Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, April 17, 2007Agenda Item - 6 |
Staff is requesting Council approval of a resolution renewing a 5-Year General Services Agreement (GSA) between the City of Burbank and the County of Los Angeles.
Every five years, the City of Burbank enters into a GSA with the County of Los Angeles to allow the County to provide miscellaneous as-needed support services. The GSA is general in nature and provides authority for the County to provide services requested by the City. It also specifies the method by which the City requests and pays for a service and provides for the annual adjustment of rates.
Services provided under the GSA primarily consist of miscellaneous services, which the City requests from the County on an as-needed basis. These services include such functions as weed abatement, direct assessment collection, and a variety of public works activities. Cities that need ongoing and specific services, such as law enforcement, public health code enforcement, and animal care and control, must enter into separate Specific Service Agreements that are handled by the responsible County departments.
The existing GSA between the City and the County of Los Angeles will terminate on June 30, 2007. To ensure continuation of the availability of services under the GSA to the City, the County has asked the City to renew the agreement for a five-year period, commencing July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2012. The executed agreement and a certified copy of the proposed resolution must be returned to the County by April 30, 2007 so that the County has sufficient time to agendize and approve the renewal of the GSA.
Renewal of the GSA will have minimal fiscal impact. Payments for the County services come from each project�s funding source.
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution renewing the GSA with the County of Los Angeles
General Services Agreement