Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Agenda Item - 5






DATE: January 16, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

via Greg Herrmann, Chief Assistant Community Development Director

by Jason Price, Assistant Planner






Staff requests that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing a change to a portion of the Victory Boulevard Class II and Class III Bikeway Project and direct staff to enter into an amended Caltrans Agreement to continue to be eligible for a previously-awarded Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Account Grant in the amount of $432,810, with a local match requirement of $48,090, for the design and construction of the project.




On October 3, 2006, City Council directed staff to accept a Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Account Grant in the amount of $432,810 with a local match of $48,090 to construct a Class II and Class III bikeway. The project consists of Class II bike lanes on Victory Boulevard between Clybourn Avenue and Burbank Boulevard with consideration given to extend the lanes over the Burbank Boulevard Bridge contingent on Caltrans approval and further examination of right-of-way widths between Victory Boulevard and San Fernando Blvd.   The project would also establish Class III bike route segments on Front Street from Burbank Boulevard to the Downtown Burbank Metrolink station, along Burbank Boulevard between the Burbank Bridge and Third Street, and on Reese Place and Doan Drive between Victory Boulevard and Chandler Boulevard. The project would provide a more bicycle-friendly route across the city and into Downtown and the Metrolink Station by designating a bicycle-friendly cross-town arterial route extending over the Metrolink railroad tracks and Intestate 5, facilities that currently act as a barrier to bicycle travel.


One of the features of the Victory Boulevard Class II Bikeway is to connect the facility to other bicycle projects in the City.  Thus, the original grant included the short Class III connector between the bicycle lanes on Victory and the Beachwood-Sparks Bikeway via Reese Place and Doan Drive.  However, On October 17, 2006, City Council directed staff to abandon the Beachwood-Sparks Bikeway Project due to significant residential opposition to the project.  Thus, there is no longer a need to connect the Victory Boulevard Bikeway to the now-abandoned Beachwood Bikeway.  As staff communicated at the original October 3, 2006 presentation to the City Council for the Victory Bikeway, staff would seek to amend the scope of work with Caltrans for this project should the Beachwood Bikeway project be modified or abandoned.




To address the elimination of the Beachwood-Sparks Bikeway and community concerns regarding residential bicycle facilities, staff proposes to eliminate the short Class III spur along Reese Place and Doan Drive that would connect the Class II bike lanes along Victory Boulevard to the Chandler Bike Path. This connecting segment is no longer necessary because the Beachwood-Sparks Bikeway is no longer being pursued.    Thus, in light of the cancellation of the Beachwood project, staff feels that this segment no longer offers the connectivity and benefits without the Beachwood Bikeway connection. This connecting segment included traffic signal upgrades to existing signals that will no longer be required with the elimination of this segment and the funds earmarked for these upgrades will be reallocated to implement additional bicycle detection along the corridor, adding to the bicycle detection network in the city and making bicycle access to, from, and across Victory Boulevard more convenient.  This bicycle detection will be installed at existing traffic signals along the corridor.  No new traffic signals are being proposed as part of this project.


The proposed change to the Victory Boulevard Bikeway would not compromise the intended goal of the project and would continue to implement the overall bicycle network outlined in the Bicycle Master Plan. The Bicycle Master Plans outlines objectives to encourage more bicycle travel for commute and utilitarian trips by implementing a citywide bicycle network that is continuous, closes gaps in the network, bridges barriers to bicycle travel, and serves important destinations.  The elimination of this segment will not affect the overall goal of increasing connectivity between the Metrolink station and the Downtown with the western portion of the city separated by Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks. The project will also continue to provide an important and direct east-west bicycle corridor allowing bicyclist to travel across the city to adjacent bike routes planned in Los Angeles.


Staff presented the proposed amendment to the project to the Transportation Commission on December 18, 2006, where they expressed support for the amendment to the grant, as it continues to improve access across the freeway and railroad and improves overall bicycle connectivity.




The current grant provides $432,810 with a local match of $48,090 for a total of $480,900. On October 3, the City Council authorized the grant to be fronted with Transportation Impact Fee (Fund 127) revenues and allocated funds to project account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.17200.  Staff also indicated that the local match would be funded from Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Funds, which are funds distributed through the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to the City annually for the purpose of constructing bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In a separate budget action, staff will request authorization to draw down TDA funds to meet the local match portion of this project.  There is no budget action required at this time because this amendment does not change the overall cost of the project.




The proposed project would provide needed bicycle facilities to increase connectivity between the Metrolink station and the Downtown with the western portion of the city separated by Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks. The project would also continue to provide an important and direct east-west bicycle corridor allowing bicyclist to travel across the city to adjacent bike routes planned in Los Angeles. In total, these facilities would add to the overall bicycle network throughout the city by increasing the connectivity of existing routes while adding new ones.




Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing a change in scope to the Victory Boulevard Class II Bikeway Project and directing staff to enter into an amended Caltrans BTA Grant Project Agreement between the City and Caltrans to construct the proposed project.




Exhibit A:  Project Map showing segment to be eliminated

Exhibit B:  Exhibit A of the Caltrans �Local Agreement � State Agreement� for the Victory Boulevard Class II and Class III Bikeway





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