Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 6, 2007Agenda Item - 2 |
Staff is requesting Council approval of a resolution ordering the abatement of nuisances caused by weeds and debris on private properties listed in Resolution No. 27,420 authorizing an assessment for cost reimbursement to the County of Los Angeles, and giving notice for subsequent weed and debris abatement if required.
The purpose of the annual weed abatement program is to remove the nuisances created on various private properties by weeds, rubbish, refuse, and brush. These nuisances include potential fire hazards and a haven for rodents and vectors.
On February 13, 2007, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 27,420 (attached) which declared weeds and debris on private properties a nuisance, and requires abatement. Written notice of the March 6, 2007, public hearing was mailed to each property owner declared in the resolution notifying them of the time and place for appeal.
The owners of the privately owned properties (list attached) may complete the abatement themselves or have the County of Los Angeles Weed Abatement Division clear their property. If the property is cleared by the County, the owner�s property tax bill will be assessed for reimbursement for the cost incurred.
The County of Los Angeles cleans private property of weeds and debris. The County keeps track of these charges and is reimbursed through the private property tax bill as a lien against the property. For this program there is no cost impact to the City of Burbank General Fund or the Redevelopment Agency budget other than incidental administrative costs.
This project is categorically exempt according to Section 15301 [h] of CEQA.
It is recommended that the Council adopt a resolution ordering the abatement of nuisances created by weeds and debris on private properties in the City of Burbank.
Attachments: Exhibit A Resolution 27,420