City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Saturday, May 5, 2007

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date at the Administrative Services Building, Room 102, 301 E. Olive Avenue, at 9:04 a.m., by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.





Council Members Bric, Golonski, Gordon, Reinke and Ramos.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.






Appearing to comment was Don Elsmore.



Review of


Ms. Alvord, City Manager, summarized the purpose of the meeting as an opportunity to achieve consensus on where staff should set priorities for the coming year, noting the Work Program will be established pursuant to what the Council considers the highest priorities for the community.  She also stated the agenda included a discussion about relationships, what it means to work as a team and how to work together to accomplish goals.  She added that staff had previously completed the goal setting exercise of identifying their top three goals for the community.



Expectations of





Ms. Alvord presented the handout entitled, �Our Expectations of Staff.�  She outlined the expectations as follows: 


1) Reports and presentations shall be made in an understandable and non-bureaucratic manner.  Style should encourage open discussion and exchange of ideas.  It is better for staff to provide too much rather than too little information on a topic, as a way to help the Council make informed decisions.  Presentations should summarize the information in the staff report, not review it verbatim, and provide a brief one or two sentence bottom line description of what the item means to the public; 


2) Reports and presentations shall provide an objective analysis of the issues and not be oriented to the advantage of a particular point of view.  Different alternatives or options shall be presented, as well as the discussion of the pros and cons of each;


3) There shall be a staff recommendation on each major issue and the basis for the staff recommendation shall be articulated.  The professional advice shall be given in a forthright and candid manner, even in the face of apparent opposition.  In turn, Council Members will not �kill the messenger� or personally begrudge a professional recommendation which does not happen to agree with his or her point of view;


4) Staff shall enthusiastically and faithfully represent, defend and carry out the direction of the Council even when the final direction is contrary to the staff recommendation.  Staff shall ask for clarification and restatement of the final direction at the time of the decision to avoid confusion;


5) The Council shall be kept well-informed on what is going on and forewarned as to what potential problems or issues might exist just beyond the immediate horizon; 


6) Staff shall maintain open, cooperative, impartial and supportive of relationships with all members of the Council, regardless of any differences of opinion which might arise amongst the Council Members;


7) The City Manager, City Attorney and Executive Staff shall be readily available and responsive to all five members of the Council.  The Council Members should conduct all business with staff through the Executives and other key management individuals, and not directly with the rank-and-file employees;


8) Staff shall take direction from the Council, as a body, and not from individual Council Members.  Input from individual Council Members is appropriate, encouraged and appreciated. When Council Members provide input or ask questions, staff should not interpret those comments as direction and should do any appropriate follow-up through normal procedures and practices;


9) If differences or discord between the Council and the City Manager, City Attorney or Executive staff begin to appear, both the Council and staff agree to raise the discord with the whole Council.  This is a two-way street and Council-to-staff as well as staff-to-Council feedback is encouraged and appreciated; and,


10) It is up to the City Manager and key management staff to see that these values are faithfully implemented at all levels of the organization.


Dr. Gordon commended staff for their availability and responses.  He requested improvement in notification to the community and suggested that staff recommendations on agenda items be structured in a way that provides pros and cons but does not pre-determine the outcome.  He also requested that the Council be made aware in advance of any legal issues pertaining to agenda items prior to the meeting.


Mr. Golonski requested to add disclosure of conflicts to the expectations of staff, to require public disclosure of all conflicts and potential conflicts.  He also noted the need to protect the public�s perception pertaining to all conflicts, including legal conflicts, for the Council and board, commission and committee members as well.  He suggested providing all board, commission and committee appointees a memorandum from the Council addressing ethics issues and a condensed version of the ethics training.  He expressed concern over the possibility of a legal challenge if staff provides a resolution stating that all findings for approval of a particular project can be made and the Council denies the project.  Mr. Barlow reported that staff would look into that issue.


