Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Agenda Item - 5


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: May 22, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director

revision of the specifications and titles for the classificationS of Administrative Assistant (CTC No. 0017 and 5017) to Administrative Analyst I; Administrative Analyst I (CTC. No. 0014 and 5014) to Administrative Analyst II; and Administrative Analyst II (CTC No. 0015 and 5015) to Senior Administrative Analyst




The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of revisions to the specifications and titles for the classifications of Administrative Assistant (CTC No. 0017 and 5017) to Administrative Analyst I; Administrative Analyst I (CTC No. 0014 and 5014) to Administrative Analyst II; and Administrative Analyst II (CTC No. 0015 and 5015) to Senior Administrative Analyst.




In April 2006, the Burbank Management Association (BMA) contacted staff to request that the title for Administrative Assistant be revised.  Several BMA members believe that the title does not accurately reflect the nature of the classification.  The title �Administrative Assistant� is often used in private industry for positions that provide secretarial or clerical assistance to managers and executives.  The City of Burbank�s specification for Administrative Assistant does not include clerical or secretarial duties; rather the position is designed as an entry level management position tasked with administrative, analytic, and research duties.




The Administrative Assistant classification is part of a clearly defined promotional series that moves from Administrative Assistant to Administrative Analyst I to Administrative Analyst II.  Staff is proposing to revise the title for Administrative Assistant to Administrative Analyst I, and to also revise the other titles in the series accordingly.  Administrative Analyst I is proposed to be revised to Administrative Analyst II and Administrative Analyst II is proposed to be revised to Senior Administrative Analyst.


Given the proposal to revise the titles for the entire series, staff felt this was also an appropriate opportunity to review all of the specifications in the series.  Staff wanted to ensure that the specifications contain a clear progression in the nature and complexity of the duties performed as employees move from one title to the next.  Staff also believed it was important to revise the specifications so that they more accurately reflect what is expected from these classifications, as well as what employees currently in these classifications are actually doing. 


The attached proposed specifications more accurately reflect the duties, requirements, and expectations of the three classifications and clearly illustrate a promotional progression. 


As almost every department has employees in one or more titles in this series, all of the departments were provided an opportunity to review and provide comments on the proposed changes.  BMA was also provided an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed specifications. 


Some employees in these classifications report directly to department heads or work with confidential material and are therefore classified as unrepresented management.  The remainder of the employees in these classifications are represented by BMA.  The proposed changes to these titles and specifications will not change the status of the employees who are currently unrepresented, and BMA will continue to represent the remainder.  The positions represented by BMA will continue to be Civil Service positions and the unrepresented positions will continue to be Civil Service exempt.  All three classifications are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act and included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.    


Fiscal Impact:


There is no fiscal impact associated with revising the specifications and titles for these classifications.  The salaries for these positions will remain unchanged. 




Staff recommends that the City Council approve the revisions to the specifications and titles for the classifications of Administrative Assistant (CTC No. 0017 and 5017) to Administrative Analyst I; Administrative Analyst I (CTC No. 0014 and 5014) to Administrative Analyst II; and Administrative Analyst II (CTC No. 0015 and 5015) to Senior Administrative Analyst.





Proposed specifications

Redline version of proposed specifications