Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 16, 2007Agenda Item - 9 |
This report summarizes a meeting with Tujunga Avenue residents and interested parties held on November 29, 2006 at the Burbank Central Library. The meeting was held to solicit comments from interested residents on the centerline delineators that were installed on Tujunga Avenue east of Sunset Canyon Drive in early November. Meeting participants discussed the impact and desirability of the delineators and offered suggestions about how to proceed with traffic calming efforts on Tujunga Avenue.
The report also discusses traffic demand and speed data collected on Tujunga Avenue in December 2006 at the request of residents. The data are presented to provide Council with a framework with which to characterize traffic issues on Tujunga Avenue, and to offer a measure of the need for additional traffic controls on Tujunga Avenue. BACKGROUND
In June 2006, Council directed that traffic controls on Tujunga Avenue be modified to include stop controls, electronic speed signage, and centerline delineators. The stop controls were installed in June 2006; and delineators, yellow in color and three feet high, were installed in the curved area of Tujunga Avenue on October 24, 2006. The speed signs were not installed pending comment by area residents.
Installation of the centerline delineators immediately generated considerable commentary by residents, which prompted a resident meeting with Public Works staff on November 29, 2006. A notice of the resident meeting was mailed to all 220 residents of Tujunga Avenue and Via Montana areas. The meeting notice also included a preference form to indicate whether the delineators should remain or be removed. The resident meeting was attended by about 25 persons, and 29 residents responded to the written inquiry about the delineators. A total of 18 resident attendees (72 percent of those attending the meeting) voted to remove the delineators, and 19 written responses (66 percent of all written responses) also desired to have the delineators removed. The meeting attendees and written responses represent about 24 percent of all residents of the Tujunga Avenue / Via Montana area.
A lively discussion about traffic calming ensued at the November 29 meeting. The group initially discussed the adequacy and appropriateness of the delineators. A majority of the residents agreed that the devices did somewhat slow traffic on Tujunga Avenue around the curves below Gibson Court. However, problematic ancillary issues were identified that included; the delineators are ugly, they narrow the road too much, they eliminate on-street parking in some areas, and the devices add noise to the area. Other calming options were briefly discussed, including speed regulating cameras, chokers, intersection medians, centerline barriers, and speed humps or tables. Staff also summarized the 16 traffic calming options that had been previously identified and evaluated for Tujunga Avenue with the meeting participants.
The group was divided on the placement of the speed awareness signage. Some felt that the extensive speed data supplied by the signage could help to organize police presence on Tujunga Avenue. Some felt the signs would lose effectiveness after a while, and some participants felt they were planned in the wrong locations. Staff determined that the signs should not be installed until after a neighborhood consensus has been reached on their location and use.
The meeting concluded with three main recommendations for consideration by Council. Those recommendations are:
Staff collected traffic data on Tujunga Avenue during the first week of December. Traffic volume and speed data were collected between Friday, December 1, 2006, and Thursday, December 7, 2006, and these data were compared to data collected in 2004 and 2005 in the same areas on Tujunga Avenue. Traffic data on Friday, December 1, and on Thursday, December 7, were not collected for a full day, so these data are not discussed.
The data were collected at three locations on Tujunga Avenue, as shown on Attachment 1; near 1608 Camino de Villas, near 1241 Tujunga Avenue (south of Gibson Court), and near 1122 Tujunga Avenue (east of Sunset Canyon Drive). These three locations were selected as representative of traffic demand on the street, and data were collected at these same three locations in previous years. The data were collected on straight sections of Tujunga Avenue since the electronic count devices (both radar and mechanical) will not accurately measure traffic speed or volume on tight curves as are on Tujunga Avenue.
Traffic Demand Complete traffic demand data from Saturday to Wednesday are shown in Attachment 2 for westbound traffic and in Attachment 3 for eastbound traffic. The hourly variation in traffic demand over the five-day count period is shown in Attachment 4. Daily traffic demand varied from about 650 vehicles per day near Sunset Canyon Drive to 350 vehicles per day on Camino de Villas. The maximum hourly travel demand was 45 vehicles per hour (slightly less than one per minute).
Traffic count data collected in 2004, 2005, and 2006 (before installation of the delineators) were compared to the 2006 post delineator data. Some variation in traffic demand occurred from installation of the devices, particularly in the eastbound (uphill) direction.
The following observations are derived from the traffic volume information:
Traffic Speeds Traffic speeds were mechanically counted at three locations on Tujunga Avenue, and additional traffic speed information was collected with a radar speed trailer. The count location on Camino de Villas was about half way between Via Montana and Tujunga Avenue, 1241 Tujunga Avenue was about 100 feet west of Gibson Court, and 1122 Tujunga Avenue was about 50 feet west of the end of the delineators and 200 feet east of Sunset Canyon Drive. The following conclusions result from those data:
The meeting participants desire to have calming options discussed in more detail, and they recommend a neighborhood committee be convened to explore the options. Other recommendations from the meeting have been implemented by staff. Staff seeks further direction from Council on the traffic calming efforts on Tujunga Avenue.