Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Agenda Item - 5






DATE: April 24, 2007
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Margarita Campos, City Clerk




Pursuant to the provisions of Section 28 of the City Charter, the purpose of this report is to present the results of the General Municipal and Special Elections held on April 10, 2007 for Council approval.




A Primary Nominating Election was conducted in the City of Burbank on February 27, 2007 for the purpose of nominating or electing candidates for two seats on the City Council and three seats on the Board of Education.  Following the tabulation of the final results, there was no candidate who received a majority of the votes cast at the Election for Member of the City Council and as such, the two seats on the City Council were to be filled in the General Municipal Election to be held on April 10, 2007 by two of the following four candidates: Gary R. Bric; Phil Berlin; Anja Reinke; and, Carolyn Berlin. Each of the three Board of Education candidates (Roberta Grande Reynolds, Dave L. Kemp and Ted Bunch) received a majority of the votes cast, and were therefore declared to be duly and regularly elected to office for a full term of four years, ending April 30, 2011. 


On April 10, 2007, the General Municipal Election was conducted for the purpose of filling the City Council seats. Consolidated with the General Election were Special Elections for voter consideration of: Measure A � Transient Occupancy Tax; Measure B � Appointed City Clerk; Measure C � Appointed City Treasurer; Measure D � Transition of Elected City Clerk and City Treasurer; Measure E � Filling Council Vacancies; Measure F � Budget Adoption and Amendment; and, Measure G � New Charter.


Notice of the Election was given, precincts established, election officers appointed, and the supplies furnished.  The votes cast were received and canvassed as required by law. The canvass of the Election was completed on Friday, April 13, 2007 with the official results posted on the same day.  The five-day protest period expires on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. No protests were received as of the printing of the agenda.




A summary of the votes cast in each precinct as well as the final votes for each of the candidates and measures is attached to the resolution as Exhibit A.  The summary indicates the following results:  Gary R. Bric (6,348 votes - Elected); Phil Berlin (3,293 votes); Anja Reinke (6,332 votes - Elected); and, Carolyn Berlin (3,365 votes).  Gary R. Bric and Anja Reinke are therefore declared to be duly and regularly elected to office for a full term of four years.


In addition, the following votes were cast for the measures.  Measure A � Transient Occupancy Tax (Yes - 4,647, No � 4,947); Measure B � Appointed City Clerk (Yes � 4,482, No � 5,093); Measure C � Appointed City Treasurer (Yes - 4,329, No � 5,028); Measure D � Transition of Elected City Clerk and City Treasurer (Yes � 4,820, No � 4,428); Measure E � Filling Council Vacancies ( Yes - 5,190, No � 4,003); Measure F � Budget Adoption and Amendment (Yes - 4,934, No � 4,294); Measure G � New Charter (Yes  - 5,252, No � 3,890).  Measures E, F and G were approved by the voters and will go into effect.  Measures A, B and C were not approved by the voters and will not go into effect.  Measure D, however, was to provide for the orderly transition from an elected to an appointed City Clerk and City Treasurer, should Measures B and C be adopted.   Since Measures B and C were not approved by the voters, by its terms Measure D will not go into effect, and is declared void.




Staff is recommending that the Council accept the returns as submitted by the City Clerk and adopt the resolution officially declaring the results of the General Municipal and Special Elections held on April 10, 2007.



Margarita Campos, CMC

City Clerk




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