Mrs. Ramos, Mr. Bric and Mrs. Reinke agreed with adding the disclosure requirement and broadening the educational effort. 



How We Work


Mayor Ramos presented the handout entitled, �How We Work Together � Our Expectations of Each Other.� 


Mr. Golonski stated the need for Council Members to share information they have pertaining to agenda items with the entire Council.  He also stated that the Council should avoid just providing negative input but instead provide recommendations for a positive alternative, even if they are opposed to a particular direction or project. 


Mrs. Reinke suggested sharing information from citizens who have contacted the Council as a whole or individually.


Ms. Alvord responded that sometimes a resident will e-mail one Council Member and if the Council Member requests information from staff, the entire Council receives the response so that they are equally educated.  She requested that if a resident makes a request for an issue such as filling a pothole, the information be forwarded to the Community Assistance Coordinator so that it can be taken care of.

Mr. Golonski suggested a disclaimer be included that every communication sent to Council Members, individually or collectively, will become a public record. 


Mrs. Reinke further requested sharing information from private communications such as citizens requesting to meet with a Council Member or communication about an agenda item.


Mrs. Ramos noted that during public hearings, there is a time allotted for disclosures.  Mr. Golonski suggested that such disclosure be provided during the Council Comments portion of the meeting.  He also stated that information should be shared even if the issue is not on the agenda. 




Liaisons to


Task Forces/























Ms. Alvord presented the list of Council and Agency Liaisons to Committees and Coalitions.  At the request of the Council, staff briefly described each of the committees/task forces/boards and noted the days/times of meetings.  The following assignments were made to the Council and Agency Liaisons to Committees and Coalitions: Arroyo Verdugo Subregion of SCAG Policy Committee, Mr. Bric; the Arroyo Verdugo Transit Corridor Committee was integrated with the Transit Task Force and the Mag-Lev Corridor Subcommittee was eliminated by consensus; Audit Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Bric; Burbank Association of Realtors Liaison, Dr. Gordon; Burbank Boulevard Merchants Association Liaison, Mrs. Reinke and Dr. Gordon; Burbank Priority in Education Liaison was eliminated by consensus; Chamber of Commerce Liaison, Mrs. Ramos; the Community Services Building Committee was eliminated as this project is under construction; DeBell Clubhouse Renovation Committee, Mr. Bric and Mr. Golonski, who requested that Mr Vander Borght be allowed to continue his service on this Committee; Domestic Violence Task Force, Mrs. Ramos and Mrs. Reinke; Economic Alliance Liaison, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski; Environmental Oversight Committee, Mrs. Reinke and Dr. Gordon; League of California Cities - Los Angeles Division, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski (alternate); Magnolia Park Community Advisory Committee Liaisons, Mrs. Reinke and Dr. Gordon; Youth Task Force, Mr. Golonski and Mrs. Reinke; Jordan Middle School, John Burroughs High School and Burbank High School Joint Oversight Committee, Dr. Gordon and Mrs. Ramos; the Old Buena Vista Library Site Committee was eliminated as this project has been completed; Opportunity Site 6-B Committee, Mrs. Reinke and Mr. Golonski; Burbank Housing Corporation Oversight Committee, Mr. Golonski and Dr. Gordon; Public Information Office Advisory Committee, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Bric; Real Estate Negotiations/Auto Dealers � Zero Site, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Bric; Real Estate Negotiations/Downtown Revitalization Task Force, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Bric; San Fernando Valley Service Sector Governance Council, Mrs. Ramos; Sister City Committee, Mrs. Ramos; Site Specific Art Selection Committee for the Former Five Points Intersection, Mr. Golonski and Mrs. Reinke; Transit Services Task Force, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Bric; and, Treasurer�s Office Subcommittee, Mr. Golonski and Dr. Gordon; and, Infrastructure Subcommittee, Mr. Golonski and Dr. Gordon.



