Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 21, 2007Agenda Item - 11 |
To approve an agreement with Global Tel Link Corporation (GTL) to provide inmate pay phone service for the Burbank jail.
The California Penal Code, Section 4025, allows the City to collect a percentage of income generated from collect calls made from inmate pay phones. Revenue generated from this service must be deposited into an inmate welfare fund, which can only be used for the benefit, education, and welfare of the inmates confined in the jail. The Burbank jail currently has 15 phones for which it receives revenues.
SBC has been a vendor for the Burbank jail since 1999 and the Police Department has been satisfied with their service. However, SBC is no longer providing inmate pay phone service and has recommended GTL. All phone equipment would remain the same and GTL would simply take control of the lines. Under our current agreement with SBC, GTL has been the support provider and staff has been very pleased with their response to issues. This new agreement will be in effect for five years and provides for 32 1/2% of the gross revenue billed or prepaid for all phones to be returned to the City. Staff would like to note, that �Pursuant to Section 19, any disputes or claims arising under the Agreement shall be resolved through either non-binding mediation or binding arbitration. Both parties waive any rights to a jury trial and the right to appeal the arbitrator�s judgment, decision or award.�
To date, the City of Burbank has received approximately $103,000 in inmate pay phone revenues. A portion of these funds have been used to purchase newspapers, toothbrushes, and other items that benefit the inmates. With this agreement with GTL the Police Department estimates $10,000 in yearly revenue to help offset general fund costs for jail supplies.
It is recommended that the City Council approve an agreement with Global Tel Link Corporation to provide inmate pay telephone service for the Burbank jail.
Tim Stehr Chief of Police