Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 28, 2007Agenda Item - 6 |
To request Council authorization to execute a cooperation agreement with the City of Glendale for the Glenoaks Boulevard Rehabilitation Project.
The City of Glendale�s Glenoaks Boulevard Rehabilitation Project includes resurfacing Glenoaks Boulevard from Grandview Avenue in Glendale to the Burbank/Glendale boundary. Because part of the boundary line runs through the roadway of Glenoaks Boulevard, Burbank and Glendale would like to cooperate by including Burbank�s portion of Glenoaks Boulevard in Glendale�s project.
Analysis and Fiscal Impact:
The scope of work in Burbank�s portion of Glenoaks Boulevard extends from approximately 180 feet north of the centerline of Alameda Avenue to the centerline of Spazier Avenue on both sides of Glenoaks Boulevard median. It includes roadway resurfacing with rubberized asphalt as well as necessary concrete repairs.
The City of Glendale will handle the bidding process, as well as the construction management of the project. Burbank will pay for the work within Burbank�s portion of the project in an amount not to exceed $108,530. Sufficient funding is available in account number 370.PW21A.70002.0000.18003 (Glenoaks Boulevard Rehabilitation Project).
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing execution of a cooperation agreement with the City of Glendale for the Glenoaks Boulevard Rehabilitation Project.
City of Glendale�s Resolution No. 07-83 Glenoaks Boulevard Rehabilitation Project Agreement