Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Agenda Item - 4


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: June 26, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director
SUBJECT: establishment of the specification, title, and Salary for the classification of Deputy Housing and redevelopment manager (CTC No. 0261)




The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of the establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Deputy Housing and Redevelopment Manager (CTC No. 0261). 




The Housing and Redevelopment Division of the City�s Community Development Department (CDD) has been extremely active over the last decade, working to revitalize and redevelop neighborhoods and commercial areas within the City�s two redevelopment project areas.  The Division also administers a wide variety of other programs including economic development, real estate development, affordable housing acquisition and development, Section 8, Community Development Block Grants, infrastructure development, community building and outreach, and neighborhood development. 


As a result of the increasing number, complexity, and diversity of the projects the Division initiates and implements, staff has identified a need for an additional high level technical and managerial position to help meet the demands of the Division�s ongoing work. 




Staff is requesting the establishment of the specification, title, and salaryfor the classification of Deputy Housing and Redevelopment Manager.  The Deputy Manager will report directly to the Assistant CDD Director for Housing and Redevelopment and will oversee one or more sections of the Division.  Additionally, the new classification will provide a deeper level of technical and managerial support to the staff.  The Deputy Manager will have the requisite technical knowledge and experience to help the project and program staff grow in complex, technical areas including economic analysis, negotiations, and legal issues.  The Deputy Manager will also act as the Project Director for the largest and most complex redevelopment and housing projects, providing technical and procedural guidance to all managers and staff, including those who are not direct reports.  The attached proposed specification accurately reflects the duties and qualifications necessary for this position and meets the current and future needs of the Division. 


The addition of the Deputy Housing and Redevelopment Manager is consistent with the staff structures in both the Building and Planning & Transportation Divisions in CDD, which have a Deputy Building Official and a Deputy City Planner, both of whom report directly to the Division Managers. 


This position will be a Civil Service position, represented by the Burbank Management Association (BMA), exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act, and included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  BMA has been advised of this establishment.  The Community Development Director concurs with this recommendation.  The Civil Service Board approved the establishment of the specification and title for this classification at its regular meeting of June 6, 2007.




The proposed salary range for the Deputy Housing and Redevelopment Manager was established by reviewing internal salary relationships within CDD to maintain consistency among positions within the associated chain of command.  The proposed salary range for this classification is $8,066 to $9,800.


There will be no fiscal impact from the establishment of this classification at this time.  CDD plans to upgrade a Redevelopment Project Manager position to the Deputy Housing and Redevelopment Manager position.  The Department will use salary savings from several other positions that are currently underfilled to cover the difference in salary between the two positions for FY 2007-2008.  Any budget impacts beyond FY 2007-2008 will be included in the budget process. 




Staff recommends that the City Council approve the establishment of the specification, title, and salary for the classification of Deputy Housing and Redevelopment Manager (CTC. No. 0261). 



Proposed specification