Goals and

Priorities of

Individual Council



Mr. Bric

Mayor Ramos requested that each Council Member state their individual top ten goals and priorities for the coming fiscal year.  She expressed appreciation to the staff for their submission of goals, and for implementing some of the goals established by the Council during the past fiscal year.


Mr. Bric listed the following goals:


  1. Burbank Traffic Control Master Plan

     a) Expand multi-phase traffic signals

     b) Expand loop detection

  1. Reduce traffic congestion where needed

  2. Disaster preparedness

  3. Begin construction of DeBell Clubhouse

  4. Begin construction of Bud Ovrom Park

  5. Continue revitalization of South San Fernando

  6. Implement 5-year plan to maintain and repair infrastructure

  7. Prepare for replacement of any and all Executive staff

  8. Develop former Zero site on Front Street

  9. Time limits of weekly Council meetings; possibly limiting the number of public hearings if large participation is anticipated


Mrs. Reinke

Mrs. Reinke listed the following items:


  1. Land use and development

  1. New redevelopment area named in Ramada Inn area or other areas if possible

  2. Keep eye on Universal Project Plan and impact it will have on Burbank

  1. Traffic congestion and transportation

  1. Get a Burbank loop/trolley going that goes around the City in a continuous loop

  1. Sustainability

  1. Begin to research and put team together for Zero Waste Facility

  2. Continue efforts to meet sustainability goals currently set

  1. Community building

  1. Fine Arts Council

  2. Oral History Program on Channel 6

  1. Other

  1. Security in City Hall

  2. Oral communications efficiency-evaluate current comment periods

  3. Limitation on length of Council meetings



Dr. Gordon

Dr. Gordon listed the following items:


  1.  Neighborhood Protection

  1. Preserve the character and quality in R-1 neighborhoods

  1. Identify and mitigate all incompatible R-1 adjacent zoning; e.g., no R-4 abutting R-1

  2. Enhanced, defined compatibility requirements with existing residential neighborhoods/properties in terms of size, massing and intensity of use

  3. Re-examine zoning regarding neighborhood compatibility, with respect to mansionization, character and existing setbacks

  1. Establish appeal process for home occupations that will have little or no adverse impact on neighborhood

  2. Reinstate the prior protective measures of the Rancho Master Plan

  3. Retain Burbank�s �small town character�

  1.  Traffic Mitigation

  1. Must be adequate, convenient parking for all new projects, including non-handicapped guest spaces, and no compact parking spaces

  2. Must include circulation plans for projects certain (to be determined) size and for all projects involving subterranean or structure parking

  1. Affordable Housing

  1. Expand scope of existing programs to include essential emergency personnel

  1. Police

  2. Fire

  1.  Require notification to all residents who may be displaced by a proposed project or development plan upon filing application and at least 30 days prior to discretionary review by staff, Planning Board and/or City Council

  1. Planning

  1. Any significant changes made to any project after a public hearing or appeal should require an opportunity for the public to review all changes and readdress the Council/Planning Board with questions or concerns relating to the revised project

  2. Replace project subcommittee meetings with one or more study sessions so that the process of arriving at recommendations and action is more transparent so the public, as well as all Council Members, can better understand the basis for any recommendations and participate in a more informed manner.

  1. Citywide WiFi

  1. Develop and implement a program for free  Citywide WiFi access

  1. Accelerate Infrastructure Implementation to Improve the City�s �bike-ability�

  1. Enhance the bike-ability of employment destinations in Burbank

  1. Help small businesses increase bike-ability infrastructure for employees

  2. Review zoning to make appropriate changes

  3. Offer appropriate incentives to small businesses

  4.  Install bike racks on Burbank Buses

  5.  Issue Burbank Bus vouchers for bike riders, also for seniors, BTAC patrons, financially distressed and disabled persons.

