Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Agenda Item - 3






DATE: February 6, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

via Greg Herrmann, Chief Assistant Community Development Director

by David L. Kriske, Senior Planner


First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. for Electrical Utility Design Work as Part of the Interstate 5 HOV / Empire Avenue Interchange Project




Staff is requesting City Council authorization for the City Manager to amend a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Orsa) in the amount of $18,000 to perform revisions to the Conceptual Design Report created to document Burbank Water and Power electrical utility relocations required for the Interstate 5 HOV / Empire Avenue Interchange Project.




The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has committed funding to complete the Empire Interchange as part of the larger Interstate 5 HOV Project between State Route 134 and State Route 170 in the City of Burbank.  To meet a projected construction start date of 2008, Caltrans must complete design work of the interchange and railroad grade separation.  To complete the design process, a large number of City and private utilities must be identified and relocated to accommodate the various new ramps and grade separations that are required for the project.  In order to meet MTA�s projected construction start date, this utility design work must be completed such that utility relocation can occur later this year prior to the actual project construction start. On May 30, 2006, City Council directed staff to enter into a PSA with Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc in the amount of $75,000 to perform conceptual design work for electrical utility relocations that are required as part of the new interchange and railroad grade separation.  The result of this work was a Conceptual Design Report that outlined the needed relocations and improvements, as well as a cost estimate for the required work.  The purpose of the Conceptual Design Report is to provide design information that can be developed into final, construction-level design plans.  This report was completed in July of 2006.


After completion of the initial report, city staff and Caltrans have continued to discuss and modify the scope of utility relocations for the interchange project in an effort to reduce utility costs while still ensuring that the City�s electrical distribution system will not be affected during interchange construction.  As a result of these discussions, it is necessary for Orsa to revise to Conceptual Design Report to include these latest changes.  As a result, staff is requesting to amend the original PSA to include an additional $18,000 to complete the revised plans. City Administrative Procedure requires City Council approval for any PSA that exceeds $75,000.  When added to the original contract amount, this amendment would bring the total to $93,000.


Staff believes that expenditure of these funds is necessary to complete conceptual utility designs for the electrical systems affected by the Empire Interchange project.  Completion of these revised conceptual plans will allow the City to prepare a scope of work for final, construction-level design and develop project phasing schedules for utility work.  This revised design work is required to ensure that MTA continues to fund the Empire Interchange and Buena Vista railroad grade separation improvements as part of their larger HOV project, and timely completion is necessary to ensure that the project stay on schedule for an anticipated 2008 start date.




To execute this amendment, $18,000 would be spent from the Empire Interchange Capital Improvement Program project account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.13608.  There are currently sufficient funds to cover this expenditure, and no budget amendment is required.




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into the First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. to perform revisions to the Conceptual Design Report created to document required electrical utility relocations required for the Interstate 5 HOV / Empire Interchange Project.




Exhibit A:         First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement



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