Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 5, 2007Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request City Council�s approval to install signage on the exterior of the Burbank Center Stage, Home of the Colony Theatre Company, located at 555 N. Third Street. This report also requests authorization to fund the project from the City�s General Fund, and to amend the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Budget.
The Burbank Center Stage was developed in conjunction with the original development of the Burbank Town Center Mall. The developer was required to devote a portion of the project for a community facility. In 1992, the City entered into a sublease agreement with the developer and the Redevelopment Agency, as part of a master lease which provided the right for the City to use the premises for a cultural facility, to provide cultural, educational, social and recreational activities. The lease term was for 50 years with four 10-year options with rent at $1.00 per year. In 1992, the City subleased the facility to the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, however due to poor attendance the museum was closed in 1996. A competitive Request for Proposal process for the re-use of the facility ultimately led to a decision to convert the former museum site to a 276-seat performing arts facility. In March 2000, the Colony Theatre Company, one of the oldest and most successful theatre companies in the greater Los Angeles area, was selected as the operator of the facility. As negotiated in the original operating agreement, the Colony Theatre Company is responsible for providing year �round professional theatrical productions and on a limited basis, make available the facility to community-based groups and assist them with staging of their events and productions.
At the City Council meeting of November 21, 2006, City Council approved a five-year sublease agreement and a theater operating agreement between the City of Burbank and the Colony Theatre Company. At this meeting, City Council also discussed the topic of exterior signage for the facility, and requested staff to investigate signage options for City Council to consider. Staff is returning to City Council with three basic options. City Council may select all or any combination of the options presented, or redirect staff to explore other options for consideration.
Significant permanent signage or facility identification has not been in place since the LA County Museum closed the facility in the mid 1990�s. It was anticipated at the time of initial occupancy, that the Colony Theatre Company had a significant donor interested in addressing this facility need. Unfortunately this opportunity did not come to fruition. To date, only temporary banner signage and display cases promoting individual productions, and a small sign over the Third Street entrance have been the primary means for facility identification. Additionally, it should be noted that the existing wall lighting fixtures located on Third Street and Cypress Avenue are in significant need of repair and/or replacement.
In addressing signage needs, staff and Colony Theater management believe that the most critical component is basic professional facility identification. Effective building identification, as proposed in the options presented in this report, will have the greatest positive impact for current and potential patrons. Production promotion was identified as a secondary priority. The facility currently has three display cases on Third Street, and two located at the main garage entrance, which promote current and upcoming productions.
Staff from Burbank Water & Power, Public Works and Park, Recreation and Community Services Departments all participated at various stages to research and explore possibilities for signage design, as well as funding options. Additionally, the Colony Theater Company provided significant comments, and also participated in site visits with sign designers and manufacturers.
It was through this collaboration that staff and the Colony Theatre developed three signage options for City Council�s consideration. (Attachment A) These options are presented in priority order as suggested by Colony Theatre Company management and supported by staff. All options presented for consideration reflect a consistent identification of the facility, reading Burbank Center Stage � Home of the Colony Theatre Company. This identification is also consistent with facility identification as called for in the original sublease and operating agreement.
Option I This option provides for brushed aluminum applications on exterior walls located on Third Street, Cypress Avenue and the main theater entrance located in the Macy�s/Mervyns parking structure. Proposal costs include: brushed aluminum lettering and two painted script logos, new light fixtures, new electrical, and installation. The lettering to read; Burbank Center Stage (10� high); The Home of the (7�� high); Colony script logo (48� high); Theater Company (7�� high). The total projected cost for Option I at all three suggested locations is $44,166.
This option is believed to have the most significant impact for facility identification at a reasonable cost. The attractive brushed aluminum lettering identifying the building will offer patrons, as well as the general public, clear and attractive building identification. Additionally, it is believed that the signage identification proposed for the parking structure will greatly assist patrons, in locating the main entrance to the theater, as well as market the presence of the theater to mall visitors
Existing exterior building.
Option I, exterior signage.
Existing entrance from parking structure.
Option I, entrance from parking structure.
Option II This option provides for a 15� tall x 3�8� wide double sided projection sign with 2� tall reverse LED illuminated letters reading �Colony,� with additional lettering 12� high on the bottom of the projection sign reading �Theatre Company�. This projection sign is being recommended for placement above the Third Street entrance and readable from either side of the sign. Proposal costs include sign manufacturing, shipping, electrical and installation. The total projected cost for Option II is $27,062.
