Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 22, 2007Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request the Council make appointments to the identified boards, commissions and committees with members whose terms expire June 1, 2007. Staff has also attached the current list of all board, commission and committee members.
On April 2, 2007, the City Clerk's Office began advertising and accepting applications for vacancies created by the June 1, 2007 term expirations on various City boards, commissions and committees. Notice of the vacancies was sent to newspapers and placed on the City�s website, the Channel 6 Scroll and in the February 2007 utility billing envelopes in order to obtain qualified candidates. The deadline to submit applications to the City Clerk�s Office was Friday, May 4, 2007 at 5:00 p.m.
It should be noted that all board, commission and committee members serve without compensation from the City and no person shall serve on more than one board, commission or committee (established by the Burbank Municipal Code) at the same time. If any current board, commission or committee member whose term is not due to expire on June 1, 2007 is appointed to a different board, commission or committee, that member must resign their current position before serving in their new capacity. In addition, any appointee must be an elector of, and actually reside in, the City of Burbank.
The City Clerk's office conducted a random drawing to select the order that the boards, commissions and committees would be placed on the agenda for Council voting. In addition, a random drawing was conducted to select the order the applicants will appear on the voting sheets. It should be noted that the application form allows each applicant to select three choices should they desire. Therefore, those applicants who applied for more than one board, commission or committee have the priority selection listed next to their name.
The Council votes based on the number of vacancies on each board, commission or committee and the applicants receiving a majority of the votes in the first round move into the second round. The process continues for as many rounds as are necessary to attain the correct number of applicants to fill the vacancies. It is important to note that even though each Council Member is allowed a certain number of votes, there is no obligation to vote that specified number of times. This process is based on past practice and should the Council desire to make any changes to the process, staff recommends that the process be clarified prior to any voting.
Vacancies have been identified for the following fourteen committees: Board of Building and Fire Code Appeals; Burbank Water and Power; Civic Pride Committee; Civil Service Board; Heritage Commission; Landlord-Tenant Commission; Board of Library Trustees; Park, Recreation and Community Services Board; Planning Board; Police Commission; Senior Citizen Board; Traffic and Transportation Committee; Transportation Commission; and, Youth Endowment Services Fund Board. Following is the random order of the boards, commissions and committees as well as the applicants and the order in which the Council will be asked to vote:
Board of Building and Fire Code Appeals
The Board of Building and Fire Code Appeals consists of five members. There are currently two vacancies on this Board. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies:
Burbank Water and Power Board
The Burbank Water and Power Board consists of seven members. There are currently four vacancies on this Board. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Four Vacancies:
Civic Pride Committee
The Civic Pride Committee was established by Burbank Municipal Code Section 2-423 and currently consists of eleven members. There are currently six vacancies on this Committee. The term of office is two years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Six Vacancies:
Civil Service Board
The Civil Service Board consists of five members. There are currently two vacancies on this Board. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies:
Heritage Commission
The Heritage Commission was established by Burbank Municipal Code Section 2-420. Five Burbank residents are appointed to four-year terms. Currently, there is one vacancy for an unexpired term ending June 1, 2010. This vacancy was created by the resignation of Commission Member Sonia Peltekian. A second vacancy ending June 1, 2008, created by the recent resignation of Commission Member Howard Barr, is being advertised and will be filled at a future Council meeting. One application was received from the following interested individual: One unexpired Term:
Landlord-Tenant Commission
The Landlord-Tenant Commission consists of five members. There are currently two vacancies on this Commission. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies:
Board of Library Trustees
The Board of Library Trustees consists of seven members. There are currently three vacancies on this Board. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies:
Park, Recreation and Community Services Board
The Park, Recreation and Community Services Board consists of five members. There are currently two vacancies on this Board. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies:
Planning Board
The Planning Board consists of five members. There are currently two vacancies on this Board. Terms of office for this Board are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies:
Police Commission
The Police Commission consists of five members. There are currently three vacancies on this Commission, including one unexpired term ending June 1, 2009, created by the resignation of Commission Member Anja Reinke upon her election to Member of the City Council. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies and one unexpired Term:
Senior Citizen Board
The Senior Citizen Board was established by Burbank Municipal Code Section 2-415 and consists of seven members who shall be Senior Citizens. All Committee members are appointed to four-year terms. Currently, there is one vacancy for an unexpired term ending June 1, 2008. This vacancy was created due to the resignation of Board Member Florence Nos. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
One unexpired term:
Traffic and Transportation Committee
The Traffic and Transportation Committee was established by Burbank Municipal Code Section 2-421 and currently consists of thirteen members. One representative each is designated by the City Manager, Public Works Director, Chief of Police, Community Development Director and Superintendent of the Burbank Unified School District. The eight remaining members are Burbank residents appointed by the City Council. The term of office for the eight members is two years. Currently, there are two vacancies and one unexpired term ending June 1, 2008, to replace Committee Member Joseph Spaulding. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Two Vacancies and one unexpired Term:
Transportation Commission
The Transportation Commission consists of seven members. There are currently three vacancies on this Commission. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Three Vacancies:
Youth Endowment Services Fund Advisory Committee
The Youth Endowment Services Fund Advisory Committee consists of seven members. There are currently four vacancies on this Committee. Terms of office are four years. Applications were received from the following interested individuals:
Three Vacancies:
Staff recommends the Council consider making the appropriate appointments to the various boards, commissions and committees or give direction to staff as desired.
Margarita Campos, CMC City Clerk