Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Agenda Item - 5







DATE: June 26, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Tracy Pansini, Fire Chief

by: Jennifer Kaplan, Administrative Officer






The purpose of this report is to request authorization to execute a cooperative fire service agreement with Warner Bros. Studio Facilities.  The agreement provides that Warner Bros. will pay for a full-time Burbank Fire Captain, who will be dedicated to overseeing the safety of each production on the Warner Bros lot and provide an improved communications link between Warner Bros and the City of Burbank.




With the largest studio facility located in Burbank, Warner Bros. is a significant member of the community, and has built an extremely positive relationship with the City.  Due to the types of activity that occur on the lot, Burbank Fire Department staff has almost daily contact with Warner Bros., and as a result, the Fire Department has become an important figure in this partnership. 


In 2004, the Fire Department began a series of discussions with Warner Bros. executive staff to identify ways in which the two entities could collaborate to form an enforcement policy that was proactive and generally improve communications between studio personnel and Department staff.  The bulk of the conversations dealt with the required services provided by the Fire Department for the studio�s filming activity and the fees that accompany those services.  The meetings ultimately resulted in Warner Bros. offering to pay the annual costs of a full-time Fire Prevention Captain position.  This person would be located at Warner Bros., and be able to provide consistent oversight of enforcement policies and serve as a communications link between the two organizations.


The Fire Captain position was approved as part of the Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget process, and a full-time Fire Captain began reporting to the Warner Bros. lot on July 1, 2006.  At that time, the City Attorney�s Office began working with the legal staff at Warner Bros. to develop a contract that will formalize the agreement.  A contract that is amenable to both parties has now been finalized and is ready for adoption.




The new Fire Captain works a 40 hour work week and is stationed full-time at the Warner Bros. Studio Facilities.  This position coordinates a variety of services at the facility including inspections, training of Warner Bros. personnel, support and training related to emergency medical services delivery, disaster preparedness and fire suppression/mitigation, and in general assists Warner Bros. with providing necessary contacts with the Burbank Fire Prevention Bureau and other City divisions.  The full-time Captain also alleviates the need for Fire Safety Officers to be in attendance at each live audience show, since there is always a Fire presence on sight who can provide spot checks and ensure the required evacuation routes are provided.  


This arrangement has been mutually beneficial to both parties. Warner Bros. receives more timely and consistent service as it relates to the overall permitting process and the availability of Fire Department personnel to oversee production activity.  The Fire Department receives an additional staff member to help offset the workload in the Fire Prevention Bureau, and is no longer required to schedule personnel for studio standby service each time a production takes place on the Warner Bros. lot.  Most importantly, the new Fire Captain position acts as a liaison between the Burbank Fire Department, the Warner Bros. Fire Department, and the staff of the many productions taking place on the lot, improving the overall communications between all parties involved.




As specified in the contract, Warner Bros has agreed to pay for the full cost of a Fire Captain, including all benefits as specified in the Burbank Fire Fighters Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  That amount was determined to be $166,000 for FY 2006-07 and $178,699 for FY 2007-08.  Should Warner Bros. decide not to pursue this agreement in future years, the Fire Department would need to reduce its staffing by one Fire Captain position or find an alternate source of funding for the position.




Staff recommends that the Council approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a cooperative fire service agreement with Warner Bros. Studio Facilities.




Exhibit A:      Cooperative Fire Service Agreement between the City of Burbank and Warner Bros. Studio Facilities




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