Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Agenda Item - 5


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: March 27, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director

revision of the specification and title for the classification of manager telecommunications (CTC No. 0532) to manager telecommunications and facilities (CTC No. 0532)




The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of a revision to the specification and title for the classification of Manager Telecommunications (CTC No. 0532) to Manager Telecommunications and Facilities (CTC No. 0532).




During the last few years, Burbank Water and Power (BWP) reorganized several of its operations to implement best management practices, achieve identified efficiency goals, and remain on the cutting edge of changes in the utility industry.  As part of this reorganization in 2001, the facility construction and maintenance functions were added to the Power Supply Division under the direction of the Assistant General Manager (AGM), Power Supply.  Rather than create a new section within the division to cover the additional duties, the AGM decided to add the facility construction and maintenance functions to the workload of the Telecommunications section under the management of the Manager Telecommunications. 


Prior to 2001, the primary duty of the Manager Telecommunications was to develop and coordinate BWP�s dark fiber and utility telecommunications activities.  The position also supervised clerical and electrical engineering staff.  With the addition of the facility construction and maintenance functions, the position is now responsible for managing major construction projects and providing maintenance, repair, renovation, and custodial services for BWP�s facilities.  The Manager Telecommunications also supervises custodial staff in addition to the clerical and electrical engineering staff. 




BWP is proposing to revise the specification for the classification of Manager Telecommunications to reflect the additional duties that were assigned to the position in 2001.  The attached proposed specification accurately reflects the specialized duties and requirements of the classification and meets the current and ongoing needs of the department.  In addition to changes in the Essential Functions, the Employment Standards and Education & Training sections have also been revised to ensure that candidates for the classification have the knowledge, abilities, and qualifications needed to successfully perform the revised duties.  The proposed revised title for the classification is Manager Telecommunications and Facilities. 


The classification will continue to be a Civil Service position, subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act, and included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code with a requirement to disclose in categories A-1, A-2, C, D and E.  The Burbank Management Association (BMA) will continue to represent the classification, and BMA has been advised of the revision.  The General Manager - BWP concurs with this recommendation. 




There is no fiscal impact associated with the revision of the specification and title for the classification of Manager Telecommunications.  The salary will remain at its current range of $8,565 to $10,406. 




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the revision to the specification and title for the classification of Manager Telecommunications (CTC No. 0532) to Manager Telecommunications and Facilities (CTC No. 0532).





Exhibit A � Proposed specification for Manager Telecommunications and Facilities

Exhibit B � Redline version of proposed specification for Manager Telecommunications and Facilities