Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Agenda Item - 8


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: March 6, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director

Establishment of the title, Specification, and Salary for the classification of Communications Technician Aide (CTC No. 0207)




The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of a resolution establishing the title, specification, and salary for the classification of Communications Technician Aide (CTC No. 0207).




Burbank Water and Power (BWP) has been restructuring over the past several years to be on the cutting edge of changes in the utility industry.  Based on these continuing changes, and to be consistent with the market, the department established the specification for the classification of Communications Technician Supervisor (CTC No. 0208) in August 2006.  The Communications Technician Supervisor provides first-line supervision to the Communications Technicians and Senior Communications Technicians in the communications section.  The Supervisor reports to the Manager Communications Systems, who oversees both the communications section and the security section. 




The establishment of the classification of Communications Technician Aide will enable the Communications Technician Supervisor to better manage the work of the communications section.  The Communications Technician and Senior Communications Technician are highly specialized positions that perform high level, complex and technical communications work.  Currently, these positions are often pulled away from these duties to perform lower level technical work, including minor repairs and trouble shooting for telephone and radio systems.


BWP is proposing to create the classification of Communications Technician Aide to work under the supervision of the Communications Technician Supervisor.  This new position is designed to address ongoing, lower level technical work, allowing the higher level positions to stay focused on the more advanced level work.  The new proposed specification accurately describes the duties and requirements for this position. 


This classification will be a Civil Service position and subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act.  This position will not be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) will represent this classification, and the IBEW has been advised of this establishment.  The General Manager � BWP concurs with the establishment of this classification.  The Civil Service Board approved this establishment at its regular meeting on February 8, 2007.  


Fiscal Impact:


The proposed salary range for the Communications Technician Aide was established by reviewing internal salary relationships within BWP to maintain consistency among positions with similar responsibility levels.  The proposed salary range for this classification is $4,053 to $5,062.


There will be no fiscal impact from the establishment of the Communications Technician Aide at this time.  BWP plans to use salary savings from an unfilled Senior Test Technician, which is budgeted at the higher range $5,930 to $7,403, to fund one Communications Technician Position. 




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution establishing the title, specification, and salary for the classification of Communications Technician Aide (CTC No. 020).





Exhibit A � Specification for the Classification of Communications Technician Aide