City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date as a joint meeting with the Board of Education, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, at 6:34 p.m. by Mayor Campbell.


Flag Salute


The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Board of Education Member Kemp.




Council Members Golonski, Gordon, Ramos, Vander Borght and Campbell.

Board Members Applebaum, Dilibert, Kemp, Kukta and Bunch.

Absent - - - -

Council and Board Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; Mr. Flad, Assistant City Manager; Dr. Bowman, Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Superintendent; Mr. Jellison, BUSD Chief Facilities Officer; and, Mr. Campos, City Clerk.





Appearing to comment were:  Whit Prouty, Dr. Scotty Martinez, Jim Sartoris, Bob Dunivant, Donn Nay, Jess Talamantes, Steven Ferguson and Addison Arce, in support of the proposed field renovations at Burbank and John Burroughs High Schools and the Jordan Middle School soccer field; Mike McHorney, on the cellular phone tower revenue providing opportunities to off-set the cost of renovating all the fields; and, Michael Hastings, member of the Facilities Oversight Committee, in support of the proposed renovations, commenting on funding sources and offering assistance with a capital campaign.





Members of the Council, Board of Education and staff responded to questions raised.



Status of Jordan Middle School Improvements

Ms. Alvord, City Manager, reported that at the Joint Council/Board of Education meeting held on October 16, 2006, discussions were held on the issue of field improvements at Burbank and John Burroughs High Schools, the possibility of a new stadium at John Burroughs High School and improvements to convert the Jordan Middle School field to a lighted field.  She added that staff was directed to return to the Council for approval of a $25,000 allocation from the existing soccer field fund to prepare conceptual design work to ascertain the feasibility of installing lights on the Jordan Middle School field. She noted the concerns expressed by the teaching staff and area residents and the mitigation efforts being undertaken, such as providing additional parking and a single point of entry into the campus for joint use purposes.  She recalled that during a site visit, staff was appalled at the condition of the Jordan Middle School fields and recommended re-seeding and re-irrigating both fields even though only the upper larger field would be lighted.  She added that another issue expressed was the need for additional security to ensure that the classrooms are not accessible to the joint-use patrons.


Ms. Alvord noted an increase in the cost estimate to approximately $2 million due to additional site improvements such as: additional fencing and gates; putting in place the long-jump and shot-put areas; additional restroom facilities; shade structure; necessity to relocate a power pole close to the parking lot; the possibility of planting street trees along the Oak Street frontage to buffer light and sound to the residential community; and, re-seeding and additional irrigation of the lower field. 


Ms. Alvord informed the Council that staff is now ready to proceed with public outreach and with the aid of an overhead, identified the residences in the 1000-foot radius that would be noticed.  She recommended that the project be funded entirely by the Youth Endowment Services (YES) Fund, noting that the funds are restricted to capital improvements related to youth.  She added that following the outreach, staff would return with a plan that has been approved by the community for funding.  She commended all the cooperative efforts by the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD).


Dr. Bowman, BUSD Superintendent, noted that the proposed plan addresses many of the community and staff concerns.


Mr. Golonksi inquired as to the allocation of the maintenance and janitorial functions of the restrooms.  Ms. Alvord responded that the conceptual idea is that on the weekends the restrooms would be maintained by City staff.  Dr. Bowman stated that the arrangement is acceptable to the BUSD.


Dr. Gordon inquired as to the size of the parking stalls and Mr. Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director, responded that the parking stalls will be full size and not compact.  Dr. Gordon also requested clarification with regard to some initial contact with the area residents.


Mrs. Ramos commended the respective staff and her colleagues who served on the subcommittee and expressed support for the project as it will alleviate some significant impacts in the residential neighborhood.  She recommended moving forward with the neighborhood outreach meeting and expressed support for utilizing YES Funds.  Mr. Campbell also stated that he is ready to move forward.


Mr. Golonski suggested adding a provision for a separate public bathroom facility, Mrs. Ramos agreed.  There was Council concurrence.


Ms. Alvord stated that following the public outreach process the item would be brought back to both bodies with recommendations.



Memorial Stadium and Improvements of Athletic Facilities




Project Management/

































































































































BUSD Board












































BUSD Board






Ms. Alvord reported that at the last joint meeting, questions were raised with regard to the feasibility of phasing the John Burroughs High School stadium and field projects.  She invited Ms. Teaford, Public Works Director, to elaborate on staff�s follow-up efforts regarding the issue.


Ms. Teaford reported that staff requested the consultant, CMX Sports Engineers (CMX), to take another look at the conceptual layout for the track and field at John Burroughs High School with respect to the existing bleachers.  She added that specifically, there was a concern about the feasibility of phasing the project and a conclusion was made that the preferred eight-lane 42 inch-wide configuration with a three foot-wide safety zone surrounding the outside lane would require the demolition of the visitor side bleachers and would leave the home side bleachers not centered at the 50 yard line.  She stated that staff recommended against phasing the project and requested that the bleachers be an integral part of the project.


