Council Members
Bric, Golonski, Reinke and Ramos. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Member
Gordon. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City
Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.
Communications |
There was no
response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications on Closed
Session matters at this time.
5:03 P.M.
Recess |
The Council
recessed at this time to the City Hall Basement Lunch Room/Conference Room
to hold a Closed Session on the following:
Conference with Labor Negotiator:
Pursuant to
Govt. Code �54957.6
Name of the Agency Negotiator:
Management Services Director/Judie Sarquiz.
Name of Organization Representing Employee:
Burbank Police Officers Association and Unrepresented Managers (Z Group).
Summary of Labor Issues to be Negotiated:
Contracts and Retirement Issues.
Regular Meeting
Reconvened in
Council Chambers |
The regular
meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was reconvened at 6:40 p.m.
by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.
The invocation
was given by Pastor Rick Durrance, Emmanuel Church.
Flag Salute
The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was led by Kristen, Britney, Nathan, Carly and
Lauren Turner.
Council Members
Bric, Golonski, Gordon, Reinke and Ramos. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members
None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City
Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.
Youth Task Force
Ms. Stein,
Deputy Park, Recreation and Community Services Director, presented the
2007 Winston Crouch Award for Innovation In Government that was awarded to
the Youth Task Force by the Los Angeles Metropolitan Chapter of the
American Society for Public Administration. She noted that the award was
in recognition of the City�s collaborative leadership to create an
innovative approach which addresses the needs of the youth through civic
engagement, and developing programs that will have a positive impact on
the youth.
Military service
Recognition |
Ramos introduced the families of the following members of the armed forces
who are currently serving in the military and are being honored through
the City�s Military Banner Program:
Seaman Corrie Renee Parish, US Navy; Private Griffin Turner, US Marines;
and, Sergeant Juan J. Guillen, Jr., US Marines, who appeared in person.
Comments |
Mr. Golonski
reported on attending the Burbank Boulevard Art Selection Committee
meeting with Mrs. Reinke.
Mr. Bric
requested staff provide an update on the July 4th activities at the
Starlight Bowl.
Mrs. Ramos
reported on attending a Policy Committee meeting for the League of
California Cities, Los Angeles Division and the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority San Fernando Governance Council meeting.
Reporting on
Closed Session |
Mr. Barlow
reported on the item considered by the City Council during the Closed
Session meeting.
Initial Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Mrs. Ramos
called for speakers for the initial open public comment period of oral
communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to
comment in support of funding for the Family Service Agency youth
counseling program were: Elise Stearns-Niesen; Debbie Kukta; Jan Britz;
Joel Shapiro; Shanna Warren; Barbara Howell; and, Daniel Hacking.
Also appearing
to comment were: Nancy Winogradow, Sandy Spero and Brad Korb, in support
of the reforestation program in Magnolia Park; and, Stan Hyman, on a
response made by the City Attorney to his comments during oral
Response |
Members of the
Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Agenda Item
Mrs. Ramos
called for speakers for the agenda item oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to
comment were: Laurie Bleick, Bethany Veltman Baker, Steven Ferguson and
Pat Smola in support of funding for the Family Service Agency youth
counseling program; Esther Espinoza, on her past experience with youth
outreach; Stan Hyman, expressing concerns with the disbursement of City
funds to the Family Service Agency; and, David Piroli, on tree roots and
sewer laterals and requesting additional information on the Family Service
Agency youth counseling program.
Response |
Members of the
Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Motion |
It was moved by
Mr. Golonski and seconded by Dr. Gordon that "the following item on the
consent calendar be approved as recommended.�
Water and
Electric Monthly Report
The Water and
Electric Monthly Report regarding water quality and power issues for July
2007 was received from Burbank Water and Power.
The report was
noted and filed.
Adopted |
The consent
calendar was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Bric, Golonski,
Gordon, Reinke and
Council Members None.
Council Members None.
Approval of a
Youth Task Force Recommended Program
Ms. Stein,
Deputy Park, Recreation and Community Services Director, requested Council
authorization to provide funding for youth counseling programs on Burbank
Unified School District (BUSD) campuses. If approved, the Family Service
Agency of Burbank (FSA) would receive up to $200,000 from the Youth
Services Holding Account (YSHA) to fund the continuance of programming at
three middle school campuses, three high school campuses and the expansion
of high school services to include a Phase II component. She noted that
the Burbank Youth Task Force (BYTF) desires to continue and enhance the
on-campus counseling programs, and to initiate Phase II of the counseling
services for students on the high school campuses as proposed by FSA. As
such, the BYTF recommended an appropriation of $75,000 to continue
counseling services on the three BUSD middle schools, $100,000 to continue
services on Burbank, Burroughs and Monterey High School campuses and
$25,000 to fund a Phase II component for the high schools. She added that
the FSA is also dedicated to seeking and identifying additional funding
sources to expand services which may include additional groups,
individual, family and other services to best meet the needs of Burbank
students. She stated that funds are available in the YSHA.
It was moved by
Mr. Golonski and seconded by Mr. Bric that �the following resolution be
passed and adopted.�
Approval of a
Youth Task Force Recommended Program
Adopted |
The resolution
was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Bric, Golonski,
Reinke and Ramos.
Council Member Gordon.
Council Members None.