This option provides for esthetic visual impact for both the building as well as the Colony Theater Company. Its classic theater design, along with LED lighting components will provide for both energy conservation and sense of place for the theater. The system will allow for easy modification should the operation of the Burbank Center Stage change operators in the future.
Existing exterior building.
Option II, exterior signage.
Option III This option provides for a marquee style electronic message center. The system includes two daktronic outdoor LED display units. Each unit is 3�8� high x 9�11� wide and 8� deep. LED colors include red, blue, and green with matrix of 48 pixels high and 144 pixels long. Additional aluminum letters 12� tall, bracket mounted on top of each electronic display unit reading �Burbank Center Stage�. Proposal costs include sign manufacturing, shipping, a communication system with software, electrical and installation. Total projected cost for Option III $77,416.
This option is the most visually dynamic and costly of the options presented. The proposed LED display units would offer the opportunity to display fixed production information on the two displays units and would also give the perception of a classic theater marquee. Concern developed as to whether the size of the LED lettering would be effective for viewing from moving vehicles. Additionally, the established grove of palm trees adjacent to the proposed location for the marquee above the Third Street theater entrance would also limit visual access. Based on these concerns and the estimated cost for this option this is the lowest priority presented for consideration
As indicated previously, the Colony Theatre Company�s management and staff have identified Option I and Option II as priorities for City Council consideration and believe these two options provide for significant visual exposure and facility identification at the most reasonable cost. Although Option III (marquee style electronic display), would provide a unique identification enhancement, its believed that the visual exposure would be limited due to the grove of palm trees located on the corner of Third Street and Cypress Avenue. Vehicle traffic will only have limited visual exposure. Additionally, the cost of Option III exceeds the combined cost of Options I and II.
As was previously stated, the Colony Theatre Company entered into an operating agreement with the City for a period of 5 years commencing November 2006. The agreement requires a payment to the City of $1,500 per month, made on a quarterly basis. In lieu of payments, the Colony Theatre has the option of making capital improvements to the facility. All improvements must be permanently affixed to the facility. If approved by City staff, they receive rent credit for the documented cost of the improvement for which they perform. The display cases along Third Street and adjacent to the main theatre entrance, are an example of a capital improvement project that was approved for rent credit.
Staff is recommending that the General Fund unappropriated fund balance be used to pay for the up-front costs of purchasing and installing the signage. The lack of appropriate signage is a priority issue for the City and the Colony Theatre. It is also understood that additional capital improvements will continue to be made. Thus, staff is proposing that 50% of the monthly rent payments, $2,250 per quarter, be designated towards recouping the cost of the signage and its installation. During the remaining years of the current agreement term, approximately $40,000 would be recovered. If the agreement is extended in 2011, and City Council opts to select Options I and II, the entire cost would be recovered.
Staff explored the potential of utilizing BWP Public Benefit funding to offset part of the costs, however it was identified that funding would not be applicable for the options presented for Council consideration.
Staff, in concert with the Colony Theatre Company�s management, recommends that City Council
Attachment A
Option I Exterior wall application. Locations identified Third Street, Cypress Avenue, and main theater garage entrance. Proposal costs include brushed aluminum lettering and logos, lighting, electrical and installation. Signage reading Burbank Center Stage (10� high); Home of the (7� high); Colony in script logo (48� high); and Theatre Company (7� high).
Third Street $13,423.00 Cypress Avenue $13,423.00 Main Theater Entrance-Garage $17,320.00
Option I Subtotal $44,166.00
Option II Exterior- 15� tall x 3�8� wide double sided projection sign with 2� tall reverse LED, illuminated letters reading �Colony� with additional 12� lettering reading �Theatre Company� on the bottom of projection sign. This projection sign is being recommended for placement above the Third Street entrance. Proposal costs include sign manufacturing, shipping, electrical and installation.
Option II Subtotal $27,062.00
Option III Exterior marquee system. Electronic message center recommended for placement above third Street entrance. Two units Datronix Outdoor LED Display. LED-Red, Blue, Green. Matrix 48 pixels high x 144 pixels long. Unit dimensions � 3�8� high x 9�11� wide x 8� deep (each unit). Additional aluminum letters 12� tall, bracket mounted on top of each electronic display unit reading �Burbank Center Stage�. Proposal costs include sign manufacturing, shipping, communication system with software, electrical and installation.
Option III Subtotal $77,416.00