Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, December 12, 2006Agenda Item - 5 |
To request Council approval of a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Burbank and BonTerra Consulting to obtain approvals from federal and state agencies to allow removal of accumulated sediment and vegetation from the City of Burbank�s flood control debris basins and to amend the fiscal year 2006-07 budget to partially fund the agreement.
The City of Burbank owns, maintains, and operates several debris basins that serve an important flood control function and are natural habitats for wildlife species. These debris basins are regulated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The City must obtain authorization from each of these regulatory agencies before removing any material from the basins to provide capacity for floodwaters.
During heavy rains in the fall of 2005, the basins filled with mud and debris from the area affected by the Harvard Fire. It was only after the basins had overtopped that the regulatory agencies would issue emergency permits to allow clean-up efforts to begin. The emergency permits have since expired, and the regulatory agencies have advised us to obtain permits to allow periodic cleaning throughout the rainy season to prevent future emergencies and the threat of flooding to downstream land uses.
Staff has determined that it is necessary to hire a consultant familiar and experienced in the process of obtaining regulatory permits. The permit applications require performing and documenting detailed biological surveys of plant and wildlife species in and near the basins, and working closely with the various agencies to make sure their particular application needs are fully met. BonTerra Consulting has provided this service to the City previously, obtaining permits for the maintenance of the debris basin serving the Burbank Landfill No. 3, and assisting the City in obtaining emergency permits.
BonTerra Consulting�s scope of work (see attached Professional Services Agreement) includes the preparation of a jurisdictional delineation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404, Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Master California Department of Fish and Game Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement permit applications, regulatory permit processing, biological constraints mapping, and environmental documentation for the following City-owned debris basins:
The fee for BonTerra Consulting�s services is $109,311.00. Currently, $25,000 is available in account number 001.PW32D.62170 (Private Contractual Services, Flood Control). During the FY 2006-07 budget process, $400,000 was appropriated into a holding account (370.ND000.62970) to provide funding for emergency debris basin cleaning, which requires permits. The proposed resolution will amend the FY 2006-07 budget to appropriate $84,311.00 from account number 370.ND000.62970 (Emergency Debris Basin Cleaning) to account number 001.PW32D.62170 (Private Contractual Services, Flood Control).
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution.
Attachment: Professional Services Agreement