Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 17, 2001 |
Agenda Item - 5 | ||||||||||||||||
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to receive City Council authorization to file a grant application with the Los Angeles County Department of Community and Senior Citizen Services to receive Federal Grant monies for the Nutrition and Supportive Services which are part of the Park, Recreation & Community Services Department�s Senior and Human Services Division. Background: During the 2000/2001 fiscal year, the City was granted from the L.A. County Department of Community Services funding approval from their 1999-2003 allocation cycle. On May 29, 2001, the County of Los Angeles Department of Community and Senior Citizen Services requested that agencies receiving Title III Older American�s Act federal funding for senior citizen nutrition and supportive services submit a grant proposal for the continuation of funding during the 2001/2002 fiscal year. The City has received a grant annually and the funding is an approved budgeted item. The supplemental Nutrition Services Program is responsible for the congregate and home delivered meals programs. Approximately 105,000 meals are prepared in the central kitchen located in McCambridge Park. The meals are distributed to Joslyn Adult Center, Tuttle Center, the home delivered recipients, and are also served at the McCambridge nutrition site. In addition, the program is responsible for providing some recreation programs and activities offered in conjunction with the congregate meal program. The Supportive Services Program provides the critical services of collecting and disseminating information about senior adult services and directs callers to an agency or organization that can extend the assistance necessary to resolve the individual�s problem or need. In some cases, staff works directly with supportive service agencies to ensure that needy clients receive proper attention. This program area receives funding for the telephone reassurance program. During fiscal year 2001/2002, Los Angeles County will fund the City�s previous contractor to provide in home and personal care for the frail and elderly population. Analysis: Pros
Fiscal Impact Statement: This is a 2001/2002 budgeted item. The revenue anticipated from the grant has been projected to defray a significant portion of the cost of these services. In accordance with the County and Federal proposal guidelines, the City of Burbank�s proposal has been prepared to include the following: Title III-B Supportive Services $ 4,632 Title III-C1 Congregate Meals 127,280 Title III-C2 Home Delivered Meals 134,843 TOTAL $266,755 Recommendation: It is, therefore, staff�s recommendation that a resolution of the Council of the City of Burbank be adopted authorizing the execution and filing for a proposal for a further grant under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, for supplemental nutrition programs and supportive services. MSF:EAH:pn