Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Agenda Item - 7



                              CITY OF BURBANK

                         PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT


DATE: January 9, 2007
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Public Works Director

By: Rodney Andersen, Assistant Public Works Director - Wastewater Systems


Resolutions Related to the Burbank Water Reclamation Plant Equalization Basin Project Package A (Bid Schedule No. 1214) Contract Award




To request Council approval of resolutions related to the Burbank Water Reclamation Plant Equalization Basin Project � Package A (Bid Schedule No. 1214).  These resolutions would:

  1. Approve contract documents and award a contract for construction for Bid Schedule No. 1214.

  2. Amend the budget for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 for the purpose of allocating funds to the Account No. 494-PW23C-15042-15722

  3. Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Equalization Basin Project.



The Burbank Water Reclamation Plant (BWRP) is a tertiary wastewater treatment plant that is rated for an average design flow of nine (9) million gallons of water per day (MGD).  The plant was originally built in 1966 as a secondary treatment facility with a six (6) MGD flow capacity.  In 1971, the plant was expanded to nine (9) MGD and tertiary filtration was added to improve effluent quality. 


Recently completed upgrades converted the BWRP to a nitrification and denitrification (NDN) facility.  The NDN process provides for the removal of ammonia from the effluent.  This upgrade was necessary to comply with future ammonia discharge limits that will be imposed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 


However, a byproduct of the reduced ammonia levels in the plant discharge is the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs), which may have an adverse impact on the beneficial uses of the receiving waters.  These compounds occur when the chlorine from disinfection process combines with various compounds typical of wastewater effluent. 


The Public Works Department completed a study to evaluate chloramination as a method of reducing the formation of DBPs to meet future discharge limits.  Chloramination is process by which small doses of ammonia are added to the wastewater flow during the disinfection process.  The ammonia reacts with the free chlorine and prevents the formation of DBPs.


Package A of the Equalization Basin Project involves the installation of tanks, pumps, and appurtenances required for this chloramination system.  In addition, to allow for the treatment of additional flow, the Public Works Department evaluated the addition of an equalization basin to the BWRP, which will allow the plant to store wastewater during peak flow periods and treat it during lower flow periods.  This project includes additional equipment required for the equalization basin and the chloramination system.


Bid Schedule No. 1214 was advertised for construction bids on October 4 and October 7, 2006. A bid opening was held on November 14, 2006, and one contractor, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation submitted a bid.  The bid amount was $2,373,100.




Pacific Hydrotech Corporation (Pacific) submitted the lowest bid which is 19% above the engineer�s estimate of $2,000,000.  We contacted the other plan holders and asked why they did not submit bids.  Multiple reasons were given, including contractors� lack of resources to complete the job at this time (too much other work) and their desire for work that primarily involves trenching and pipeline installation rather than instrumentation.

Staff evaluated Pacific�s bid proposal and determined that the company has the requisite qualifications to satisfactorily complete this project.  Construction of this project is planned to occur between January 2007 and September 2007. The work is to be completed within 240 calendar days.


Pursuant to Section 15070 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for Packages A and B. No comments were submitted, and State Clearinghouse has acknowledged that the City has complied with review requirements for draft environmental documents. 


fiscal impact:


Partial funding ($2,047,814) for this project is available in the Sewer Fund, Account No. 494.PW23C.15042.0000.15722 (Equalization Basin Project).  An appropriation of $650,186 is requested from Account No. 494.ND000.30004.0000.000000 (Sewer Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance) to Account No. 494.PW23C.15042.0000.15722.




Staff recommends that the Council approve the attached resolutions: 

  1. A Resolution of The Council of the City of Burbank Approving and Adopting Contract Documents, Plans and Specifications, and Determining the Lowest Responsible Bidder, Accepting the Bid, Authorizing Execution of a Contract for Bid Schedule 1214 - Burbank Water Reclamation Plant Equalization Basin Project � Package A to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation

  2. A Resolution of the City of Burbank amending the budget for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 for the purpose of Allocating Funds to the Account No. 494-PW23C-15042-15722

  3. Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Equalization Basin Project



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