Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Agenda Item - 5


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: July 31, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director





The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of the revisions to the specification for the classification of Water Quality Specialist (CTC No. 0994) and the establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Cross Connection Control Specialist (CTC No. 0233).




The Water Quality Specialist specification originally included duties directly related to backflow prevention and cross connection only.  Due to the increasing importance of water quality related issues, compliance with industry standards, and state regulated reporting, the City Council revised the specification for Water Quality Specialist in May 2000 to include duties necessary for identifying, planning, managing and reporting water quality issues.  Staff intended to hire a qualified candidate who could perform all of the functions outlined in the Water Quality Specialist specification, including backflow prevention, cross connection, and water quality, and to also have the Production/Operations and Engineering/Planning sections of the Water Division assist the Water Quality Specialist with these additional duties.


However, the Department was unable to attract a qualified candidate and the Division was unable to provide support to the Water Quality Specialist.  In addition, due to the unanticipated growth in the number of customers subjected to the rules of backflow device installation, it was impossible for this position to handle all of the duties outlined in the Water Quality Specialist specification.  Consequently, the Water Production/Operations Manager has taken on the water quality responsibilities that were added to the specification.  The tasks involved are very time consuming and these additional duties have placed an undue burden on the Manager.  Therefore, BWP has identified the need for a full-time water quality employee and a full-time cross connection employee.




Staff is proposing to revise the specification for the classification of Water Quality Specialist and establish the title, specification, and salary for the classification of Cross Connection Control Specialist.  The revised specification for Water Quality Specialist focuses primarily on water quality and water production related duties, thereby removing the duties and responsibilities associated with backflow prevention and cross connection.  The Water Quality Specialist will report to the Principal Civil Engineer � BWP and will be responsible for administering the City�s water quality programs and assisting the utility in ensuring regulatory compliance with Federal and State water legislation and policy.  The duties of backflow prevention and cross connection have now been incorporated into the proposed specification for Cross Connection Control Specialist.  The Cross Connection Control Specialist will report directly to the Manager of Water Production/Operations and will oversee the City�s cross connection control programs and also assist in ensuring regulatory compliance with the Federal and State water legislation and policy.


Several cities were surveyed to identify other organizations that distinguish between the two positions and many comparable cities were found to have both, a water quality specialist and a cross connection specialist.  In addition, separating the duties and responsibilities of these two classifications will ensure the ability to recruit candidates with the appropriate level of experience and expertise, thereby continuing to deliver good quality service to the businesses and residents of Burbank.


The classification for Water Quality Specialist will continue to be a Civil Service position, subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act, and will not be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The Burbank City Employees Association (BCEA) will continue to represent this classification.  The classification for Cross Connection Control Specialist will also be a Civil Service position, represented by the BCEA, subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act, and will not be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The BCEA has been advised of the revisions to Water Quality Specialist and the establishment of Cross Connection Control Specialist.  The General Manager � BWP concurs with this recommendation.


On July 12, 2007, the Civil Service Board (Board) approved the establishment of the specification and title for the classification of Cross Connection Control Specialist.  The Board also approved the revision to the specification for the classification of Water Quality Specialist with the recommendation of including �driving on City business� as an essential function.  However, it is the City Attorney�s opinion that �driving on City business� is not an essential function of this position.  This requirement falls within the legal definition of a marginal function because driving is only rarely, if at all, required, and the elimination of the requirement would not fundamentally change the nature of the position.  Therefore, staff has not made the change requested by the Board and is recommending that the City Council approve the establishment of this classification as it was initially presented to the Board.




The proposed salary range for the Cross Connection Control Specialist was established by conducting a survey of comparable positions within other cities.  The proposed salary for this classification is $4,611 to $5,758.  There will be no fiscal impact for the establishment of the classification of Cross Connection Control Specialist.  The Department has included this position in its budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008.


In addition, there will be no fiscal impact associated with the revision of the specification for the classification of Water Quality Specialist.  The salary will remain at its current range of $4,910 to $6,132.




Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposed revisions to the specification for the classification of Water Quality Specialist (CTC No. 0994) and the establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Cross Connection Control Specialist (CTC No. 0233).





Exhibit A � Proposed specification for Water Quality Specialist

Exhibit B � Redline version of the proposed specification for Water Quality Specialist

Exhibit C � Proposed specification for Cross Connection Control Specialist