Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Agenda Item - 14


                             CITY OF BURBANK




DATE: July 31, 2007
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Sana Arakelian Ford, Senior Administrative Analyst





The purpose of this report is to present the proposed FY 2007-2008 Annual Work Program and Performance Indicators. 




In 2000, the City Council adopted a 10-Year Strategic Plan entitled Embarking on a New Millennium (2001-2010).  This Strategic Plan identifies and defines strategic priorities and includes corresponding goals and sub-goals that are designed to direct future actions by the City government to achieve the vision of the plan.


The Annual Work Program is used as a management tool to identify, prioritize, and monitor the City's projects in accordance with the Strategic Plan.  Items included in the Work Program are organized under the seven goals identified in the Strategic Plan document:


Section A       Quality of Life and Sense of Community - To insure that the City retains a sense of community and high quality of life characterized by permanent residency in well maintained and attractive single and multi-family neighborhoods suitable for all ages and socio-economic groups.


Section B       Quality and Clean Development - To provide and further enhance a strong economic base by encouraging quality and clean retail commercial and industrial development that is compatible within a community of homes.


Section C       Fire and Police Services - To provide cost effective, quality safety services and facilities that result in the provision of a safe environment so that citizens are secure in pursuing their professional and personal activities.


Section D       Parks and Library - To provide and enhance the high level of leisure, information and other human services available to Burbank citizens.


Section E       Environment and Infrastructure - To enhance the role of the City as a leader in the effort to protect the environment and preserve our natural resources while continuing to provide and enhance the essential public works and infrastructure of the City.


Section F       General City Operations - To provide municipal government leadership which is open and responsive to its residential and corporate constituents and is characterized by stability, confidence in the future and cooperative interaction among civic leaders, residents, business people and City staff, while recognizing and respecting legitimate differences of opinions on critical issues facing the City.


Section G       Fiscally Responsible City Government - To operate the City government in a fiscally and managerially responsible and prudent manner.


Generally, the Annual Work Program document reflects the work items identified by each department and suggested by the City Council during the past year, the Council�s Goal Setting Workshop, and the annual budget study sessions.  Listing all the specific objectives together in one document allows the City Council, City staff, and the public an opportunity to comprehensively review the City's Annual Work Program.


Performance Indicators


Performance Indicators are used by the City to assess how efficiently and effectively programs and activities are provided and determine whether organizational goals are being met.  Specifically, the City�s programs and services are measured so that we can ascertain the following: 1) How well are our services being delivered?; 2) Are planned accomplishments being met?; 3) Are community problems being solved?; and 4) Are our residents/customers satisfied with the results?  Performance Indicators have become an integral part of the budget process for most cities and are a needed component to compete for state and national budget awards.




The proposed FY 2007-2008 Annual Work Program is included with this report as Attachment 1 and contains over 350 items, including various capital improvement projects.  Also included are the FY 2007-2008 Performance Indicators as Attachment 2.  Over the next several Council meetings, each department head will present his or her proposed FY 2007-2008 Annual Work Program and Performance Indicators for the City Council�s review and be prepared to answer any questions from the Council.  The presentation schedule is as follows:


Information Technology

Community Development Department

Burbank Water and Power

July 17, 2007


Library Services

Financial Services

Fire Department

July 24, 2007

City Manager�s Office

Management Services

Park, Recreation and Community Services

July 31, 2007

Police Department

Public Works

August 14, 2007


Staff continues to believe that the Annual Work Program and Performance Indicators are effective project tracking and work quality measurement tools that assist the Council in achieving the Strategic Plan goals as well as the annual goals identified by the Council during its Goal Setting Workshop. 




Staff recommends that the City Council review the proposed FY 2007-2008 Annual Work Program and Performance Indicators per the proposed presentation schedule and provide input and direction as necessary. 




Attachment 1 � FY 2007-2008 Annual Work Program

Attachment 2� FY 2007-2008 Performance Indicators



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