Saturday, May 5, 2007

Administrative Services Building

Development Center, Room 102

301 East Olive Avenue

9:00 a.m.




This facility is disabled accessible.  Auxiliary aids and services are available for individuals with speech, vision or hearing impairments (48 hours notice is required).  Please contact the ADA Coordinator at (818) 238-5021 or (818) 238-5035 TDD with questions or concerns.




1.         Call to Order/Roll Call                                    


2.         Oral Communications                                               


3.         Review Agenda                                              


4.         "Our Expectations of Staff"                            


5.         "How We Work Together-Our Expectations of Each Other"


6.         Council/Agency Liaisons to Committees/Coalitions


7.         Goals and Priorities of Council Members/Community Issues for the upcoming year



ADJOURNMENT to Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 275 East Olive Avenue, for a Budget Study Session.                                                                                  





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