed an appeal of the Planning Board decision on behalf of Robert and Judith LaVerde, of 411 E. Bethany Road.  

The Burbank City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the appeal at their regular meeting on June 5, 2001.  The hearing was continued to the Council meeting on June 26, 2001 to allow Councilmember David Golonski (absent on June 5th) to participate in the council deliberations and vote.  At the June 26 meeting, the Council voted 3-2 to grant the appeal, and directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution to that affect. 

The subject resolution is hereby submitted for the approval of the Council.