Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Agenda Item - 9


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: August 21, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director




The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of the establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Grants & Revenue Manager (CTC No. 0390).




In 2003, the Financial Services Department eliminated the position of Revenue Manager, due to mandatory citywide budget cuts.  Since then, remaining staff members have absorbed the workload and took on the duties and responsibilities associated with the Revenue Manager.  This has resulted in inefficiencies and inconsistencies, and efforts to track and monitor the City�s revenues have been minimal.  Due to recent legislative actions affecting cable franchise fees and utility user�s taxes, monitoring existing revenues on a regular basis will be of great importance, and requires full-time support.


The Financial Services Department also manages the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants post disaster recovery process.  Historically, staff members worked collectively to manage the post disaster recovery activities, however the Department feels it would be more efficient to have one person responsible for coordinating these activities and acting as the liaison between the Financial Services Department and other departments.




Staff is requesting the establishment of the title, specification, and salary for the classification of Grants & Revenue Manager.  The Grants & Revenue Manager will report directly to the Assistant Financial Services Director and will be responsible for managing and analyzing the City�s diverse revenue by conducting revenue analysis and financial data comparisons, utilizing statistical analysis to forecast revenue, monitoring the long-term projections, identifying revenue opportunities, and tracking revenue-related legislation.  This classification will also coordinate and monitor all citywide grants, including acting as the disaster recovery coordinator for FEMA grants.  Some of the duties associated with monitoring these grants include researching and developing grant-funding sources, assisting departments with grant applications, and ensuring regulatory compliance with grants awarded to other departments.  The proposed specification for Grants & Revenue Manager accurately reflect the duties and qualifications necessary for this position and meets the current and future needs of the Department.


The classification will be an unrepresented management (�Z� group) position, exempt from Civil Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act, under the administrative employee exemption.  This position will be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The Financial Services Director concurs with the establishment of this classification.  The Civil Service Board was advised of this establishment at its regular meeting on August 1, 2007.




The proposed salary range for the Grants & Revenue Manager was established by reviewing the internal salary relationships within the Financial Services Department to maintain consistency among positions with similar responsibility levels.  The proposed salary for this classification will be set at $6,706 to $8,148, which is equivalent to the Budget Manager classification.  There will be no fiscal impact for the establishment of the classification of Grants & Revenue Manager.  The Department has included this position in its budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008.




Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposed establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Grants & Revenue Manager (CTC No. 0390).



Exhibit A � Proposed specification for Grants & Revenue Manager