Mrs. Ramos inquired about the capacity of the new stadium and Ms. Teaford responded that any renovation or re-building efforts will result in a loss in seating capacity, but added that a completely new stadium would provide approximately 5,100 seats as opposed to the current 7,500, with a possibility of bringing in temporary bleachers for events such as the Burbank/Burroughs game.  Dr. Bowman also clarified that if the focus is on a single event such as the Burbank/Burroughs game, there is a loss in seating capacity, but there were not many other major events that fill the stadium.  He also noted that depending on the budget, seating capacity could be added on either side.  He added that the new seats will meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards and will be more comfortable and durable.


Mr. Kemp inquired as to the impact of large vehicles such as Fire trucks on the field.  Mr. Jellison, BUSD Chief Facilities Officer, responded that it is not recommended that heavy vehicles drive on artificial tracks, unless in the event of an emergency.  He also noted that plywood would be placed underneath the footprint of the temporary bleacher sets such that the artificial track is not affected.

There was subsequent discussion regarding additional capacity of the temporary bleachers and placement of the scoreboard.  Ms. Alvord stated that staff would follow up with the consultant with regard to meeting the graduation capacity as well as placement of the scoreboard.  She referenced Exhibit 3 which addressed the issue of usage and noted that the exhibit was provided by the BUSD.


Mr. Golonski requested for an update on the potential funding from the State infrastructure bonds.  Dr. Bowman responded that the BUSD will receive a little over $8 million, but the projects would have to be approved by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and forwarded to the Allocation Board, and funds would be received once the project is underway.  He added that at the December 2006 meeting of the Oversight Committee, the figures were readjusted based upon DSA approval and, at this time, approximately $6,321,490 will be left after the completion of the four existing modernization projects. He further stated that on December 21, 2006, the BUSD Board received a list of the District-wide facilities needs with a preliminary cost estimate of $12,279,916 and noted that the list is not yet complete.  He added that the BUSD Board would prioritize the list and fund the needs to the extent possible.  He explained that the list included items such as roofs at the schools and asphalt on playgrounds, in addition to others.


Mr. Golonski noted the opportunity to free up additional funds in lieu of bond funds to bridge the funding gap, especially where the repairs are Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) eligible.  Ms. Alvord cautioned that the CDBG application period has recently closed and that the first opportunity for CDBG funding would be approximately one year away.  Ms. Teaford also added that CDBG funding has been shrinking over the past years and there is a possibility that most of the funds will be channeled to the New Orleans area to aid in the Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts.


Mr. Applebaum noted the $2.9 million funding gap and reiterated the need to guarantee all funding prior to signing a contract.  He also stated that the longer the delay the greater the funding shortfall and supported moving forward with utmost speed.


Dr. Gordon noted that he toured all the sites in question, requested clarification with regard to the possibility of scrap metal value from the existing bleachers at Memorial Field and inquired as to whether the individuals interested in acquiring the scrap metal would participate in the demolition process.  He also noted that the tracks are in desperate need of improvement but stated that there are serious health considerations with respect to the artificial turf as well as the associated maintenance costs.  Ms. Alvord stated that she would not comment on the biochemical issues but noted that from a community aspect, it is the field and not the track that was critical, and the synthetic turf would provide the additional days, flexibility and durability necessary, as the fields will not have to be shut down for maintenance purposes.  She also noted that there will be a joint use agreement that will address the maintenance issues but staff would continue to look into the safety issues.


Mr. Kemp noted that the BUSD maintenance staff was doing an excellent job on maintaining the fields but given that there is no other similar facility, the constant overuse has resulted in the deterioration of the fields.


Dr. Bowman requested Mr. Jellison to respond to the heat and health concerns.  Mr. Jellison stated that the fields will get hot due to the compounds in the makeup of the field; however, sprinklers can be installed to cool the ambient temperature to an acceptable level at any time.  As it relates to any biohazards, he stated that there are classes given to response teams and a kit will be made available at each site to be used for cleaning up any biohazards and staff would be properly trained to respond to any injuries.  Dr. Bowman also added that he recently talked with the superintendents of La Ca�ada, Arcadia and Glendale School Districts with artificial fields and none of them expressed any concern about biohazards or increased injuries but noted that their communities have been delighted with the access and ability to use the fields.  He also stated that video cameras with infrared technology and capability to take photographs at night will be installed to improve security.


Mrs. Ramos stated that from a subcommittee�s perspective, all those questions were asked with regard to heat, maintenance, replacement costs and infections, and a conclusion was made to rely on the experts and to set aside adequate funds for maintenance and replacement. She also expressed her preference to move forward with the entire package and not separate the field and track projects.


Mr. Kemp requested Mr. Jellison to provide an overview of the maintenance equipment and the associated cost of $87,000 that will be provided by the BUSD.


