Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 12, 2007Agenda Item - 3 |
Staff seeks the approval of the Burbank City Council (Council) to authorize Burbank Water and Power (BWP) to enter into the attached Construction Agreement with Icon West, Inc. (Icon West) for a firm, lump-sum cost of $828,950 to make certain tenant improvements to the former Light Fleet Building within the BWP Campus.
The tenant improvements are part of a wider BWP campus improvement plan. BWP has developed a Campus Master Plan for their facilities located between Magnolia Boulevard (northern perimeter) and Olive Avenue (southern perimeter); and between Lake Street (western perimeter) and the Western Flood Control Channel (eastern perimeter). Several factors prompted BWP to develop the plan:
Of immediate concern are the substandard facilities�aging modular buildings dating from 1991�that house the Communications Section, which oversees the City�s radio and phone systems. The plan is to relocate the Communications Section to the Olive Avenue side of the campus, within a renovated facility; the former Light Fleet Building.
An independent architectural firm, McLean & Schultz, has prepared the drawings for the tenant improvements to the Light Fleet Building. The improvements are principally to create office and working spaces suitable for maintaining the City�s phone and radio systems, as well as installing mobile radios in various vehicles, including police cars and fire engines. The tenant improvements are straightforward, modest in scope, and interfere minimally with BWP operations.
Relocating the Communications Shop is on the critical path to the timely completion of the Replacement Service Center/Warehouse. The modular buildings lie within the future site of the Replacement Warehouse/Service Center, a critical campus improvement scheduled for completion in January 2009. To meet this completion target, the modular buildings need to be removed from the future site by January 2008. Moving the Communication Section to an interim location would take nearly as much time and effort as renovating their permanent facility, given the communication and network circuits that need to be reconnected.
Staff favors the approach of beginning the tenant improvement work on the former Light Fleet Building as quickly as possible, in order to relocate the Communication Section just once in a timely fashion. For the past year-and-a-half, the Light Fleet Building housed the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association (BTORA), which moved into BWP�s Auxiliary Warehouse last month. To accomplish the tenant improvements, staff proposes to engage Icon West, a contractor currently renovating BWP�s Main Administration Building.
Since January 2007, Icon West has been immediately available to do the tenant improvements to the Light Fleet Building. Icon West, which had been selected after a competitive bid process, is currently renovating BWP�s Main Administration Building. Icon West has the overall capability to perform the required tenant improvement work within BWP�s required time frame, and at a fair and reasonable cost.
Council had authorized BWP to enter negotiations with Icon West for Tenant Improvements to the Light Fleet Building. Staff needs separate Council authorization if the not-to-exceed amount is more than $740,000. On March 6, 2007, Council authorized the BWP General Manager to negotiate price, terms, and conditions of a construction agreement with Icon West for certain tenant improvements to BWP�s Light Fleet Building in an amount not-to-exceed $740,000 and further authorized execution of said agreement. Icon West completed a detailed take-off of the work required and the not-to-exceed amount needs to be increased to $828,950.
The cost of the tenant improvements is $828,950, $89,000 higher (12.0%) than originally budgeted. Unfortunately, this result continues to reflect the ongoing trend of increased construction costs throughout Southern California. The alternative to accepting the Icon West proposal is to go out for competitive bidding. On the �pro� side, accepting the Icon West proposal offers the following potential advantages:
After the Communication Shop moves in, BWP will demolish the modular buildings, clearing the way for the construction of the Replacement Service Center/Warehouse.
The major �con� is the possibility that a competitive bid process might result in a lower contract price.
It is possible to achieve a reasonable proposal from Icon West. Although Icon West�s proposal is on a firm, lump-sum basis, they nevertheless provided BWP and Clifford Development Group, Inc. (CDG) with the necessary information to do a detailed review. BWP and CDG reviewed Icon West�s cost estimates for overhead, profit, and contractor�s contingency to assure they were at reasonable Project levels. They reviewed the schedule to assure that the work could be completed within the required time frame. BWP and CDG concluded that this proposal is reasonable for a project of this size and complexity and that a separate competitive bidding effort would not result in any significant cost advantage for the City:
BWP maintains that it has positioned itself and Icon West to avoid contractor-initiated change orders and to meet schedule based on the current good working relationship that has been developed over the last four months.
Formal bidding, while delaying the tenant improvements, may not achieve a better price proposal. Construction activity within Los Angeles County, most notably the nine billion dollar effort to build facilities for Los Angeles Unified School District, already occupies many general contractors. In today�s busy construction market, tenant improvement work that is less than one million dollars will probably attract limited interest.
Fund 535, an internal service fund for the City�s radio and phone systems, is supporting the tenant improvements. Fund 535�s budget includes tenant improvements to the Light Fleet Building. The current 2006/07 Fund 535 Budget provides $740,000. The proposed FY 2007/08 Fund 535 Budget provides an additional $190,000 for a total of $930,000. The $930,000 amount covers the $828,950 cost and also effectively provides a $101,050 project contingency.
The Fund 535 Executive Committee reviewed and approved recommending the tenant improvements at its March 22, 2007 meeting. The Fund 535 Executive Committee (City Manager, Assistant City Manager, BWP General Manager, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Information Technology Director, and Police Chief) reviews Fund 535 activities and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters requiring Council approval.
Staff recommends that a finding be made under Charter Section 54 that it is in the City�s best interests to waive formal bidding and authorize direct negotiations with Icon West for these tenant improvements.
The fiscal impact of entering into a contract with Icon West is positive because BWP thereby has the best chance of completing the tenant improvements to the Light Fleet Building within schedule and for less than the $930,000 available project budget funds. In addition, there is an undefined, yet presumably substantial cost benefit in facilitating the efficient and timely completion of the new Warehouse/Service Center Project.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the BWP General Manager to enter into a Construction Agreement with Icon West at or below $828,950 to complete certain tenant improvements to BWP�s former Light Fleet Building. If the Council concurs, the appropriate action would be a motion to adopt the Resolution entitled:
c: Fund 535 Executive Committee R. Morillo P. Herman B. Liu W. Hutchings J. Cassidy D. Gibbons