Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Agenda Item - 1


Text Box:                                                                                                                    City of Burbank
Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: September 25, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director



The purpose of this report is to make recommendations to the City Council for the approval and appointment of Youth Board candidates.



The Youth Board is structured to be composed of seventeen members.  A representative is designated for each high school and middle school within Burbank.  The school representatives include both the public and parochial schools in the City. The remaining six positions are designated as At-Large members.  All appointments are for two-year terms, with the school representatives and the At-Large positions alternating expiration dates.


In past years when the number of At-Large applications has exceeded the number of vacancies, City Council has appointed additional At-Large members.  On September 19, 2006, eleven At-Large members were appointed with terms expiring in June, 2008 for a total of twenty-two members on the Board.



The eleven school positions are due for appointment.  For the vacant high school and middle school positions, each school was contacted and requested to provide the name of their respective representative. Staff has received applications for all eleven school vacancies, which are attached for Council review.  (Attachment I) 


Staff has received two resignations from the eleven At-Large members that were appointed in 2006, leaving nine current At-Large members.  Since this number is  above the six designated number in the City Charter, no action would be required to fill the vacancies. Two members that served as school representatives in 2006/2007 have expressed an interest in serving on the Youth Board as At-large members and have submitted applications. 



There are two options for the City Council to consider:

1) Take no action to fill the two vacancies; or,


2) Appoint two members to serve a one year term for the vacancies created by the

    two resignations.


There are two At-Large applications for City Council review. (Attachment II)




There is no fiscal impact as a result of the recommended action.




Based on the submitted applications and recommendations from the respective schools, it is staff�s recommendation that City Council


1. Confirm the following school appointments:  


  High School and Middle School Appointments

Bellarmine Jefferson High School               Phoebe Kunitomi

Burbank High School                                    Elizabeth Johnston

John Burroughs High School                       Cristina Zapata

Providence High School                              Grace Samson

Jordan Middle School                                  Kylie Lewis

John Muir Middle School                              Camille Epps

Luther Burbank Middle School                    Nicole Encarnacion

St. Finbar                                                       Allyson Cruz

St. Francis Xavier                                         Darryn Albert

St. Robert Bellarmine                                   Barbara Moore

Monterey High School                                  Rick Lewis



2.   Appoint two At-Large members for a one-year term from the two At-Large applicants:


     At-Large Applicants


Nick Dao

Whitney White





cc:       Youth Board

            Teri Stein

            Erick Solis



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