Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Agenda Item - 12






DATE: March 6, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

via Greg Herrmann, Chief Assistant Community Development Director

by Michael D. Forbes, Principal Planner


Update on Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Pipeline Project




This report provides the City Council with an update on the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power�s proposed River Supply Conduit Improvement � Upper Reach pipeline project. 




The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is proposing to construct a 78-inch underground water supply pipeline, a portion of which would traverse the City of Burbank beneath the Whitnall Highway utility corridor.  The project is officially known as the River Supply Conduit Improvement � Upper Reach.  The proposed pipeline would replace an existing underground pipeline that is part of the domestic water system for the City of Los Angeles.  The purpose of the new pipeline is to increase the efficiency of water delivery and to ensure that LADWP�s system conforms to state laws and regulations regarding domestic water systems.


The proposed pipeline would enter Burbank on Burbank Boulevard at the City boundary with the City of Los Angeles.  It would turn south at Whitnall Highway and travel through the southwest area of Burbank along the Whitnall Highway utility corridor in the existing LADWP utility easement, where LADWP has existing power lines above ground and a water pipeline below ground.  The pipeline would exit Burbank south of Riverside Drive and Johnny Carson Park, near Buena Vista Street.  The total pipeline project is approximately 5.98 miles long, of which about 2.25 miles would be located in Burbank.  The portion of the project along Whitnall Highway in Burbank is expected to start construction in November 2008 and be completed by September 2011.


In January 2007, LADWP issued a Notice of Preparation and Initial Study that provide maps and details about the location and nature of the project (Exhibit A).  The release of these documents is the first step in preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  The purpose of the Notice of Preparation is to notify affected public agencies that an EIR will be prepared and to seek input on what issues and areas of impact should be studied in the EIR.


Staff worked with the City Attorney�s office and an outside environmental consultant with expertise in geology to prepare a comment letter to ensure that all potential areas of impact are adequately studied in the EIR.  A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit B.  There was no time to bring this matter to the Council prior to submitting the comment letter because the comments were due at the end of February.  However, the matter was discussed with the Environmental Oversight Committee at its meeting on February 20, 2007.  The input received from the Committee members was incorporated into the City�s comment letter.


Staff notes that the comments submitted are general in nature and focus on the scope of the environmental document.  The full environmental analysis has not yet been completed and all of the project alternatives have not yet been studied.  That analysis will occur in the EIR document.  Once the Draft EIR has been prepared and released for public comment, the City and any interested Burbank residents or other parties will have an opportunity at that time to submit comments regarding the quality of the environmental analysis and the alternatives studied.


Staff contacted LADWP staff regarding the expected timeline for preparation of the EIR.  LADWP staff stated that they expect to complete the Draft EIR and release it for public review around April 2007.  Once the document is released, there will be a minimum 45-day comment period during which any interested persons may submit comments on the document.  City staff will carefully review the Draft EIR with assistance from an outside environmental consultant and provide written comments at that time to ensure that the City�s concerns are adequately addressed.  Due to the location of the Whitnall Highway utility corridor in residential neighborhoods, it will be important to ensure that any potential environmental impacts are adequately studied and mitigated to the extent possible.




There is no further action for the City to take until the Draft EIR is released for public comment, at which time staff will review the document and prepare a comment letter.  Staff will closely monitor the status of this project to ensure that the City Council and Burbank residents are aware of the opportunity to review the Draft EIR and provide comments when the time comes.




Staff recommends that the City Council note and file this report.  Staff will provide status updates to the Council in the future as needed and will ensure that the Council and the public are aware of the availability of the Draft EIR once it is released for public review and comment.





Exhibit A          Notice of Preparation and Initial Study

Exhibit B          City comment letter in response to Notice of Preparation



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