Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Agenda Item - 5


Text Box:                                                                                                                    City of Burbank
Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: May 8, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director





The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of the Art in Public Places project at Ovrom Park.




The Site Specific Art Selection Committee was formed in July of 2004 for the purpose of selecting an Art in Public Places project for Ovrom Park.  The Committee members included the Project Architect, City Councilmembers Marsha Ramos and Stacey Murphy, Park Recreation and Community Services Director Eric Hansen, Public Works Director Bonnie Teaford, Assistant Community Development Director Ruth Davidson-Guerra, Project Manager Phillip Clifford, Art in Public Places representative Todd Layfer, Park, Recreation and Community Services Board representative David Laurell, and the Community School Principal Chris Krohn.  There have been changes in the make up of the Committee.  Dave Golonski replaced Stacey Murphy, Steve Phinney replaced the previous architect, and Chris Krohn is no longer on the Committee. 


After soliciting and securing requests for qualifications from art consultants, the Committee interviewed two finalists for the position.  Beatrix Barker was selected and entered into an agreement with the City to facilitate the search for an artist.  A request for qualifications was developed and distributed to over three hundred artists utilizing the City�s open artist list and artists from Ms. Barker�s own list, who she deemed appropriate for the project.  Eighty-eight (88) submittals were received.  Ms. Barker evaluated the applications and presented them to the Committee, with her recommendations.  The Committee selected six finalists and interviews were held.  Cliff Garten was selected for the project.  Staff entered into an initial design agreement with Mr. Garten.  In January 2005, Mr. Garten requested that a portion of the landscaping budget designated for the corner of Cedar and South San Fernando be included in the art project budget.  It was his desire to design a formal and functional park entrance.  The area would encompass 5,600 square feet.  The Site Specific Committee recommended that his proposal be presented to the Oversight Committee.   Staff took this proposal to this Committee, composed of two City Council members and Department Executives. The Oversight Committee approved the expansion of the proposal�s footprint, and on June 13, 2005 a new design agreement for $18,000 (10% of the project�s balance) was executed. The total art budget was increased to $180,000.


Mr. Garten�s installation is �functionally based and it is as much about making beautiful space in public, as it is about a beautiful object�.  He has created an inviting open area with places for people to sit, where they can study, talk, and play.  It will feature a grove of approximately 18 trees, a transparent wall of four 4�x8� stainless steel screens, bench seating, and park signage.  The installation will be well lit, with each tree having two (2) uplights, and the screens being back lit.  The stainless steel screens will be water jet cut with an artistic pattern featuring stands of flowing vines.  They will not be painted.  Two bronze sculptures (3�x6�) will be placed at the entrance announcing Ovrom Park.  There will be small images, in stainless steel, attached to the bronze and will emulate the flowers of the trees. 




The proposed art project received unanimous support from the Site Specific Selection Committee on March 1, 2007.  The proposal was also approved by the Art in Public Places Committee on March 21, 2007.  As designed, it will provide park identification, be a functional space for the park patrons, provide a quiet zone where people can meet and talk, and be well lighted and safe. The area will use the lighting to make a sculptural statement, further defining a unique look at night for both pedestrians and vehicle traffic.  The shade from the extensive tree canopies will provide an area which will be cool during the warm summer months.  The artist has worked closely with architect Steve Phinney, to insure that the landscaping elements have been well integrated into the park infrastructure. 




The $180,000 has been set aside for this installation in the project�s budget.




Staff and the Site Specific Selection Committee recommend that City Council approve the proposed Art in Public Places project.




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