Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, September 11, 2007Agenda Item - 3 |
The purpose of this staff report is for the City Council to consider an appeal of the Planning Board�s decision to approve Project No. 07-000-0882, Development Review application to construct a 12-unit, two-story, multi-family project at 1014 and 1018 Omer Lane. The project has been appealed by Ms. Patricia Lake, property owner of 1017 Omer Lane, who states that the proposed project is too dense for the neighborhood (Exhibit 4).
Project Description and History:
Development Review:
The applicant originally requested Development Review approval to construct a 12-unit, two-story, multi-family apartment building with six units on each floor with a semi-subterranean parking garage consisting of 26 parking spaces. The Community Development Director approved the Development Review application as the project met all code requirements and complied with the development standards in the R-4 High Density Residential zone.
Community Meeting:
On April 2, 2007, a community meeting was held during which neighbors expressed their concerns about the project. Approximately nine residents came to the community meeting. Seven of the residents in attendance were opposed to the project, as they believed the project to be too large in scale for the neighborhood. They believed the project would create more traffic and therefore, posed a safety hazard along Omer Lane. Two people who attended the community meeting were in favor of the project as they believed the proposed project would benefit the neighborhood and increase property values.
The Community Development Director approved the subject application on April 6, 2007. The approval is subject to conditions, comments, and corrections as listed by each reviewing department and is attached to the Development Review Approval Letter (Exhibit 1).
On April 20, 2007, the appellant, Ms. Patricia Lake, submitted an appeal to the Director�s decision due to concerns about increased traffic, parking, and safety concerns. She believes 12 units is too dense for the subject properties (Exhibit 1).
Planning Board:
On July 9, 2007, the Planning Board held a public hearing to consider an appeal of the approval of a 12-unit, two-story multi-family building on a 17,015 square foot lot, over a semi-subterranean parking garage consisting of 26 parking spaces (Exhibit 1). The applicant met all of the development standards required for multi-family projects including setbacks, height, lot coverage, parking, open space, common and private open space, landscaping, etc. Staff recommended approval of the project as the project met all code requirements.
During the Planning Board hearing there were several people in the audience; and three people, including the appellant, spoke on this matter. These neighbors were against the project as they felt the 12-unit project is too dense for the area. One neighbor raised concerns with the quality of life, off-street parking, current traffic on Omer Lane, and the increased amount of traffic this project will bring to the neighborhood. Another resident raised concerns about the proposed project being too big for Omer Lane as well as parking issues. Lastly, the appellant stated that a smaller scale project would fit the neighborhood better due to issues with parking and traffic. She realizes the project is in compliance with codes; however, she believed this project would increase traffic and worsen parking issues on Omer Lane.
The architect stated that he has designed the project to meet all of the code requirements necessary for the proposed multi-family residential project and even scaled down the project from what code would allow.
During the Planning Board deliberations, the Board members expressed their thoughts and concerns about the project. They were in favor of the proposed project with regards to the size of the project being reduced since the previous application, which proposed 15 units, and the project�s consistency with multi-family code requirements. Additionally, the Board did not believe it was fair that this developer take the burden of the existing street problems as his project meets parking requirements for the proposed project (More historical background provided in Exhibit 1).
During the Planning Board deliberation, the Board members expressed their thoughts about the neighborhood. They were able to make the Development Review findings and understood that the project was consistent with the multi-family code. The project has already been scaled down from what code allows from the previous proposal. The Board members realized there are parking and traffic issues on Omer Lane, but stated that the proposed project actually meets the off-street parking requirement unlike the other buildings. A majority of the Board members preferred a project that was of a lower-scale, but understood that the project met current multi-family code requirements and has already been scaled down from the previous application submitted for 15 units (Exhibit 3).
The Planning Board approved the project 5-0 as it met all code requirements and findings required for a Development Review (Exhibit 2). On July 19, 2007, Ms. Patricia Lake appealed this decision.
Compliance with Municipal Code Requirements
Issues Raised by the Appellant:
The appellant stated in the appeal form (Exhibit 4) that the proposed project is too dense for the area, and poses a safety hazard as the project will bring increased traffic and parking issues on Omer Lane. The appellant is therefore requesting that Council approve the appeal and overturn the Planning Board�s decision to approve the Development Review application.
Staff Response:
The subject block of Omer Lane is zoned for high density residential uses, and the property is zoned for 12 units (one unit for each 1,400 square feet of lot area).
The proposed project shows a heightened level of architectural detail that staff believes will be of benefit to the neighborhood. Staff does not believe that an additional 12 units on the block will create a much greater hardship in terms of traffic or parking. The project is proposed with code required parking, while the four units being replaced are not parked to code.
The applicant has chosen to pay the in-lieu fee in order to meet the City�s affordable housing requirement; however, if the applicant had chosen to include affordable units within the project development, he would have been entitled to a density bonus, which would have added more units to the project.
Traffic Engineering has reviewed the project proposal and has not noted any additional requirements that this project would be required to address with regards to the street width or length. They state that requiring a dedication on the bulb of the cul-de-sac on Omer Lane would not improve the situation for drivers on the street and is not warranted for this local cul-de-sac. The Fire Department states they have no problems providing emergency services to Omer Lane. They state that an additional turning radius for fire trucks is not warranted.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution denying the appeal, and approving Project No. 07-000-0882 Development Review.
At the City Council meeting of July 17, 2007 Council Member Gordon requested City Council consideration of an Interim Development Control Ordinance (IDCO) and Zone Map Amendment for the subject property and surrounding area including properties on Omer and Bruce Lanes. The public hearing for the subject application would be an appropriate time for the Council to consider this request. If the City Council wishes to pursue consideration of an IDCO and/or Zone Map Amendment, staff will schedule a report for the next available Council meeting. The City Council has received a confidential memo from the City Attorney regarding this issue.
Exhibit 1 Planning Board staff report dated July 9, 2007 including all exhibits Exhibit 2 Planning Board Resolution #3094 dated July 9, 2007 Exhibit 3 Planning Board minutes from the July 9, 2007 public hearing Exhibit 4 Appeal of Planning Board�s decision submitted by Ms. Patricia Lake |