Mr. Vander Borght also added that in 2001 the BUSD studied the issue and a decision was made to provide an artificial field.


It was moved by Mr. Golonski seconded by Mr. Vander Borght and carried that �staff proceed with the planning for the synthetic track surface and artificial turf.�


It was moved by Mr. Applebaum seconded by Mr. Kemp and carried that �staff proceed with the planning for the synthetic track surface and artificial turf.�


Mr. Golonski noted the difference in the level of complexity of both projects but suggested that the Burbank High School Project proceed as soon as possible and not wait for the details of the John Burroughs Project.  Dr. Bowman informed the bodies that CMX estimated 65 days for the preparation and 112 days for construction and as such, the project would not be completed by the summer, but staff would try to fast track it to the extent possible.


Dr. Gordon inquired as to whether the projects will use the Guaranteed Maximum Price versus the Design-Bid-Build process.  He also inquired if there has been any subcommittee consideration of issuing bonds that might be necessary to complete the projects.  Ms. Alvord responded that staff will consult with similar projects that have been completed to determine the most appropriate approach.  She also added that it was not the direction of the subcommittee to issue bonds.


Mr. Applebaum noted that the BUSD has huge infrastructure needs that are unmet by modernization funds.  He stated that at some point in the future, the BUSD would go out for a bond to bridge the gap to complete the school infrastructure needs.  He added that if there is a funding shortfall for the athletic facilities projects, it could be tied into the bond.  He hoped the BUSD did not have to get to that point but ultimately, the fields needed to be taken care of.   He also inquired as to whether an escrow account would be established in which funds would be deposited to cover the costs.  Ms. Alvord responded that it was up to both bodies to provide that direction.


It was moved by Mr. Vander Borght seconded by Mrs. Ramos and carried that �staff return to the Council at the earliest possible time with a funding mechanism to provide $11.65 million for the purpose of renovation of the Burbank High School and John Burroughs High School fields and improvements to the Jordan Junior High School field with all the caveats discussed such that the funds are set aside and committed towards completion of the projects.�  Mr. Golonski clarified that the funds would include the City�s $9 million contribution, $650,000 owed to the BUSD, and $2 million for the Jordan project funded by the YES Fund.�


It was moved by Ms. Kukta, seconded by Mr. Kemp and carried that �at the next BUSD Board meeting a motion be placed on the agenda to address the funding contribution and source of $2 million towards these projects.�


Mr. Vander Borght emphasized the need for the community to come together to fundraise and bridge the funding shortfall.


There was subsequent discussion with regard to the significance of Memorial Field and a need to set aside a space to memorialize those individuals.


Mr. Applebaum noted the BUSD�s policy that all facilities meet California High Performance Schools standards and expressed his desire that the final project design and architecture incorporate those standards.  



Status of

Joint Use Negotiations


Ms. Alvord reported that one of the significant discussions of the Oversight Committee was the joint use agreement which has been in place for years.  She added that an annual amount of $188,000 has been determined relative to joint use and maintenance.  She noted the recommendation that in addition to the annual $188,000, the City would pay for two field technicians and continue to pay for: security staffing at an estimated cost of $22,000; portable restroom facilities estimated at $11,000; permit processing; and, after-hours utility-related expenses estimated at $25,000.  She further recognized that with the addition of the joint use fields, an additional field technician position was necessary at an annual cost of $62,000, additional 24 hours of security coverage would yield an annual cost of $33,000, and the City would contribute $100,000 annually as a capital/maintenance fund to be used only on facilities that benefit joint use.  She noted that the City�s annual contribution amounts to $383,000.


Both bodies commended staff�s efforts and the benefits of the joint use efforts.



Other Cooperative Efforts

Ms. Alvord stated that this item was placed on the Agenda such that both bodies can bring up any co-existing issues.


Mr. Bunch noted a concern with individuals jumping over the school fences at night and vandalizing the facilities and stated that even though security cameras will be placed at the athletic facilities, the Council may want to consider passing laws related to vandalism at these facilities.  Dr. Bowman noted the issue will be addressed with enforcement and perhaps additional signage has to be placed on these facilities.


Mr. Golonski noted that the BUSD has fairly substantial infrastructure needs that require asphalt and many of the City�s infrastructure needs also include asphalt.  He suggested the possibility of grant funding from the California Integrated Waste Management Board or pursuing a joint purchasing effort for asphalt projects to achieve some cost savings.


Mr. Bunch appreciated the cooperative efforts and working relationships of the BUSD Board and City Council.  Mr. Campbell stated that it took a lot of leadership to get to this level and expressed great pride and pleasure in what has been achieved.  He thanked City and BUSD staff and commended the efforts of the Oversight Committee.



8:54 P.M.


There being no further business to come before the Council and Board of Education, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m.



                                                   Margarita Campos, CMC

                                                        City Clerk   








             Mayor of the Council

            of the City of Burbank


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