Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 15, 2007Agenda Item - 3 |
To request Council approval of contract documents and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1231, Parking Lot Reconstruction Project.
For Fiscal Year 2006-2007, Council approved an appropriation of $255,000.00 for resurfacing of deteriorated public parking lots at four City owned facilities. The facilities are the Central Library, Northwest Library, Verdugo Park, and Foy Park (Exhibit A). The scope of work of this project includes resurfacing of asphaltic concrete pavement, repair of curbs and gutters, and reconstruction of pedestrian ramps within the parking lots.
Bid Schedule No. 1231 was advertised for construction bids on March 28 and 31, 2007. A bid opening was held on April 17, 2007, and seven contractors submitted bids ranging from $249,767.50 to $353,950.00 (Exhibit B).
Tyner Paving Company of Los Angeles, California submitted the lowest bid of $249,767.50, which is 2.1 percent below the engineer�s estimate of $255,000.00. This contractor has previously performed work similar to the scope of work of this project for the City of Burbank with satisfactory results.
An environmental review categorized this project as exempt by Categorical Exemption under CEQA Section 15301(c). Construction of this project is planned to occur in May and June 2007.
Fiscal Impact:
The total amount for this project is $249,767.50. Sufficient funding is available with appropriated General Fund dollars in Account Number 370-PW33A-70002-0000-15964 (City Parking Lot Repairs).
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents and award a construction contract to Tyner Paving Company for Bid Schedule No. 1231, Parking Lot Reconstruction Project.
Attachments: Exhibits A and B