Consideration of
Parking Restriction on the 1000 Block of Evergreen Street
Mr. Johnson,
Assistant Public Works Director/Traffic Engineer, reported that on April
24, 2007, several residents of Evergreen Street between Magnolia Boulevard
and Chandler Boulevard requested that the Council consider restricting
parking in their neighborhood to residents only, in anticipation of
parking issues associated with the Planned Development of the commercial
parcel at 4201-4207 Magnolia Boulevard. He noted that the number of
available parking spaces adjacent to the commercial frontage of Evergreen
Street and Magnolia Boulevard is sufficient to accommodate the
construction activities at 4201-4207 Magnolia Boulevard without unduly
impacting parking in the residential area of Evergreen Street. He stated
that staff can regulate the parking during construction to the commercial
frontage of Magnolia Boulevard through the Street Use Permit process,
which will be required for major portions of the construction. He added
that other construction activities can also be accommodated in the
commercial areas adjacent to the proposed development.
Staff was
directed to return with a report providing parking restrictions for the
1000 block of Evergreen Street.
Street Tree
Ms. Bartolo,
Deputy Park, Recreation and Community Services Director, provided an
overview of the value of trees to the City, in terms of their aesthetic
appeal and environmental benefits. She also discussed City Codes which
are relevant to the administration of the street tree program and provided
information on the Tree Keeper Software Program, the Street Tree Master
Plan, maintenance procedures and tree wells. She noted that the City has
been recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA
city for 30 consecutive years, making it one of two cities with that
recognition. She stated that the designation acknowledges the City�s
commitment and efforts in providing an on-going community forestry
program. She added that the City has approximately 35,000 trees located
in parkways, parks, public lands and golf course, helping to provide
shade, stabilize soil, slow down high winds, turn carbon dioxide into
oxygen and provide noise alteration. In addition, the trees provide
energy-savings and aesthetic value to neighborhoods, which increases
property values.
Ms. Bartolo
reported that the City continues to have a goal of planting 100 new trees
each year, which will increase canopy coverage. She stated that the
Burbank Municipal Code provides details on the management of trees, tree
removal procedures, protection and maintenance procedures. She added that
the Forestry Division is responsible for the planting, removal and
maintenance of all trees.
Ms. Bartolo then
provided a status update on the pilot free parkway tree program which the
Council funded in Fiscal Year 2006-07. She also described the upcoming
reforestation projects, the procedure for removing parkway trees and
commented on the Tree Keeper software which keeps track of the tree
inventory and maintenance history for each tree. She also briefed the
Council on the Magnolia Park reforestation project and stated that staff
is in the process of investigating various options that can be put in
place to mitigate problems by the enlarged tree wells in Magnolia Park.
It was moved by
Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mrs. Reinke and carried that �staff be directed
to come back with recommendations for dealing with large tree wells in the
interim until the trees are removed.�
It was moved by
Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mrs. Reinke and carried that �staff be directed
to establish an internal committee to review the Street Tree Master Plan
from the perspective of increasing the tree canopy coverage provided by
the species currently chosen for streets throughout the City.�
It was moved by
Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mr. Bric and carried that �staff be directed to
bring back a report for the Council to allocate funds from the
sustainability holding account to fund 150 free parkway trees.�
Tree Roots and
Sewer Laterals
Mr. Andersen,
Assistant Public Works Director/Wastewater Systems, reported that at the
request of the Council, staff conducted an analysis on the current policy
concerning sewer lateral damage attributed to City trees. He noted that
the analysis compared the City�s policy to other cities to allow the
Council to determine if a policy change is desired. He noted that
Resolution No. 17,805 provides that the City will reimburse the property
owner for the repair of the portion of the sewer lateral that has been
crushed or misaligned. He stated that this reimbursement policy was
discussed and affirmed during a May 4, 2004 Council Study Session, and in
August 2005, was adopted into the Burbank Municipal Code. He added that
to qualify for the reimbursement, the following steps are required: the
resident selects a contractor to perform the necessary repair; the
resident or contractor obtains the required permits; the contractor
exposes but does not remove the sewer line crushed or misaligned by the
City tree; the contractor calls for City inspectors to verify the
condition of the exposed pipe before replacing the damaged pipe; and, the
resident submits a claim form with the City Clerk�s Office. He added that
if all of the steps have been completed and the claim is legitimate, the
City processes the claim and the resident is reimbursed for the repair
costs for that portion of the lateral crushed or misaligned by a City
Mr. Andersen
mentioned the public outreach efforts undertaken to ensure that the public
is aware of the policy. He reported that during Fiscal Year 2005-06,
eight claims were submitted for sewer laterals alleged to have been
crushed or misaligned by roots from City trees. He noted that all but
three of the claims were denied because the requirements of the
reimbursement policy were not met. He stated that the average number of
claims received is approximately 10 a year and that the average cost of
each claim is slightly more than $4,500.
Mr. Andersen
then reviewed the policies of other cities such as Los Angeles, Brentwood,
Universal City and Santa Barbara and discussed the issues relative to
equity, liability and cost that need to be addressed with any policy. He
then provided the Council with three possible program alternatives: status
quo, the City of Los Angeles� policy where no reimbursement is provided;
or, establishing a new policy. He recommended the City of Los Angeles�
alternative which is consistent with surrounding cities, minimizes City
liability, is equitable for all residents and maintains competitive sewer
It was moved by
Mrs. Reinke, seconded by Mr. Golonski and carried that �the status quo be
Final Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Mrs. Ramos
called for speakers for the final open public comment period of oral
communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to
comment were: Esther Espinoza, on police activity at her home; and, Eden
Rosen, on cars blocking sidewalks.
11:03 P.M.
Adjournment |
There being no
further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at
11:03 p.m. in memory of Cesar Villarama.
Margarita Campos,