  1. Airport Development

  1. Remain vigilant against airport expansion

  2. Increase the frequency of reports to the Council/public on the activities of the Noise Working Group

  1. Police/Safety Services

  1. Augment police personnel resources in light of increasing land use density, intensity and non-resident work force

  2. Reassess police services impact fees on new projects, particularly large residential and commercial

  1. Burbank Family Appreciation

  1. Establish a Burbank Family Appreciation Day

  1. Bring families, businesses and civic leaders together to unite the community and celebrate Burbank�s traditional family atmosphere

  2. Waive all Park & Recreation fees for the day

  3. Free celebration/picnic at Starlight Bowl and/or other City parks

  1. Enhance Local Government Transparency

  1. Increase public access

  1. Tape/televise more City meetings, e.g., Council Goals Meeting

  2. All public notices should be posted on the City�s website and Channel 6

  1. Review public process at public hearings and appeals

  1. Any significant changes made to any project during a Public Hearing or Appeal should require an opportunity for the public to review all changes and readdress the Council/Planning Board with questions or concerns relating to the revised project prior to final approval



Mr. Golonski

Mr. Golonski listed the following items:


  1. Continue work on Focus neighborhoods

  2. Traffic congestion � comprehensive third party review

  3. Sustainability

  4. Infrastructure

  5. General Plan Update

  6.  Youth

  7. Tree canopies

  8. Community gardens

  9. Civic Center

  10. Public outreach/effective communications



Mrs. Ramos

Mrs. Ramos listed the following items:


  1. Land use and planning are vital to overall community health and well-being

  1. Update the General Plan (land use, mobility and air quality elements)

  2. Finalize key Zone Text Amendments that are pending

  1. Promoting sustainable environmental principals are key to a healthy City

  1. Move towards zero waste

  2. Add at least one conservation program

  3. Allocate funding for clean products and vehicles

  1. Advancing public transportation and reducing traffic congestion encourage healthier lifestyles

  1. Complete process for evaluation and reassessment of problem intersections and corridors

  2. Continue efforts to upgrade traffic infrastructure

  1. Strong infrastructure is a basic need for our community well-being

  1. Implement the infrastructure plan

  1. Advance a healthy local economy

  1. Foster small business, new business and start-ups, i.e., Make Mine a Million Conference

  1. Promote community well-being by ensuring security and safety in our City

  1. Promote safe street crossing, pedestrian friendly environment

  2. Enhance violence prevention efforts (Domestic Violence Task Force)

  3. Maintain a healthy and safe downtown

  1. Ensuring best use of financial resources and improving service delivery supports a healthy economic environment

  1. Continue collaborative efforts with local, regional, state and federal agencies, i.e., ICIS, BUSD, MTA, LADOT

  2. Complete audits of Police Department and Burbank Housing Corporation

  1. Protecting and enhancing our neighborhoods is vital to a healthy physical and social environment

  1. Complete pedestrian and street improvements in focus neighborhoods, i.e., Burbank Boulevard and the paseo near Alameda-Lake Focus Neighborhood

  2. Identify at least three streets to focus on for enhanced code enforcement

  3. Plan for further parking availability in Magnolia Park

  1. Interaction and communication promotes a healthy sense of community

  1. Collaborate with community, organizations and agencies to improve public health awareness, via health initiative that promotes innovative programs, i.e., Chandler Bikeway, Healthy Kids

  2. Use of family resource centers to promote communication, education

  3. Promote healthy inter-group relations

  4. Website improvements, i.e., showcase our �sustainable/green� initiatives, links to

  5. Evaluate value of a communications plan that establishes consistency and transparency

  6. Plan for next year�s goal setting session to be televised

There was subsequent discussion on clarification of several Council Members� goals.  Ms. Alvord stated that the goals would be blended into categories and brought back for Council discussion during the budget process as an agenda item.  There was also discussion on streamlining of Council meetings.   Ms. Alvord stated that the matter would be agendized for Council consideration.





There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. to Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber for a Budget Study Session.



                                                  Margarita Campos, CMC

                                             City Clerk







      Mayor of the Council

     of the City of Burbank


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