Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Agenda Item - 3


                             CITY OF BURBANK
                   PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: May 8, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Public Works Director

By:       Ken Johnson, Traffic Engineer






Staff requests Council approval of contract documents and the award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule 1232 (BS 1232) � Traffic Signal and Signing/Striping Project.




The intersections of Victory Boulevard at Verdugo Avenue & Main Street, and Third Street at Verdugo Avenue are included in the Public Works Department work program to be constructed this fiscal year.  This project is part of an ongoing effort to upgrade and improve traffic congestion in Burbank.


The modification of the traffic signal on Victory Boulevard at Verdugo Avenue and Main Street will replace all poles, pedestals, and control equipment to improve the efficiency of the vehicle and pedestrian movements at this unusual intersection.  The project also includes the modification of pedestrian access ramps, pedestrian walkways, and the addition of pedestrian walk-don�t walk signal indications to improve safety of pedestrians crossing the roadways.


Third Street at Verdugo Avenue is currently controlled by a four-way stop.  An increase in vehicle volume to the freeway on Verdugo Avenue and accident data indicated the need for a traffic signal.  The installation of a new traffic signal will improve the efficiency at the intersection and reduce travel time between Glenoaks Boulevard and Interstate 5.  In addition, a Class II Bike Lane along Verdugo Avenue, from Front Street to Glenoaks Boulevard is included in the project.  The project will install the signing and striping for a Class II Bike Lane, vehicle loop detection and bicycle loop detection along Verdugo Avenue.  This bike route is part of the City�s Bikeway Master Plan. 


Environmental review determined that this project is categorically exempt according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c).




BS 1232 was advertised for bids on March 3 and March 7, 2007.  Ten (10) copies of the bid package were purchased from the Financial Services Department.  A bid opening was held on March 27, 2007, and eight (8) contractors submitted bids as follows:


CONTRACTOR                                                                                                  BID AMOUNT


1.      KDC Inc., dba Dynalectric, Los Alamitos, CA                                            $ 514,900.00


2.      C. T. & F. Inc., Bell Gardens, CA                                                                 $ 527,188.00


3.      Oak Engineering Inc., Pomona, CA                                                            $ 534,019.00


4.      CSI Electrical Contractors, Inc., Santa Fe Springs, CA                            $ 566,863.00


5.      Terno Inc., La Mirada, CA                                                                             $ 574,382.00


6.      Freeway Electric, Riverside, CA                                                                  $ 574,574.00


7.      Comet Electric Inc., Canoga Park, CA                                                       $ 867,950.00


8.      California Engineering & Contracting, Fountain Valley, CA                     $ 534,850.00

      (Disqualified, insufficient amount of Bid Bond)


KDC Inc., dba Dynalectric, of Los Alamitos, CA submitted the lowest responsible bid of $514,900.00.  The bids range from the lowest bid of $514,900.00 to the highest bid of $867,950.00.  The lowest responsible bid is 22 percent above the engineers cost estimate for the project of $400,000.  This difference is a result of the continuous increase in the cost of materials and labor over the last several years. 


The City has the right to remove or reduce items of the bid as the best interest of the City may require.  There are insufficient funds available to complete all the bid items in the project.  Staff, with the consent of the Purchasing Manager, communicated with KDC Inc., dba Dynalectric the City�s intention of eliminating bid items 2, 7, 8, and 9 (components of the traffic signal interconnect) to reduce the construction cost of the project from $514,900.00 to $438,725.00.  The contractor has agreed with the City�s proposed deletions of bid items 2, 7, 8, and 9 and accepted that the unit price of all remaining bid items on their bid proposal will remain the same.  The resulting project is within the budgeted amount allocated for this project.


KDC Inc., dba Dynalectric was found to be qualified for this project with all required licenses and experience.  The construction for this project is scheduled to occur between June and September 2007.




The revised construction cost for the project is $438,725.00.  Funds in the amount of $476,403.13 are available in the Left Turn Phasing Interconnect Project account no.  370.PW22A.70002.0000.15958 ($237,221.20), and the Third and Verdugo Traffic Signal Project account nos. 370.PW22A.70002.0000.15959 ($204,181.93) and 127. CD33A.70002.0000.15959 ($35,000.00).




Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents and awarding a construction contract to KDC Inc., dba Dynalectric for the Bid Schedule 1232 � Traffic Signal and Signing/Striping Project.





            Exhibit 1 � Location Map

            Exhibit 2 � Letter from KDC Inc., dba Dynalectric





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