Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Agenda Item - 4






DATE: July 17, 2001
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Robert R. Ovrom, City Manager

By: Justin Hess, Administrative Analyst




The purpose of this report is to have the City Council receive the latest draft of the City's new 10 year Strategic Plan and consider discussing and reviewing the document at a special meeting (study session) in the near future.



Strategic planning is a process for anticipating the future, seeking input from the community and creating a common vision.  In May 1990, the Burbank City Council adopted the 10 Year Strategic Plan entitled Burbank: Moving Toward the 21st Century.  Each and every year thereafter during that decade, the Council adopted an annual Work Program of Specific Objectives which were intended to help implement the vision and goals set forth in that original strategic plan.


Burbank has made significant progress in the last decade.  The 10 Year Strategic Plan and the annual Work Programs have played a major role in those successes.  Now that the 1990 Strategic Plan has come to an end, it is time to embark on a new Strategic Plan.  The new 10 year Strategic Plan entitled Embarking on a New Millennium, will be the guiding instrument for the City's actions, programs and priorities over the next several years.  The initial strategic planning process has taken place throughout the last year. Thus far, the process has been thorough, comprehensive and has involved extensive input from all segments of the Burbank community.


Staff did bring this item before the Council last year.  At that time, the Council directed staff to complete the 2001 citizen survey and incorporate data from that as well as the Youth Summits.  Prior to this meeting, the draft document has been extensively reviewed by each department and has been agendized and discussed by all Burbank Boards and Commissions.  All the comments have been considered and are included in the draft plan.


This new plan, similar to the 1990 plan, identifies and defines strategic priorities and includes corresponding goals and sub-goals that are designed to direct future actions by the City government and the community to achieve the vision of the plan. The seven main goals outlined in the document are the heart of the Strategic Plan, because they describe the end result toward which all efforts are directed; and the sub-goals further define the direction provided by the goals.



Because of the importance of this document, staff recommends the Council receive the draft plan and consider holding a special public meeting (study session) on August 9, 2001 to discuss and review the document prior to the Council adopting the plan.






A         The City's New 10 Year Strategic Plan - Embarking on a New Millennium - (Draft)