Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Agenda Item - 11


                              CITY OF BURBANK
                   PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: November 21, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Public Works Director

By:  Kenneth Johnson, Traffic Engineer





This memorandum summarizes activities and events involving the installation of traffic calming devices on Tujunga Avenue between Sunset Canyon Drive and Via Montana.




On June 6, 2006, Council directed staff to modify existing traffic controls on Tujunga Avenue between Sunset Canyon Drive and Via Montana.  Those modifications included:

  • A four-way stop at Sunset Canyon Drive and Tujunga Avenue,

  • A three-way stop at Gibson Court and Tujunga Avenue,

  • Raised, mountable delineators along the street centerline through the curves south of Gibson Court, and

  • Electronic speed awareness signs on Tujunga Avenue.

Council authorized the expenditure of $24,550.00 for the delineators and the speed awareness signs on July 25, 2006.


Additional stop controls were installed at both above intersections during the week of June 12, 2006.  The mountable delineators and speed awareness signs were ordered during the second week of August and they were received by the City on October 12, 2006.  The delineators were installed as shown on Attachment 1 on October 24, 2006.  The speed awareness signs have not been installed pending a discussion with Tujunga Avenue residents scheduled for November 29, 2006 on the traffic calming devices.  Since the signs are noticeable and will be permanently mounted, staff wishes to ascertain if they are desired by the neighborhood.


After the delineators were installed, staff received comments from about ten residents of the area.  Most of the comments did not favor the devices, with unsightliness and difficulty with driveway access as the most prevalent issues.  Several residents lauded the delineators for significantly slowing speeds on the street.  Staff established a meeting for the residents on November 29, 2006 at the Central Library to poll residents on the delineator issues.  The meeting notice is included as Attachment 2.  Staff intends to return to Council with the results of that meeting and the consensus of the neighborhood.


After the delineators were deployed on Tujunga Avenue, the police posted a speed trailer in the curved area south of Gibson Court.  The data show an average speed of about 18 MPH and an 85th percentile speed of about 24 MPH.  These speeds are below the speeds recorded before the devices were installed.




Staff desires to keep Council informed of the continuing efforts to calm traffic on Tujunga Avenue, and staff also seeks any further direction from Council on these efforts.



Attachments:     1. Location of speed control devices

                            2. Resident meeting notice



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