Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Agenda Item - 5







DATE: September 18, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Tracy Pansini, Fire Chief

By: Kenet Robertson, Battalion Chief


Second Amendment to Affiliation Agreement with the University of California




The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of a three-year amended agreement with The Regents of the University of California, allowing The City of Burbank Fire Department Paramedics to be preceptors for paramedic students from UCLA- Daniel Freeman Paramedic School.  




Paramedic school is approximately six months long consisting of the didactic, clinical and internship phases. During the internship, paramedic preceptors provide the paramedic trainee with field experience over a twenty-shift period. During this period, the trainee is required to cover areas that are predetermined by the Department of Health Services (DHS). The preceptors evaluate the trainee each shift to ensure they are prepared to provide services to their community. Once completed, all the information is returned to Daniel Freeman Paramedic School prior to the graduation ceremony.




This is an agreement where departments reciprocate with each other to provide the best paramedic services to our communities. The Burbank Fire Department has been preceptors for many students for more than twenty-five years. This has been a great program because our preceptors are able to reinforce their knowledge and skills by teaching and mentoring others.


Fiscal Impact:


There will be no fiscal impact to the city on this agreement. The paramedic preceptors provide this service during their shift activities.




Staff recommends that the Council approve the amendment to the agreement with the University of California. This partnership betters our emergency medical services to our citizens and the medical community.



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