Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Agenda Item - 4


                                              CITY OF BURBANK
                                  OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER




DATE: May 29, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Sana Arakelian Ford, Administrative Analyst II

Selection of At-Large Community Member to Serve on the Jordan Middle School, John Burroughs High School, and Burbank High School Joint Oversight Committee




The purpose of this report is request City Council selection of an at-large community member to serve on the Jordan Middle School, John Burroughs High School, and Burbank High School Joint Oversight Committee.




On April 17, 2007 the City Council adopted a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative Joint Use and Improvement of Recreation Facilities between the City of Burbank and the Burbank Unified School District to fund improvements to the Jordan Middle School, John Burroughs High School and Burbank High School athletic facilities.  This first step segregated funds for the estimated costs of the project, authorized preconstruction activities to begin, and identified the steps necessary in the joint cooperative effort with the School District


Related to providing project oversight of the improvement work at all three identified schools, the Council approved staff�s recommendation to establish a Joint Oversight Committee.  This committee will provide administrative oversight for the projects at all three schools and be responsible for periodic updates and status reports to the City Council and School Board.  The members of the Joint Oversight Committee will work to ensure that construction planning, timelines, bidding, inspections and costs are reviewed before and during actual construction in accordance with the expectations of the City of Burbank and the Burbank Unified School District.  Additionally, the committee will assist with recommendations related to key architectural components and assist with any necessary value engineering decisions.  The Joint Oversight Committee will also be responsible for monitoring fundraising efforts and appraising the City Council and School Board regarding the status of these efforts.  The Joint Oversight Committee shall serve through the completion of the improvements to both high schools and Jordan Middle School.




This Joint Oversight Committee replaces the original Steering Committee which provided recommendations for the projects.  The original Steering Committee consisted of Council representatives Marsha Ramos and Jef Vander Borght, School Board representatives Debbie Kukta and Dave Kemp, as well as Dr. Greg Bowman, Superintendent, and Mary Alvord, City Manager.


As approved by the Council during the meeting of April 17, 2007, the Joint Oversight Committee will consist of:


  • Burbank City Manager

  • Burbank Unified School District School Superintendent

  • Two School Board Members to be appointed by the Board of Education

  • Two City Council Members to be appointed by the City Council

  • Two at-large community members, one appointed by the City Council and one appointed by the School Board.


During the May 5, 2007 Council Goal Setting Workshop, Mayor Ramos and Council Member Gordon were appointed by the Council to serve on the Joint Oversight Committee.  However, the Council has not yet had the opportunity to choose their one at-large community member appointee. 


The Board of Education has not officially appointed their two School Board Members; as well as their at-large community member.  However School District staff will be recommending that Board Members Dave Kemp and Debbie Kukta serve on the Joint Oversight Committee, as they previously served on the Steering Committee.


City and School District staff have begun the preliminary process of identifying an architect for the John Burroughs and Burbank High School projects.  In April, the School District publicized and sent packets of information requesting interested architects to submit their Statement of Qualifications to the District by Friday, May 18th.  Responses to this request are currently being review by City and School District staff.   To say on track with the project schedule approved by both the Council and the Board, the selection of an architect for the high school projects by early June is essential.   Therefore, the timely appointments of the remaining members to the Joint Oversight Committee to review and select from the top candidates is necessary. 




There is no fiscal impact to the selection of an at-large community member to serve on the Joint Oversight Committee.




Both City and School District staff have initiated preconstruction activities for all three schools.  The architect selection for the high school projects is quickly approaching, and City and School District staff are eager to have an assembled Joint Oversight Committee to provide input on the architect selection as well as other project issues.  Therefore the need for the Council and the Board of Education to appoint the remaining members of the Committee has become critical.


Staff requests City Council select an at-large community member to serve on the Jordan Middle School, John Burroughs High School, and Burbank High School Joint Oversight Committee.



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