Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Agenda Item - 5


                                    CITY OF BURBANK
                        PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT


DATE: November 14, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Bonnie Teaford, Public Works Director




To provide Council with an update on the re-design effort for the Robert R. Ovrom Park Project.




On May 2, 2006, Council directed staff to proceed with re-design efforts for the Robert R. Ovrom Park Project in large part due to the substantial cost increase to construct the Project as originally designed.  At that time four program alternatives were presented, with Council accepting staff�s recommendation to provide a revised program that generally included:


  • A single story multi-purpose neighborhood recreation center of about 5,800 to 6,800 square feet (s.f.)

  • Approximately 20 to 24 on-site parking spaces

  • The same park program as previously designed and accepted

  • The Art in Public Places Program (AIPP) (design to be completed and approved) in the same location � corner of Cedar Avenue and So. San Fernando Blvd.

  • An estimated total project cost of $7.6 M to $8.0M


Charles Walton Associates, Inc. was subsequently retained and directed to proceed with professional re-design services that commenced July 12, 2006.  Since that time numerous program scenarios, site plan alternatives, building layouts, architectural styles, and projected construction costs were discussed and presented to staff and the Oversight Committee for comment and consideration.   On September 26, 2006, the Committee reached consensus on the selected program and directed staff to proceed with Design Development Phase services.





The current Program includes a 7,025 gross square feet (g.s.f.) � or 6,540 net square feet (n.s.f.) � single-story neighborhood recreation center with seventeen (17) on-site parking spaces, a projected total project cost of $8,246,868, and occupancy by November 2008.  Exhibits A, B, and C portray the project�s exterior building elevations, site plan, and recreation center floor plan, respectively.  The various elements of the building and the previously accepted park program are provided below.


Neighborhood Recreation Center � 7,025 s.f.


        A sub-dividable community room � 2,163 n.s.f.

        Warming kitchen � 159 n.s.f.

        Community room (combined) storage � 297 n.s.f.

        Passive/flex space area � 948 n.s.f.

        Activity/tot room with dedicated storage and restroom � 1,270 n.s.f.

        Administrative support areas � 490 n.s.f.

        Reception area and circulation � 695 n.s.f.

        Public restrooms � 365 n.s.f.

        Equipment rooms and janitor closet � 153 n.s.f.

        One parking space for every 413 s.f. of building (17 on-site parking spaces)


Park Program � One Acre


        A formal park gateway at Cedar Avenue & So. San Fernando Blvd. (AIPP)

        Regulation size basketball court with lighting and fencing

        Separate play areas for 2-5 and 5-12 year age groups

        Designated area for four (4) swings � two for each age group

        Open turf area for passive and active play

        Two shade shelters and barbeque picnic areas

        Outdoor restroom facilities and park equipment & materials storage

        Other park elements such as lighting, safety fencing, turf mounds, drinking fountains, and bicycle racks.


With no changes being made to the previously accepted Park Program and a yet-to-be-completed design for the AIPP, the focus of the re-design effort was to optimize the remaining site area between a single-story recreation center and on-site parking.   The front of the building will be sufficiently set back from South San Fernando to allow an adequate landscape buffer between the street and the building. 


CEQA, Development Review, and Parking Determination     As part of the previous design approval process, staff obtained a Negative Declaration through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) protocol, addressed all requirements identified in the Development Review process, and obtained the Planning Board�s approval for the parking determination. 


Staff anticipates that the revised project will also result in a Negative Declaration, that the Development Review process can be accelerated due to a more simplified design, and that the Planning Board will approve the revised parking plan.


Other Project Considerations     The current program will not seek Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, although energy-efficient equipment, materials, and other responsible design decisions will remain an integral part of the completed facility.  This decision was based on economic and time considerations that otherwise did not warrant the added expense and time to certify the building.  In addition, the Project will follow the traditional design, bid, and build delivery method since the construction cost is estimated at a level too low to warrant an alternative delivery method such as the previous Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) approach.


Finally, the $186,000 line item cost for Art In Public Places (AIPP) represents approximately 2.2 percent of the Total Projected Project Cost, or more than triple the standard one percent (1.0%) of the construction cost.   The Oversight Committee directed staff to re-allocate landscaping funds to the AIPP budget.  The decision to employ this order of magnitude cost for the AIPP was intentional and served a dual purpose: 1) to provide a formal and functional park entrance at the corner of Cedar Avenue and South San Fernando Boulevard an area of about 5,600 s.f., and 2) to enable the park entrance to meet AIPP acceptance criteria.   The AIPP for this proposed Project is more than an art piece; it is a functional park element.




The following milestone events are anticipated based on the Project�s current efforts and progress activities completed to date.


        Complete Construction Documents & Agency Approval              June 2007

        Bid Phase                                                                                          June � August 2007

        City Council Approval                                                                       August 2007

        Contract Award & Mobilization                                                        September 2007

        Construction Period                                                     September 2007 � September 2008

        Occupancy                                                                     October � November 2008




With guarded optimism, considering the current construction market, staff anticipates the proposed re-design project can be completed within the $8,246,868 that was appropriated as part of the recent Fiscal Year 2006/07 budget process. 




Note and File



Attachments � Exhibits A, B, and C



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