Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 24, 2007Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff is requesting City Council approval of contract documents and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1212, Thornton Avenue and Hollywood Way Intersection Realignment Project. These resolutions would:
In 2005, the City Council approved a Development Agreement (Agreement) between the City of Burbank and the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority. Under the Agreement, the City and the Authority agreed to cooperate in realigning the intersection of Hollywood Way, Thornton Avenue, and the Airport access road. Thornton Avenue and the access road are currently offset from one another. This arrangement requires the intersection to operate with a split-phase signal to avoid conflicts and potential safety hazards between cars traveling east from the Airport access road and cars traveling west from Thornton Avenue. Per the Agreement, the Authority has purchased the 0.24 acres of land south of the Airport access road needed to complete this project, and the City and Authority will split the cost of the improvements, curbing, ADA pedestrian ramps upgrade, paving, new traffic signal system and striping (new design will accommodate for near future northbound and southbound bike lanes along Hollywood Way). Although the Authority owns the land, the City will retain an easement for roadway purposes over the land to prevent it from being used for other Airport purposes. The use of this land is also controlled by the Planned Development zone approved by the City Council as part of the Agreement.
The proposed realignment would improve safety by aligning the Airport access road with Thornton Avenue and would improve efficiency of vehicles moving through the intersection by eliminating the need for a split-phase signal and allowing traffic from Thornton Avenue and the Airport access road to travel through the intersection at the same signal phase. City staff previously identified this intersection as being in need of improvement, and this is an ideal time to complete the needed improvements while other construction is occurring on the adjacent A-1 property.
Burbank Water & Power will be performing utility upgrades and improvements with a separate contract paid fully by the Airport Authority. Undergrounding the street lighting will be one of the improvements that will enhance the overall look at this intersection.
The Project location is shown in Exhibit A. Analysis
The bid opening for Bid Schedule No. 1212 was held on June 5, 2007, and four (4) contractors submitted bids as follows:
1. E.C. Construction $ 625,189.83
2. Sully-Miller Contracting $ 741,205.70
3. Shawnan $ 895,869.50
4. Excel Paving $ 935,908.90
Upon review of the bid documents, staff finds E.C. Construction to have submitted the lowest responsible bid of $625,189.83 which is 5.5% below the engineer�s estimate of $661,478.40. Staff contacted the State of California Contractor�s State License Board and has found E.C. Construction�s license to be current, active and in good standing. Staff also contacted several references, which provided confirmation that E.C. Construction had satisfactorily completed their projects.
In addition, staff recommends a reserve for contingencies for this project of 10% or $62,518.98. The contingency of 10% is based on previous experience and is commensurate with the nature and condition of the project. This will allow staff to complete for any incidental work, resolve unforeseen field conditions that could be encountered during construction, and complete any resulting field modifications that may be necessary. To assist with the project, staff recommends that the design engineer, VA Consultants, be retained to provide construction support, and that Tetra Tech, Inc., be retained to provide construction inspection services.
Construction of this project, which will take place primarily at night to minimize traffic impacts, is planned to occur between August and November 2007. The work is to be completed within 75 consecutive calendar days. This project is considered categorically exempt under CEQA Section 15301(c). Fiscal Impact
To date the City has spent $66,022.00 to design the project, and the Airport Authority has spent $3,504.00 in design costs and $38,543.50 to pre-order the project�s traffic signal poles[1]. The total cost for the project, including engineering design, construction, engineering support, and inspection efforts is $863,202.51 (Project Cost Summary, Exhibit B). In accordance with the Agreement, the project cost will be equally divided between the Airport Authority and the City of Burbank. Therefore, the City of Burbank is responsible for paying half (or $431,601.26) of the related improvement costs of the Street Realignment Project.
Currently, there is $188,518.26 available in account 127.CD33A.70002.000.15735 (Thornton Avenue and Hollywood Way Intersection Realignment Project) from prior budget appropriations. Thus, an additional $243,083.00 is needed for the City to pay its share. If Council awards a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1212, staff is requesting to appropriate $243,083.00 from the Development Impact Fee unappropriated funds account 127.ND000.30004.0000.00000 to the project account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.15735 (Thornton Avenue and Hollywood Way Intersection Realignment Project).
On July 2, 2007, the City received a check from the Airport Authority in the amount of $389,553.76 to pay the remaining balance of the Airport�s share of the cost. Staff is requesting an appropriation of $389,553.76 from the Thornton Reconfiguration revenue account 127.CD000.48010.1101 to the project account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.15735 (Thornton Avenue and Hollywood Way Intersection Realignment Project).
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1. Adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $625,189.83 to E.C. Construction for Bid Schedule No. 1212, Thornton Avenue and Hollywood Way Intersection Realignment Project. Approve the establishment of a project contingency in the amount of $62,518.98.
2. Approve a Professional Service Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. for inspection services for the amount of $42,424.20.
3. Approve a Professional Service Agreement with VA Consulting for engineering support for the amount of $25,000.00.
4. Approve amending the fiscal year 2007-2008 budget by appropriating $243,083.00 from account no. 127.ND000.30004.0000.00000 to the project account no. 127.CD33A.70002.0000.15735.
5. Approve amending the fiscal year 2007-2008 budget by appropriating $389,553.76 from account no. 127.CD000.48010.1101.00000 to the project account no. 127.CD33A.70002.0000.15735.
Attachment: Exhibits A and B
[1] To prevent delays during construction, the Airport Authority pre-ordered the traffic signal poles, which have at least a 3-month lead time for delivery