Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Agenda Item - 10


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: August 21, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director





The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of the establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Public Safety Facility Technician (CTC No. 0645).




The City of Burbank takes pride in providing excellent safety services.  The City�s public safety facilities are in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which exposes them to twice the normal wear and tear of most other City buildings.  These facilities are a critical component of the City�s safety services and must be maintained to the highest standards at all times.  In order to have a minimal impact on the delivery of safety services, it is crucial that all maintenance and repair issues are dealt with expeditiously and efficiently.  Therefore, staff has identified the need for a full-time employee to manage the maintenance and repair of the City�s public safety facilities.




Staff is requesting the establishment of the title, specification, and salary for the classification of Public Safety Facility Technician.  The Public Safety Facility Technician will be a non-sworn classification within the Police Department and report directly to the Support Services Police Sergeant.  The Public Safety Facility Technician will be responsible for the maintenance, repair and renovation of the public safety facilities.  This includes coordinating and supervising facility contractors, working with other City departments on facility matters, investigating complaints relating to the need for facility maintenance services, maintaining appropriate records, and responding to building liability issues and/or contractor disputes.  In addition, this classification will oversee the Police/Fire building security system, which consists of issuing employee access cards, monitoring building access, and testing the security system.  The proposed specification for Public Safety Facility Technician accurately reflects the duties and qualifications necessary for this position and will ensure proper maintenance of the public safety facilities.


While this classification reports directly to the Police Department, this position will interact with the Fire Department on a regular basis.  Therefore, the Fire Department was given an opportunity to review the specification and provide comments.  In addition, since some of the duties of this classification overlap with those of the Facilities Maintenance Manager, staff also discussed the establishment of this classification with the Public Works Department.


The classification will be a Civil Service position, represented by the Burbank City Employees Association (BCEA), subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act, and will be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The BCEA has been advised of this establishment.  The Police Chief concurs with this recommendation.  The Civil Service Board approved the establishment of the specification and title for this classification at its regular meeting on August 1, 2007.




The proposed salary range for the Public Safety Facility Technician was established by reviewing the internal salary relationships within the City to maintain consistency among positions with similar responsibility levels.  The proposed salary for this classification will be set at $3,902 to $4,873, which is 65% of the Facilities Maintenance Manager classification. There will be no fiscal impact for the establishment of the classification of Public Safety Facility Technician.  The Department has included this position in its budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008.




Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposed establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Public Safety Facility Technician (CTC No. 0645).




Exhibit A � Proposed specification for Public Safety Facility Technician